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Help me understand nute burn?


I posted this in the infirmary but since I was talking about it here before I figured I'd atleast add the photos.

Heres a few better shots of the issue. Its almost as if the coco is going bad. It has the consistancy of...shit. Doesn't seem like mold but seems like the coco turned into this as it still breaks up like coco.
On the right is normal coco, on the left is shit :fsu:



Well, I actually skipped a day and didn't even look at them. I noticed the coco isn't drying out as fast as I thought, day two and it was ready for water but not fully dry. I also noticed that by skipping a day the roots have grown a lot. The c99 is looking significantly better. I don't see any of the yellow coco in the cup for that one. The ak however looks like crap and I do see a bit of the yellow coco just below the surface when I remove the rootzone from the cup. I'm gonna give em another day or two and see how it goes.

The c99 actually has some vigor and I decided to fim it as it is tall(8") and not alot of leaves under top canopy. If it survives I'd rather it branch now. I think this batch of coco is bad. Both bails gave me similar results. I'm gonna try another brand next time. Canna is on my radar.


that looks like yellow jelly fungus if its overgowing the medium it will slow the plants,mushrooms like coir and some use only coir for shroom substrate


I watered them earlier with my 4/6 solution at ph 5.9. It was at 5.5ph two days ago but drifted up, wasn't sure if I should add more ph down at that point. Six hours later the one that looked good looks terrible, small brown spots on the leafs and they are all pointing up. So what gives. I poured 2 cups worth of solution through the cups the plants are in the same cups so I drained quite a bit. Did I over water? Or is it possible the nutes caused this issue?
try this, flush the planter with water 4 times, then add 1/4 teaspoon dolomite lime to the top layer of soil and water in. back off on nut for 1 week, then go 1/4th strength you were using, then at week 2 go half strength, then at week 3 you can go 3/4 strength. I find with beginning stages of coco, steamed bat guano dose well for their nitrogen needs and its instantly available. I also like to water in some azomite and seakelp and humic acid, or PlantSuccess, which has humic acid and myco spores. a no fail, if you do not mind chem ferts is mirical grow seed starting soil. no need to fert till their 9 inches tall and green. it takes the guess work out of beginning seed starting and early plant growth stages for any strain I grow. its never burned a plant since its for seedlings and gets the plants to a stage where I know I can safley fert them. truth is, every strain is different and they all need different amounts of nutrients. I just find the MG seedling mix easy and fail proof and it has never let me down, no matter how many strains Ive grown. I start with that MG seed mix then transfer to a ultra light soil brand called lamberts, i get from home depot. I mix a bag of lamberts with a handful of steamed bat guano, big handful of bone meal, small handful of blood meal,small handful of gypsum, 2 huge handful of azomite, 1/4 cup epsoma organic fert(any bag, vegetable, rose, tomatoe ect) and water in a table spoon of plant success and 1 table spoons per gallon of sea kelp. this recipe is per bag.


Thanks for the info. That's alot ingredients that I don't have. All I have is gh bloom and micro and ph up and down which clearly is not working. But I have considered buying some miracle grow soil for seedlings since it takes the guess work out. I may try that for simplicity next round.
I'm also pondering buying some maxi and kool bloom to try that out. Still crazy to me having problems growing weeds LOL.


I watered them earlier with my 4/6 solution at ph 5.9. It was at 5.5ph two days ago but drifted up, wasn't sure if I should add more ph down at that point. Six hours later the one that looked good looks terrible, small brown spots on the leafs and they are all pointing up. So what gives. I poured 2 cups worth of solution through the cups the plants are in the same cups and I drained quite a bit. Did I over water? Or is it possible the nutes caused this issue?

Need some advice about this post if anyone can help.
you need to jump on amazon to get nutreients. go for more natural nutes next time. I think you'll find they are more forgiving.


Man, still having problems? At a certain point you have to wonder if the problems now are just from messing with them too much. How big are they now? I would probably just mix 6/9 at about half of your res capacity, then top off with water until you are at .8-1ec depending on size, then keep on feeding them that until they are in good shape or they are dead. haha. This is crazy. In the mean time I would get some canna coco for sure. I wouldn't add more down to my solution if my last watering was at 5.5 and now it's drifted to 5.9. If it went higher than 6 I would bring it back down to 5.8.


Yeah I don't get it. I skipped a day and the one was looking nice. After watering it with 2cups of 4/6 so it drained a bit and five hours later it looked terrible again. So its either the nutes or maybe too much water. I'm contemplating trying maxi and kool bloom out to see of it helps any.


Active member
if they are dropping probably too much water...........

if you're still in beer cups.... let the coco get bone dry... (I know alot of people might slam me for this). it should only take about 4 - 5 days...... then water with 1/2 strength nutes for just A LITTLE run off.......

I don't think you water is that bad, and I believe you are over complicating the easiest recipe out there...... but trust me.... you'll get it.....

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