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help me with my school :)


well i need to write a 15-20 pages project about something i really love ...
so i thought i'd go with weed :)

what would u guys write about and whats the best surce for infos beside wikipedia lol


Active member
look up books by Ed Rosenthall and Gorje Cervantes. You can site websites too but don't use wikipedia if you want to impress your professor.

Site High Times and Cannabis Culture and even Icmag. Don't forget NORML and Americans for Safe Access.


you'll shoot yer eye out kid.


Andinismo Hierbatero
if you are writing a serious paper, please forget Cervantes, really...

you need to get a hold of Plants of the Gods by Richard Schultes.
and Jack Herer's the Hemperor Wears No Clothes.
maybe even check out Terrence McKenna Food of the Gods as well.

good luck
You could have William Shakespeare write that paper and you're still going to get an undeservedly lousy grade unless you're at U C Berkley.


Jack Herer is an American hero. Hope he is getting better from his illness these days. But it is a controvercial subject at many academic higher learning institutes. Know your professor well picking that subject....although it is a really subject to debate. But still a lot of prejudice. Good luck though.
when I was in college for one of my senior classes I had to write a 30 page paper and give a 30 min presentation on the paper. I wrote about nature vs nurture. I found it pretty interesting and theres a ton of info, studies, and visuals on the topic so it made writing the paper and giving the presentation alot easier. Not tellin you to change your topic but as some one posted above you may run into a lil bias simply because of your topic, and while its bullshit its still a good possibility. Just something to think about. and not to tell you how to do things but making a pretty detailed outline about all the diff topics you want to cover and then kinda writing them seperate and after you get a few good pages on each topic start kinda connecting them and interwieving them. It always helped me to do long 20+ page papers like this, it just makes it easier to tackle then jumping head first into tryin to sit down and real off 20 pages at once. Good luck and if you have any specific questions or anything else I could be of assistance feel free to ask me, wrote quite a few long papers in my life and would be glad if the experience could help someone in a similar situation.

master shake

Active member
You could have William Shakespeare write that paper and you're still going to get an undeservedly lousy grade unless you're at U C Berkley.

I got an A on a research paper on legalization at a Texas university. The following semester that topic was on a list of "banned" topics.

I'd say talk with the professor and depending on how that goes, go for it!


Medical marijuana would be very timely, don't see how anybody could not consider it a valid subject given all the attention it has been getting for more than a decade now. Great suggestion.

Granny has a fantastic thread devoted to the health/medicinal research thats been done with cannabis:


You can probably write your paper without going any place else for your info.


Except for the first link, these are for plants in general, but I hope they can help some. Good Luck!

Archived issues

Archives of, “Plant Physiology,”

Archives of, “The Plant Cell,” sister site of, “Plant Physiology,”

International Lighting in Controlled Environments Workshop


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
You could have William Shakespeare write that paper and you're still going to get an undeservedly lousy grade unless you're at U C Berkley.
That's not true, as long as he keeps it from an objective viewpoint instead of a biased subjective opinion. I have presented several papers to my school regarding marijuana laws and the whole issue of why it should or should not be legalized. It's a matter of how he presents the paper.


When in doubt, pay a nerd or service online for an A paper... i think they charge 3-5$ a page


Well-known member
well i need to write a 15-20 pages project about something i really love ...
so i thought i'd go with weed :)

what would u guys write about and whats the best surce for infos beside wikipedia lol

Good luck. Lol, Maybe the prohibition of drugs I can do, but it wouldn't be just about weed. Growing weed, well it's just another plant. I can do 15 pages on farming.

Damn, 15-20 pages? I can sum it up in 1-2 pages maybe even one sentence.

Cops need a job, prisons need to be filled, we need to get high, the government is full of tyrants and I'm going to plant some seeds, cause fuck tyranny, I'm a free man. :woohoo:

Damn, I thought college was all about parties and bitches? Thank God I dropped out of highschool. Lol, my uncle is still paying off student loans and we were both home owners about the same time and he's a year older than my mother and stuck with a mail order bride.... :biggrin: sorry for the run on sentences I dropped out of highschool. :tiphat:

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