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Help me understand nute burn?


Well I watered with water and 3/4.5 solution with a ph of 5.8. Guess ill find out if it helps or not. I started another seed just on case they die I can work with that one. Hopefully I can get through this and get something to grow. Seems unbelievable to me that I keep having issues with coco. I grew about 12 years ago using just backyard dirt and miracle grow and actually got decent results. Try to get high tech and it goes to shit LOL. I looked into that black gold soil just for kicks and it would cost me $54 just for shipping since I avoid local hydro shops.


Plants look like shit. I'm gonna replace my nutes, wondering of they are bad. I know they should be good but can't think of any other excuse for this bs. Should I buy gh micro and bloom again or go for straight maxi bloom? Also gonna pick up some cal mag just in case.


New member
to me it´s seems u have plenty of problems to try and solve.. and plenty of bad advice to wade thro.. I personally would NOT feed them any more nutes until they have fully recovered and are looking nice healthy again... i would water with plain ph´d water only.. and also mix half a teaspoon of empsom salts in 1ltr of plain water and give em a nice fine spray once a day... Bin the nutes u have and start again when they are back to health.. they will not come back while u continue to try and force feed them nutes that they are trying to lock out... maybe add 1 drop of superthrive to a gallon of water to help them on there way, but that is all.. just my opinion.. ;)


The thing is they are not sick. No issues till I gave them a weak nute treatment of 1/1.5 per gallon. The leaves are literally dead and crumbling crispy after nutes. The stalk looks fine however. The ph is dropped from 8 to 6 using gh ph down. My tap water is normal city tap. Nothing horrible, my fish love it so... When I test it with my truncheon the lowest light blinks so it pretty low ec from the tap. I'm thinking the nutes are the culprit. If I buy new nutes and it happens again then I will give up on coco all together. Way too much a pain in the ass to deal with imo ;)


New member
just leave out the nutes altogether... i don´t feed my girls anything untill they are a good 12" tall and have started branching.. the answer to ur problem is in ur post.. "it happens when u add the nutes" there is a saying "if u keep goin down the same rd, u will always end up in the same place"
i would foliar water them with half teaspoon of empsom salts tho as they have a mag def, this will bring them back nice and green.. i would recommend dissolving the epsom salts in hot/boiling water first(just a half cup full) and then add the solution to a ltr of cold/room temp water.. let them recover, then add NEW nutes at 1/4 strength or .2 ec and very, very slowly let build it up.. check the run off.. if the ec in the run is lower than feed them at, then they are feeding, if it is higher they are locking it out..
No more nutes only water for now..
get urself some epsom salts.. good luck bro.. keep us posted.. ;)


New member
how do u edit post on ere?.. that is half a cup of hot water by the way.. not epsom salts.. lol half teaspoon of epsom, dissolved in a lil hot water and then added to 1tr of water.. if they don´t recover after 2-3 weeks i will eat my left bollock.. :p


Earlier you mentioned 250ppm, but then I read that you think its 1.0-1.2ec???? Im not sure I follow here...
Did you precharge the coco with nutes?
Since youre starting over try with pre charged coco and get yourself a some agricultural grade epsom salts.
Double check the accuracy of your pens and all that


The 250ec was with 1/1.5. The 3/4.5 has about 500-600ec which is where I got the 1.0-1.2 from. I started with plain water at ph 6ish and flushed the coco. They are in 8oz clear plastic cups in that pic. I started them in those.


Originally Posted by Grat3fulh3ad
I use 6ml/gallon GH flora micro and
9ml/gallon GH flora Bloom

1/2 strength for seedlings and freshly rooted clones

Full strength from the beginning of Veg until they begin bud formation

9ml/gallon GH flora bloom up until 2 weeks prior to harvest

Then plain water to finish.

Pre Soak/pre-treat
don't add any more nute to the coco until they begin growing real leaves. You probably won't need to water until growth starts, unless the cups seem to be drying out. Damp coco for seedlings, damper coco for plants.


^ that. I'm wondering if people who are saying plants don't need nutes until they are a foot tall and branching have ever grown in coco. Maybe there is something wrong with your nutes MAYBE. As long as the lid was screwed on correctly and they were in a cool dark place them being old isn't the problem. .7 conversion is "normal". That's what I set all of mine to anyway, and seems to be the most common. When your plants get to the 4th node they need those 1/2 strength nutes in coco that is not pre charged. Did you ever check your ph and ec in the way that I described before? Have you looked at your roots? Are they white and healthy? Also H3ad does use epsom salts afaik.


I see the half strength part. But they definitely aren't responding positively to it. I am gonna give them a plain water flush using Poland spring water phd to 5.8. I also have a new sprout that I'm gonna stick to plain water to see if it survives long enough to repot then try the half strength.

Edit: the roots are white and look to be healthy. I had issues before using the same nutes so wondering if maybe I just got a bad batch. Who knows, gonna keep trying things to see what works. Still haven't made it to a store for distilled water, will try it tomorrow.


I have been using a 1 gallon empty water container. Then I fill it with water and add 1tsp of vitamin c solution described here
I'm gonna drop that last part and just use water that sits out over night and bubbled in a 5 gallon bucket. Then I add my nutes stir and check the ph. After that I add ph down till it get to around 6 ph. I then let it sit for a few hours and check ph again. If its good I water them. I pour enough water into the containers that a good amount of runoff occurs and drain the runoff into an empty bucket.


Active member
You do add the micro first right? you should add nute like this....

micro----> stir------- bloom----------->stir-------> ph down------------stir
don't just get the ph to aroud *6*. get it to where you want it....... if in coco, try watering at 5.5, 5.6., 5.7, theres a chance you notice a difference.....

for me 5.5 ftw.... but i'm hand water..... and premix before water
if you have a rez..... it's be good to start at 5.5 , and let ph drift up to 5.8 -5.9.......


I'm using botanicare coco bales. I always add micro first but I've never stirred between micro and bloom. Don't think that's the killer though. I will try 5.5 to see if it helps. The Brown leaves start dying in the veins and work its way the outside. Def seems to be either nutes or the water quality. Thank you


I'm using botanicare coco bales. I always add micro first but I've never stirred between micro and bloom. Don't think that's the killer though. I will try 5.5 to see if it helps. The Brown leaves start dying in the veins and work its way the outside. Def seems to be either nutes or the water quality. Thank you



Why does it matter if I stir between micro and bloom? Not to sound stupid but I add em both and then stir, well I shake it up actually, gallon container that is. Is it really a deal breaker?


Why does it matter if I stir between micro and bloom? Not to sound stupid but I add em both and then stir, well I shake it up actually, gallon container that is. Is it really a deal breaker?

Never add concentrated nutes together. Directions are to wait until it is fully mixed.
H&G actually recommends stirring, or turning on a circulating pump, and waiting a full 10-15 minutes.
Have you noticed any precipitation(chunks) or salt residue on your buckets?
Anyway, the problem you have there is lockout and they arent getting nutes.


No salt residue that I've noticed but like I said I have been adding small amounts of nutes. Would that be enough to cause the plant to react the way it has been?

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