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Making A Living Off Medical Marijuana?


The revolution will not be televised.....
I say again guys that I do not have a problem with cash growers or people who want to grow just because they do!!! I support, I say again I support your right to do it!! The problem "once again" is the use of medical scrips to hide from whatever punishment may come your way when caught doing so. And! And the negative view it presents to the whole world when you are(most often and surely unjustly) arrested and paraded in front of the world as they drag out huge amounts of your crop, scaring the shit out of some of the very same people who voted for the law to begin with. Thats the only issue I have. I am not judging or playing holier than thou in expressing that frustration with the inevitable outcomes it brings. If that makes me narrow minded or whatever then so be it. Peace.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
Just curious here......
at what point does the growing for profit become too much for society to bear? Someone has to supply the clubs, right? ('cuz from what I've seen they don't know how)
I get you on the 20 light house in a school zone.... reallly, i do.
What if, however, I have 10 lights or six or 4 or two or only 1?
And a portion of what I grow is then sold w/negligible profit.....
Where's the cut-off?
And also, what if I barter with my cousin the automobile mechanic?
Am I still ineligible to use my medical defense because there was a transaction involved?
Just back from my smoke break and thought I'd jump in...

peace, love & coco


Active member
OK - here's a link for for all the self-righteous in the crowd:


Time to put your money where your mouths are, preacher folks. That linked thread is about a seriously ill person who needs free to cheap meds. Please arrange a donation then report back on how much you gave. Until y'all make said donations, you should know that your BS is getting kinda thick. Everyone has bills to pay and families to support and everyone deserves to enjoy the fruits of their labors.

...unless of course you live in Never-Never Land.



Active member
kmk420kali said:
But to count everybody else as fakes...is wrong-- I have my 215 because of my back...I have labored hard all my life, and it is trashed-- Do I medically need MJ for my ailment?? Hell yes-- Do I deserve to get it free?? Not so much--

Aint that the shits. One day you're macho man and the next it hurts just to get out of bed in the morning. My back too is totally trashed and growing is about one of the only "jobs" I can do. I can't hold a job for the simple fact that no employer would ever put up the kind of bullshit I have to go through just to make it through the day.

I could see the job interview... "Well, I need a job that I can do sitting, standing, leaning and laying down cuz I can't stay in the same position for more than a couple of minutes and I need a ten minute break every 15 minutes."

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Active member
PharmaCan said:
and everyone deserves to enjoy the fruits of their labors.

That's not what they law says and I agree with the law.

You're insulting all the hard work it took a lot of ill patients to fight for, and finally get approval of the MMJ law.

Way to jump in on the back of an ill persons hard work.

How noble!
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natural medicator
inflorescence said:
That's not what they law says and I agree with the law.

You're insulting all the hard work it took a lot of ill patients to fight for, and finally get approval of the MMJ law.

Way to jump in on the back of an ill persons hard work.

How noble!

Couldn't it be argued that many other people are doing a lot of hard work to try to make cannabis legal so that thier lives are not ruined by the government putting them in prison?

While a sick person may suffer without the laws, and even die, the same can be said for a grower who goes to prison and faces all the challenges that come with it including attacks and possibly death, but usually guarantees a significant loss of free years of their lives.

So does someone who is ill have more of a right to a healthy, free life than someone who is not considered ill by prop 215 and sb420?

Thanks all for keeping this a civil discussion/argument/debate. I will do my best to refrain from using an attacking tone.


I don't see why its so hard for some of you to see what rainman is saying.. seriously I don't. Try not to read between the lines, don't talk about how the injustice of the American government and its systems, or the tyranny associated with it.

we all know and feel for that problem.

But the simple fact that rainman is making is legit.

The movement, or push for legalization is NOT helped by people who are selling it illegally for profits and using a med script as their cover. Plain and simple.

Regardless how much of a fantasy world we want to live in where its a perfect world, it isn't. Because of this, the more wood you put on a fire that is burning, the higher the flames go and the longer the fire will burn. What he is saying is, no California does NOT need more people moving to this state with unrealistic ideals of making it big by selling marijuana to people with the guise of "medicinal use" as its cover.

There is no argument in the world you can use that will change that fact. With that being said, if you are a coop and sell good product for a good price then fine more power to you, but the people who are growing 99 plants at a time for yourself, and using a med script card as a defense are hurting the situation for everyone else.

I'm sorry that some of you feel I am closed minded because I understand the difference between fighting a fight to lose, and fighting a fight to win. The world doesn't work on what should be and dreams of what could be, it works on the premise that you pick and choose the important battles and while doing so trying to get the masses of people to understand you as they would understand themselves. In short, you don't fight a war on drug with drug abusers, you fight a war on drugs with people who show that you can use and be responsible. Being responsible means not moving to a state with some falsehoods of making a living off doing nothing but selling marijuana under the facade of helping the sick. Instead, sell the herb (or give it away) in a hope to help people and get a job to pay the bills.


LOL...gawd...no wonder this thread won't die.

Pharmacan...great challenge! I ended up helping someone out that I found through a link Mars posted a year or so back cause they were literally in my backyard...lol. Did the blind drop an all. I've basically shut down and pulled back. I got two small girls going on outside, heading back to school full time, blah blah.


Active member
Herbs a preventative. Everybodys got a rite to use it medicanly. Its les moral to obey an imoral law then it is to break one.
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Active member
Koroz said:
There is no argument in the world you can use that will change that fact. With that being said, if you are a coop and sell good product for a good price then fine more power to you, but the people who are growing 99 plants at a time for yourself, and using a med script card as a defense are hurting the situation for everyone else.

You make some good points, Koroz, and you seem to know the difference between expressing an opinion and pontificating. I've got a very small med (co-op) grow going - me, my sis and a couple friends; all of us old, arthritic, and two with cancer. One member was spending $550+/ounce/week at the D's. Now she's spending $250/30+gr. ounce/ week. (AND she always gets top grade meds - not the hit and miss you get from the D's!) Anyway, my efforts are saving her over $15,000/year. Man, I must really be an asshole for doing that.

Whatever said:
LOL...gawd...no wonder this thread won't die.

Pharmacan...great challenge! I ended up helping someone out that I found through a link Mars posted a year or so back cause they were literally in my backyard...lol. Did the blind drop an all. I've basically shut down and pulled back. I got two small girls going on outside, heading back to school full time, blah blah.

I think all people of good spirit help when we can. Sadly, I guess it's sometimes easier to pontificate than to contribute. In any event, there are those whose inflated egos won't allow them to see the fatuity of their words, which, while providing some comic relief, really is rather childish. I know that it could not be hypocracy on the part of those so saintly as to make the rules and preach from on high, so I guess I must not have a politically correct illness, because I'm sure not seein' any of that compassion that keeps getting talked about.

Good luck with your girls!!!



Active member
inflorescence said:
That's not what they law says and I agree with the law.

Dude, get a fucking education before you try to get in a debate with me! I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person!

This concept goes as far back as the Magna Carta, THE initial building block of our legal system. If you're a religious sort, you need to quit thumping your bible and start reading it, as "... enjoying the fruits of one's labors ..." comes from the good book itself.

In any event, take the emotion, political correctness and hypocrisy out of your posts and there's precious little empirical fact or even common sense in anything you say.

I wish you only good things in your life. Live long, and prosper.



Freedom Fighter
The part that really sucks about this...is that I, along with a lot of other ppl...have been fighting this fight since the 70's...and were always told, "It is illegal, you have to do it the right way by law."
Now, we are doing it the right way, and using the law to protect us in our enterprises...and we are now being told it is hurting the Movement by "Using" the Law!!
The law allows us to charge for cost of the grow, and compensation for our time--
The law allows us to grow for other patients--
The law allows us to provide Dispensaries with Meds--

My friend got busted with this...they were growing directly for a dispensary...had 10 times the amount of notes needed....and was convicted in this...tho for 700 plants, and what was said to be a $4.5 Million op...they were in reality...barely making rent-- they got probation and community service-- It was a joke...the Judge knew they were not guilty...but didn't want to commit-- It is in Appeals right now--

My point has been, that just because someone is growing large amounts, does not mean it is not medical-- I said early on, that I was not including Cartel-like grow ops....but there are many, many large grows that are supplying the Medical Community--


Make a living....who says, I always thought it should be free especially to those in medical need. I mean it is a weed after all. We are actually paying for the risk of someone growing it when we buy it so if there was no risk then why charge for it. Some people are greedy and would try to capitalize off of anything, but then again some people allow them to.


Freedom Fighter
Wonderon said:
Make a living....who says, I always thought it should be free especially to those in medical need. I mean it is a weed after all. We are actually paying for the risk of someone growing it when we buy it so if there was no risk then why charge for it. Some people are greedy and would try to capitalize off of anything, but then again some people allow them to.

Dude.... Even after you remove the risk, you still have to invest bank...and lots of your time for anything worth while-- Growing weed is far from free--


Active member
FirstTracks said:
So does someone who is ill have more of a right to a healthy, free life than someone who is not considered ill by prop 215 and sb420?

Under current CA law, Yes.

You want rec use and rec grow, change the law just like the sick did.

Obviously it can be done. The sick, who were in the least postion to change it, did and if Californians want cash croppers growing for profit then put a referendum on the ballot.
If it's what the people really want they will vote for it.

If it's not what the people want, your SOL and need to accept that.
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Active member
PharmaCan said:
One member was spending $550+/ounce/week at the D's.

complete rape

PharmaCan said:
Now she's spending $250/30+gr. ounce/ week. (AND she always gets top grade meds - not the hit and miss you get from the D's!) Anyway, my efforts are saving her over $15,000/year. Man, I must really be an asshole for doing that.

That's $1000/month on pot.
You must sleep well at night. :rolleyes: :bashhead:


New member
inflorescence said:
You want rec use and rec grow, change the law just like the sick did.

A little background first. My stepfather died two years ago from stage 5 pancreatic cancer and before he married my mother he was an avid smoker and quit for my mom. When he was diagnosed he was 6'5 280 pounds within 6 months that dropped to 130 so i talked her into letting him do it again with edibles and it helped.

Dont get me wrong but all the sick did was fill out the paperwork for the bill, we the compassionate VOTERS changed the law for the sick and terminally ill.

There are some very valid points on both sides of this but in reality this is why CANNA is still illegal, our own community cant get on the same page. Until that time we will continue to have these disscussions and CANNA will still be illegal.

No disrespect intended, take care of your girls and my the MJ gods be with you.


PharmaCan said:
Good luck with your girls!!!


Thanx...I had big plans at the start of the year but burned out on canna so cut back. A good portion of the last 4 years went towards helping others in a lot of different ways. I know what I've done and can easily put my head on the pillow and sleep good at night....someone else can pick up the ball. The 2 girls I have going are the last I'll probably be growing for a few years, beans went into the freezer and recently told my friends they're own their own. Gotta help someone clean up mites this weekend then that's it. Got a bean making project I'm gonna turn over to someone else. School starts in a few weeks and going offline.

It's been an interesting ride and grateful for the opportunity to immerse myself in canna full time the last 4 years. I've seen it all including the feds taking my small outdoor med garden some time back...for no frikkin reason other than I was next door to someone else and got caught up in it. The recommendations I had were useless. I had 6 for me and 5 for someone else who couldn't grow and needed it. Gawd...I got a late start and my plants were only 3' going into flower.

As for the person I helped...they told me I was the only one to come forward to assist through all the sites they put forth the call on and if that's any clue I'm guessing hardly anyone will step forward to help those people SCF talked about.

Humor is good dude...this forum stuff gets too serious all too often.
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