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Nirvana Master Kush, Reveg & Clones. One big ol' Cluster Fuck!



Day 37 Flower

Day 37 Flower

Well, that's it. 2nd batch got their reverse. Everyone is looking F-I-N-E- Fiyiyiyiiine. I will water/feed the clones tomorrow. Maybe the bushes, just depends how much water they use between now and then I guess. Starting to see a few more leaves here and there dying off, nothing too notable though. Most are from the bushes, still the ones that get little light. All the top growth is fine I guess.
Had a little incident w/ my nursery light. It went shit on me, had to get another Wally world special for 10 bucks. Lost 3 of my rooted clones, damn it. Oh well, I will just take clones from the clones when they get bigger I guess. May set me back a bit, may just pop some seeds when I take the clones too. Next run isn't going to be what I want it too be eventually, but I need to get a really solid mom that I can run many many clones from. I would like to eventually...eh, nevermind. I am getting ahead of myself here he he. Let's just say, I have maybe 1 more "clusterfuck" of a run in me before I can launch a very well thought out, planned grow. I do have something in mind though.

That's it, chech yous guys later.:joint:


Day 38 Flower

Day 38 Flower

WEll, I watered/fed everyone tonight.
The clones got:
15ml/gallon PBPBloom
5ml/gallon Hydroplex
10ml/gallon LK
15ml/gallon Sweet

Bushes got:
20ml/gallon PBPBloom
5ml/gallon Hydroplex
10ml/gallon LK
20ml/gallon Sweet

All at 6.5 or 6.6, which ever I got to first. That's it. Rotated all the plants, 9 more days until I switch to the MOAB, that I will give to them the last 2 weeks, and if I run out of sweet, I may throw in a dose of the Earth Juice Hi-Brix somewhere in there. I was told not to run anything else w/ the MOAB, so it will be given to them all by itself. It's about time for them to start gorging themselves now here this week or next. So I will be interested to see them start to bulk up. Starting to see more and more lower leaves not looking so good, part is just the normal drop off, part is ugly because they still had some water on them from their 2 reverse sessions and were put under the light to soon, I am not too worried about it though, overall they look pretty swell compared to photos from last run at this time, can't complain.

If none of the girls show any sign of burn from this last feeding, my next feed I will bump them up by 5ml/gallon again on the bloom nutes. Then flush, (w/ Hi Brix very likely) and then MOAB from there on out for the last 2 weeks, then flush. This is all assuming they will be ready on day 63, if they are not, I will just extend the flush a little, they should be though, both of these were last run, and I dropped the only additional nitrogen that I could in the CalMAG this time, the thinking being the extra little bit of nitrogen may have extended flowering time and hurt my last yeild, but this is just a wild guess, just something that I had read somewhere. So we'll see I guess. That's pretty much it. Be back in to update tomorrow.:joint:


Day 39 Flower

Day 39 Flower

Ok, here we are, into Week 6. Just fed yesterday, peeked in they all look saucy. I will rotate the plants later tonight, not much else to do.


The Big 4-0. Day 40 Flowering

The Big 4-0. Day 40 Flowering

Just gonna make my way in, rotate the girls tonight. Just another observation night.
In my nursery, I lost 3 of my MK #7 clones, (the one that didn't throw nanners), so that's a bummer. I am seriously considering running one of my mandala strains, popping seeds and running to get a male for pollen, and cloning and mumming up some females. Right now I am leaning to the hashberry, but I may do a little of both the hashberry and satori. My next run isn't going to be anything super duper by any means, just finishing off my MK, and getting some new gear established to take clones from to make a really super duper run this fall. So that's it. I am guessing they will need water/fed again in a day or so, that will be the last full on feeding they will get. Then it's a plain water, with the Hi-Brix, that should get them close to week 8 Day 50. Then I will be watering w/ MOAB, the finisher I have, I was told not to use anything else w/ it, guess it's potent stuff. Then, all goes well, Day 63 will be first flush and I will flush for maybe a week to 10 days hopefully. Then, if they are not done, I won't know what the fuck to do LOL, just hoping that they perform similar to the way they did last time. But if they need more time, I can alwasy just continue to flush and feed in the molasses I suppose. We'll see.:joint:


Day 40 Flowering Pictures

Day 40 Flowering Pictures

Eh? What the hell, the uploader was wuppin' ass tonight so I am taking advantage, all taken tonight.



Day 41 Flower

Day 41 Flower

Rotated the plants again today, picked 2 deals of nanners off of the same big bush that I had previously. Again they were way on the inside, very low in the middle. That's about it. Pots are all still holding some moisture, so we will see, if not tomorrow, they will be fed the next day I betcha.


looking real good sorry about the nanners,,,hopefully you don't get anymore and you got them before they could do any damage,,,peace


looking real good sorry about the nanners,,,hopefully you don't get anymore and you got them before they could do any damage,,,peace

Thanks, those were the first ones that I have seen in almost 2 weeks, I know I have missed some somewhere, just hoping the reverse will work for me. We'll see, I have suspicion about a couple of spots where I have some reddish brown hairs, but I can't confirm any seeds yet. None of the nanners that I have caught had opened up and chucked any pollen to my knowledge, so that's good I guess. We'll see, trying not to stress about it. Thanks for stopping by bub!:joint:


hey know shit happens sometimes and you can't do anyhting about it',,,i ordered a pack of supposedly labeled indoor mix from female seeds and got an unlabeled pack and 8 out of 10 were hermies and ruined two straight harvest,,,wel the last 2 i said fuck it and put them in and so far so good started my 2 week flush 3 days ago and so far so good,,,so i am keeping my fingers crossed with ya,,,peace


Day 42 Flower

Day 42 Flower

Well, another day..
Going to feed the clones tonight,
15ml/gallon PBPB
10ml/gallon LK
15ml/gallon Sweet
5ml/gallon Hydroplex
Ph to 6.5 6.6
Light runoff.:abduct:
Just had a little incident, don't know how it will affect things. The power just shut off in my whole house an hour or so ago. It was only off for a minute, then right back on. My lights, yeah, I had my hand on the door and was going in to unplug them to be safe, didn't make it, the power kicked on to fast. Lights kicked right back on though. Hope it didn't freak the girls out too much.:fsu:


hey know shit happens sometimes and you can't do anyhting about it',,,i ordered a pack of supposedly labeled indoor mix from female seeds and got an unlabeled pack and 8 out of 10 were hermies and ruined two straight harvest,,,wel the last 2 i said fuck it and put them in and so far so good started my 2 week flush 3 days ago and so far so good,,,so i am keeping my fingers crossed with ya,,,peace

dude, that's rough! Yikes.:fsu:


yeah it sucked really bad i got abot 500 seeds from a cople nanners it was crazy it affected every plant in my flowerroom i had 12 plants in there and noone escaped seeds everywhere,,,but hope this rn proves different,,,peace
Everything looks fresh and on track here KUSH. I've had a busy few days and checking in the see those dots connect themselves nicely.

I'd go with both the Hashberry and Satori. And something else too, lol. Multiple strains can be a pain, but variety can be a reward too. I definitely want to try the Satori. I've got some hazes to attempt first, though.

Keep em coming, KUSH.


yeah it sucked really bad i got abot 500 seeds from a cople nanners it was crazy it affected every plant in my flowerroom i had 12 plants in there and noone escaped seeds everywhere,,,but hope this rn proves different,,,peace

Well, at least you got some fem seeds I guess. If I do get any seeds, I will just save them and label them, "MUST USE REVERSE" or something I guess. Hopefully it won't come to that.

Everything looks fresh and on track here KUSH. I've had a busy few days and checking in the see those dots connect themselves nicely.

I'd go with both the Hashberry and Satori. And something else too, lol. Multiple strains can be a pain, but variety can be a reward too. I definitely want to try the Satori. I've got some hazes to attempt first, though.

Keep em coming, KUSH.

Thanks, I am really close to germing the hashberry and satori ASAP and getting the seed run out the gate, so that I can maybe run a set of clones through behind it. Hopefully, but I am done w/ this batch. I will run a few leftover clones from this w/ the seeds, but just from the "non herman" plant.

Slowly but surely those dots have become more connected, still working though, these are not fattening up like they did the first time around, I don't think anyway. Hell, maybe they are, here the last few days I have been thinking they should be fatter, but maybe they are fine. The MK #1s are rock hard just like they were the first time. The #7 is looking slightly more leafy and not as tight of buds as last time, and some of the larger leaves have a purplish tint to them starting at the center out, not sure why? But both the mother and the lone clone are doing it. They are both more trichy than last time, maybe, or I could be full of shit and it may just be my imagination LOL.

I peeked at trichs tonight, just a quick look around, I was surprised. Mostly cloudy on the tops already? Cool, I guess. There were a few clear ones, but they aren't easy to find. Plenty of clear on the lower un-developed flowers. They are more aromatic than last time for sure so that's good.

Thanks for dropping by guys, have a good one.


i JUST GOT MY satori in one gallon so im only 3 weeks ahead of you pop them bad boys


hell i threw them away,,,i won't even waste time worrying about whether they are going to hermie as well,,,peace