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Newbie question

I talk to some one about growing and they were saying as the pistils start popping out he would cut them off. What is the significance of this? Or is this just ignorance.



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Blue Pistils on Cannabis flower


Active member
I'd say its just ignorance Van.
Never ever heard of cutting the pistils off and I've been growing for 25 plus years.
hey Belfast, what variety is that with blue pistils?


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
just ignorance

why would some1 cut off the pistols from the cylx's as they pop out thats the bud formation, unless he is cuttn pre flower pistols and even then there no reason. unless he thinks because his plants are throwing pistols at the internodes the plant is autoflowering. thats a bunk miss conseption when MJ plants mature they alternate nodes {ie} the leaves stagger instead of grown out across from each other on the main stalk. flowers with pistols @ the leaf internode where it leaves the man stalk is a sign of maturity !!!.
Will this effect the future growth ?

How do you top it ? Is this maybe what he was trying to do?

Because this plant is now mine and I hope I'm not wasting my time with it if he messed it up?

lost in a sea

the plant will be ok, and recover, that wont really hinder the plant, deffinatly wont help it though, but yea if he was trying to top it, you need to do it before nugs are even properly forming by taking the main stem top growth shoot but you need to cut as little as possible by splaying the leaves around the top shoot until you get the scissor ends neatly around the very end, but its possible to under do it and just get a load of spacked out leaves so you have to make sure you get the whole top shoot top

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Right above the top node, snip that bitch and let her grow. That's how we grow, big and bushy....prune for space if you need to.