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Help Stop Statewide Bill which Threatens Patient Rights


Help Stop Statewide Bill which Threatens Patient Rights
**Hearing Thursday at 1:30 PM**

On Thursday, March 4, starting at 1:30pm, the Colorado State Legislature will hear the first reading of a bill which seeks to regulate dispensaries– and weaken patient rights. This bill, HB 1284, which was largely authored by law enforcement, threatens to cripple the state medical marijuana law in a number of ways. (You can read HB 1284 by clicking here)
Here are a few of the most damaging provisions of the bill:

Prohibits patients from living near schools. Patients could not possess medicine within 1000 feet of a school, which means patients could not live near schools.

Patients could not join together with family members or others to share grow space.

Would allow cities and towns to ban dispensaries– forcing sick patients to “get on the bus” to find medicine.

Here’s how you can help fight HB 1284

Attend the Thursday Hearing. Legislators need to hear from patients and professionals about how damaging HB 1284 will be. This Hearing should begin around 1:30 at the State Capitol in Denver in the Old Supreme Court Chambers (2nd floor). Please show up, dress nice, and spread the message to “vote no on HB 1284.”

Call your state legislator

Every state legislator should hear how bad HB 1284 is.



well at least in the 48 pages of hell to get to the end of the beast, i didn't see any reference to being a non profit. Unless you were a private caregiver then you can only sell for actual cost of production... and a caregiving charge.

Pretty much a crock. It basically gives the state board the authority to make up the rules that it sees fit without actually defining them in the law that is being passed.

Welcome to America... "Land of The Free"


I let my reps know that if they pass a 1000ft buffer zone from schools prohibiting possession that I would sue the state for the value of my home plus damages.


I've written all my reps, no response yet...........

Do you usually get a reply from them? or is it just a form letter thanking you for your concern?

Now if i understand this right they cant take away the patients right to grow 6 plants 3 in veg and 3 in flower since its in the amendment without a vote by the people?

is this correct?

the only thing that makes me change my thinking is the 2nd amendment to the US constitution the right to bare arms... if your in a city that doesn't allow it then your screwed no matter what the main law is. I think that law just changed and is or about to change again. But again i assume the people voted for those changes in that city.


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
Anyone going out there tomorrow?
It was last Thursday...

Trip, yeah I almost always get letters back, sometimes a standard form simply stating their stance on an issue, sometimes an actual response.

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