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Help me pick some males

Help me pick some males

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why don't you pollenate different branches with different males?

what are your intentions with this?

I can't keep multiple males because of space. My intentions are to produce some killer hybrids for myself to grow to out. No long term breeding plans for this specific combinations.


Active member
One branch will give you plenty of pollen if you don't have room to keep the whole plant ...


ICMag Donor
^^ Good info :yes: ^^

This method helps reduce on space once male flowering is pronounced...





One branch will give you plenty of pollen if you don't have room to keep the whole plant ...

^^ Good info :yes: ^^

This method helps reduce on space once male flowering is pronounced...




Hey hey! So when the plant flowers you can cut it early before it drops pollen, stick it in water (how long will they keep developing in the water?) and wait til the pollen drops?

In that picture doc.. is that the stage I should cut and put in water?


Well-known member
I've never tried this but you can chop off everything but a single branch in dirt...

I would guess sticking it in a pot of water would probably only extend it's life by a week

by the look of the sacks in this picture they look like they're about to burst, a matter of hours


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
They'll last quite a while in the water. Personally I've had em last a few weeks, def long enough to collect plenty of pollen.

Space Case

Well-known member
I read in a DJ Short's book that he culls very early declared males as they usually don't give quality to the cross that he looks for (whatever that means). He also culls ones that grow too tall or too fast because he believes that the tall plants dedicate too much energy to fiber production (hemp leaning maybe?). He says that: Just like with female cannabis plants, when we look for males we want compact, tight, highly productive clusters of flowers. Not lanky/airy/loose structure. He does the "scratch-n-sniff" technique of rubbing the stems for aroma and flavor and looks for a stinky one.

It all sounds good coming from DJ but I read in the Breeder's Bible that male selection is blind until you grow out the cross it produced to see if any special qualities you were looking for were passed on. I like the one labeled #3. It seems to have the best mix of the three plants...Short and squat but with nice branching and symmetrical as RAGGA MON mentioned. Which of the two smaller plants smells the best when you rub their stems? Test one plant with your right hand and one with the left so you don't get them confused! :D Since you have 3 males why not use pollen from all 3?...It will give greater diversity to the crosses. I have yet to chuck any pollen but I have been doing my homework...Reading a bunch of great books and I can't wait to get started. I hope you document your journey! :dance013:


Took the words right out of my mouth....or...err....words right out of my keyboard.

I say flip em, and toss the one that shows balls first, then pick the bigger more vigorous one of the 2 left over...IMO! Or shit, even stress them out, and pick the one that handles the stress the best...

Baba Ku

Active member
The cross is apparently an F1. You are not going to see the expressions the progeny display by looking at any of the males characteristics. Only faint shadows..or pre-shadows if you will.
The very best option you have in this situation is to flower ALL the males, mix them up as if one male, and paint it on your chosen females.
Once you start popping those F2's you can then start to see males that will look similar to the progeny they will produce.

Use as many males and as many females as you possibly muster when you are dealing with F1 cross seeds. This holds true for each and every F1 instance, IMO. To do anything less only limits the gene pool in subsequent generations.

F1's are funny like that...in that you may have 4 that display a desired trait, yet very few of the progeny they produced display the trait. But the one that didn't display it, may well pass it on in dominant fashion. Nature is funny like that, and many hobby breeders are completely unaware of this situation.

* I am pretty stoned and rambling now...but I wanted to add this;
If you buy what I am throwing at you, get the wheels turning and ponder a couple things.
One, imagine how may nice crosses of nice plants have turned out less than what the breeder thought it was going to be? It will be due more than likely to the fact that the breeder limited the genetic material for the line to work with. This happens at the very first selection of an F1 cross. Only after the crossing of the F1 population should we start to select by pheno, and numbers are all that really count in the first filial generation.
Also, imagine how many potential elite plants have been missed by folks limiting themselves in the first selection? Or, how may have passed on crap because they culled the one that carried the true funk? Lots.

Wouldn't you hate to think that you culled a super stud that would pass on something special? :)


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
ima have to go with #3...not to disregard anyone's thought's thou.......
this is tough cause of the strain's you would like to cross them to...im actually searching thru some similiar strain for a male...IX thou....good luck and keep us informed on the male's activity in the champaign room.....


collector of lightsabers.. and fine cannabis genet
ICMag Donor
males are the crap in the crap shoot bro... got that straight from BOG.

IMO... Unless your gonna test the proginy of each male you have no idea what traits they pass on...
take a branch from each male, like these guys^ ^^^ say ,n stick em in a glass of water leaning over a sheet of paper... you'll get more pollen than you'll ever need before they expire... since you can't keep them in clone form due to space, testing them means nothing... get the most genetic diversity you can... pilfer the f2 gen for a Bx target female... or f3 parents

My own personal thoughts anyways... psyched ur chuckin pollen... :whee:

Space Case

Well-known member
The cross is apparently an F1. You are not going to see the expressions the progeny display by looking at any of the males characteristics. Only faint shadows..or pre-shadows if you will.
The very best option you have in this situation is to flower ALL the males, mix them up as if one male, and paint it on your chosen females.
Once you start popping those F2's you can then start to see males that will look similar to the progeny they will produce.

Use as many males and as many females as you possibly muster when you are dealing with F1 cross seeds. This holds true for each and every F1 instance, IMO. To do anything less only limits the gene pool in subsequent generations.

F1's are funny like that...in that you may have 4 that display a desired trait, yet very few of the progeny they produced display the trait. But the one that didn't display it, may well pass it on in dominant fashion. Nature is funny like that, and many hobby breeders are completely unaware of this situation.

* I am pretty stoned and rambling now...but I wanted to add this;
If you buy what I am throwing at you, get the wheels turning and ponder a couple things.
One, imagine how may nice crosses of nice plants have turned out less than what the breeder thought it was going to be? It will be due more than likely to the fact that the breeder limited the genetic material for the line to work with. This happens at the very first selection of an F1 cross. Only after the crossing of the F1 population should we start to select by pheno, and numbers are all that really count in the first filial generation.
Also, imagine how many potential elite plants have been missed by folks limiting themselves in the first selection? Or, how may have passed on crap because they culled the one that carried the true funk? Lots.

Wouldn't you hate to think that you culled a super stud that would pass on something special? :)

So if this is truly the case with F1 males, why are we dropping $180 for some Rezdog hybrid, again?

Baba Ku

Active member
I failed to see where Rsz's gear was being touted as breeding stock. I think it is being sold as smoke, no? I didn't see any hybrids going for $180 only IBL's. But in any event...
Thing about an inbred line is that it is already homozygous and should be stable. So with an incross of a truly inbred and stable line you can rely on the selection from the first filial generation, which would in reality not be an F1, but an incross. F-whoknows

What I was talking about is in hybrids where the P1 and P2 are polar opposites or of different genetics.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
the one with the tightest internode length

Guessen the middle one.
Not to tall and gangly, not to short and stretchy


I failed to see where Rsz's gear was being touted as breeding stock. I think it is being sold as smoke, no? I didn't see any hybrids going for $180 only IBL's. But in any event...
Thing about an inbred line is that it is already homozygous and should be stable. So with an incross of a truly inbred and stable line you can rely on the selection from the first filial generation, which would in reality not be an F1, but an incross. F-whoknows

What I was talking about is in hybrids where the P1 and P2 are polar opposites or of different genetics.

Agree.. But these are also just smoke, I have not interest in producing a seed line. A lot of my favorite cuts are just pollen chucked "clone onlys" I don't need them all to be uniform, I just need to be able to find some killer new cuts to run.

Well guys I think i might take the plunge and keep all three. They are in 3 gallon grow bags so that's not gonna work. Gonna have to cut them back to fit in 1 gallon pots and then top hard leaving only one or two branches each.

Great advice everyone, I'll update with some pics when the man cave is built and they move into their new home. :wave:


Cannabis Connoisseur
ICMag Donor
#3 looks like a hot prospect but I wouldn't make the choice untill they are flowering so you can see who is the most resinous.


Sticking male branches in water really works like a charm... You could fit branches from all three males in one water glass if you wanted. They keep flowering for weeks, if allowed, and it makes finding space for them/transplanting a non-issue. I was recently surprised at how well that technique works. Best luck with the crosses, they all sound uber-dank. Peace


Well-known member
Pretty much everyone's advice is right. But is there anything, possibly resin wise, that distinguishes one of your males from the others. And typically the earliest males are less potent, again usually the ones that preflower. This is cannabis' native tendency to shift into reproduction first and foremost. However this "generally" constitutes for lower potency, i.e. low THC ruderalis varieties. All cannabis essentially descending from one original variety. The major difference between them was acclimation to different climates. GENERALLY speaking these varieties that needed to mature and reproduce quickly rarely developed any remarkable THC percentages. However the CBD and CBN of these strains I am not as familiar with. Once you have induced flowering on the males you may be able to distinguish one as the superior and then cull the others. PEACE.


Sticking male branches in water really works like a charm... You could fit branches from all three males in one water glass if you wanted. They keep flowering for weeks, if allowed, and it makes finding space for them/transplanting a non-issue. I was recently surprised at how well that technique works. Best luck with the crosses, they all sound uber-dank. Peace

Yep I second this, I did the same with success. :dancer:

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