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Help me ID these bugs (photos)



Hello fellow growers!

This is the first time I decided to invest energy money and time into growing cannabis. Shit they sell around here just isn't smokable.

Anyway ... mother nature has it's own ways and I already got to know Powdery Mildew. Now when the weather is a bit warmer all kinds of pests crawled out of their little holes. :D

I'm asking for a little help in identificating these little creatures. I have a serious problem with plants that are indoor (5 WD C99 males). Outdoor plants also have some signs of infestation but nothing serious so far.

#1 I belive these are so called spider mites if not please correct me.



leaf damage

#2 little black mite-like creatures. These look similar to mites but their color is darker.


Here we see a possible thrip larvae and a black bug.

#3 Are these Thrips ?


#4 I call these suckers because they have a snorkle. I suspect they're all same species but at different stage in life.

Sucker 1

Sucker 2

Dead sucker

Sucker 3

Any ideas on identification for these?

#5 Next is a picture of leafe with some sort of dropings or something. Seen these?



Reading this forum helped a lot. I would be nowhere without it. Still I need some help with these bugs. Thank you and happy growing!


I cough up honey oil
#1- Spider mite

#2- Prob. spider mite

#3- Thrip

#4- maybe... aphid?

wait for others to reply but those are my guesses. peace


Man! You have a real triple whammy going on there. The Two Spotted have quite a population going judging by the amout of spots they've made on the leaves. I'd use a Dr Doom Pyrethrin fogger for starters. It will kill the mites and propably the other two as well. It won't kill eggs though, so you'll have a wave of replacement mites soon. The best thing I've used for mites is Floramite, but it's systemic so you can't use it if you're very far into flowering. I won't use it past week two of 12/12. It's $250- 300 a quart, but you can find people selling 1 oz containers on Ebay. I have a quart...only used 1/2 teaspoon. I need to buy some 1 oz containers and Ebay a bunch of it. It has a 3 year shelf life according to the manufacturer.


Well-known member
Floramite will work for sure. or, in the mean time hit up home depot or lowes. get the same day harvest garden insect killer. mix about 3 tbsp per 5 gallon bucket. add a few drops of dish soap, mix up. u could even add 2-3 tbsp of neem oil to help suffocate the mites.

dip the plants in the 5 gal mix. trick is with the mites especially, dip the plant every 3 days for 3 times in a row, then once a week for a few month.

Clean all you pots with bleach, clean everything u reuse in the garden. clean the walls, the framing, the mylar, the reflectors, the tables, the fans... EVERYTHING.

keep all you dead or old plant matter in garbage bags and get rid of. including trim.

it is possiible to reintorduce mites from dried bud. so be carefull with that.

If u save trim for hash, keep that sealed and away as well.

Pick up every leaf o nthe ground and soil.

trick is to hit bugs up before they can reproduce again. thats why every 3 days, u get them again after they hatch and before the are mature to reproduce.

those black spots could be fungus knats larvea. they sometimes will put there eggs on the leaves.

With the mixed water you could use to spray the tops of your medium to help kill anything there.

You can reuse the mix a few times,clean the mix out with a aquarium fish net. when the mix starts to stink, 5-6 days usually. keep it out of light, heat and covered it may last 10 days.
when it get s old ,use it as a a dressing over your medium

Mites are tough to get rid of, but possible as long as u keep at it.



wow, you have like a who's who of pest problems you're dealing with right now. drop in some anti pest shit, clean your space and plants and hopefully your efforts pay off. if it starts getting really bad, you could use a no pest strip.

Weedman Herb

Damn ... Talk about diversity ... Your garden is like a pest zoo ... or motel ...


Floramite will work for sure. or, in the mean time hit up home depot or lowes. get the same day harvest garden insect killer. mix about 3 tbsp per 5 gallon bucket. add a few drops of dish soap, mix up. u could even add 2-3 tbsp of neem oil to help suffocate the mites.

dip the plants in the 5 gal mix. trick is with the mites especially, dip the plant every 3 days for 3 times in a row, then once a week for a few month.

Clean all you pots with bleach, clean everything u reuse in the garden. clean the walls, the framing, the mylar, the reflectors, the tables, the fans... EVERYTHING.

keep all you dead or old plant matter in garbage bags and get rid of. including trim.

it is possiible to reintorduce mites from dried bud. so be carefull with that.

If u save trim for hash, keep that sealed and away as well.

Pick up every leaf o nthe ground and soil.

trick is to hit bugs up before they can reproduce again. thats why every 3 days, u get them again after they hatch and before the are mature to reproduce.

those black spots could be fungus knats larvea. they sometimes will put there eggs on the leaves.

With the mixed water you could use to spray the tops of your medium to help kill anything there.

You can reuse the mix a few times,clean the mix out with a aquarium fish net. when the mix starts to stink, 5-6 days usually. keep it out of light, heat and covered it may last 10 days.
when it get s old ,use it as a a dressing over your medium

Mites are tough to get rid of, but possible as long as u keep at it.


Thanks for such a thorough reply. Will follow some of your guidelines. Regarding insecticides I need to find local stuff (Europe).



Kill your plants, wait a month, start over.

Hehe. That's not happening. Situation is worse indoor then outdoor. My indoor 5 male WD C99s will live to their purpose. Polinating 4 females that I have on the friends balcony. :D Situation on balcony isn't that bad. But I'm taking extreeme measure anyway. I'm already spraying with neem oil. I've prepared some tobacco juice. I'm waiting for insecticide (vermitec)...

I'm not giving up.


Damn ... Talk about diversity ... Your garden is like a pest zoo ... or motel ...

Hehe. Yep. Bugs love my garden. :D

It's my first grow and I had everything so far. Including the dreaded PM. Talk about beginers luck. :D


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
aphids mites and thips are in the pics...
i got a lik in my signature if you want to compare bugs!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Get lady bugs and predator mites. They will eat the spider mites for sure. they worked great for me.
well ive seen alot of bugs! sad to say
and i seem to have seen three different mites, one being white almost clear ine being brownish red and one being darker, or is that just them getting fat and full of juice as they eat and mature? im just talkin about mites not thrips or suckers or anty of the other millions of bugs, and isnt there a preditor mite? and if so are they effective and how much do they cost


european ganja growers
As soon as I find out where to get them localy I will. Nature has the best ways of dealing with things.

just remember if you use lady bugs you cant go useing chems,,neem ect ect....
get as meny as you can,,,,thay might not be cheep where you come from, but peeps in the USA seem to get like 1500 lady bugs for $10..if it the same where you are then your cool....the lady bugs will saty aslong as tha have mites to eat.....thay might not get rid of them all. but i bet ya thay will make a big difference ...

good luck bro

ps.. if your still in Veg wash them down in the shower, then give them a hoover,,(yeh am not joking) you should get loads doing this aswell.......then let you army of lady bug get to WARRRRRRRR

keep it green


Well-known member
By the time you get the predator mites in place an working, things will most likely to far gone to come back. Once those mites get to a certain point, they reproduce quickly.

Once u locate & spend the money on predator mites u can never use any other insecticide on your plants. Never had good luck with predators. they always eventually died off on me.

Maybe if u get the garden in control, then introduce the predator mites or lady bugs sounds more like a plan. I prefer lady bugs.

Ohh ya. in flower, killing off bugs with dips sprays etc will slow an sometimes halt your flower development. I have trashed whole plants with 2+ ounces.

If i get a infestation of mites on a plant in the bloom room, i usually pull it. Cause if i treat it, there still the chance it will infect the others around it. If i treat it, in most case's it will slow down the bud development and have premature buds. If i treat it, i really dont wanna smoke it. So i toss it.

then i emphasize on cleaning the area it was in. Emphasize on making sure the vegged plants going in have been treated and free from mites.

At times, in my garden, preventing or controlling Mites can create an extra 5-10hours of work a week. Sucks, but worth it in the long run.
