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Help! Im afraid of the dark!


Mourning the loss of my dog......
DirtDevil said:
Ive always liked going to my plots late at night for super-stealth reasons.

But recently I watched The Mothman Prophesies and Darkness Falls....

Now I am scared shitless to go into the woods by my self at night.

What am I going to do now?

I'm not affraid of monsters, but Cougars are enough for me, even in fairly bright twilight. I make sure I wrap things up and get out of the woods before its too dark.......
pissed off possums, wacky raccoons,fiesty foxes, and horny deer just in a days work. my dog likes to protect hes old but no critter in there right mines gonna test that ol bastard. the thing that worries me on a trip with a dog is a stray shredding your dog..... shit will happen.

Peace, slow


I think just reading all the crazy things you people came up with made me scarred to go into my back yard let alone the flippin woods... I guess im not growing anymore.... Psych

Bud Meister

I operate at night. I love the forest at night. I rule the forest especially at night. I have learned to listen to my environment and the way it smells to use darkness to my advantage. You become one with your environment and you will find you like stalking around your plots at night.


Scary Movies!!!
Try watching the news instead. Huge chain stores closing, rising prices on everything, 25 % graduation rate in Detroit high schools, flooded lands accross the USA's farm belt, brutal needless crimes and health care crisis.

I'm with you. The woods at night are sensual to be in. I prefer the hour before dawn. Then it's just a O/W in the dark. The "locals" know you are coming and try to avoid contact. They are curious and will hang about nearby and become an alarm system if anyone else is in your area. If you don't have a dog, take a whistle. I've got an old plastic toy whistle I carry and have never had the need to use it. If I had to worry about major carnivores like BackCountry, I'd be packing more than that whistle.

There are no victories without conflict, no rainbows without storms.
haha. i love this topic. scary movies are definitely a key factor in my getting scared in the dark woods. Any and every sound is accentuated. However, i found the time i was most scared was when i went during a heavy storm. The fact that i couldnt see anything was scary enough, but not being able to hear anything over the loud raindrops and thunder scared me the most. i felt like somebody couldve been walking right next to me and i wouldnt of heard it.

and i only use the flashlight for short periods when i know it cant be seen from a distant house or road.

river rat01

i dont blame the OP at all.

i dont do the woods at night except in the winter, waay too many snakie's where i am. esp. at night.

hell, there are even aligators in my area,
and chupacabra's

Polle Pot

Dont smoke..

Can only speak for myself, but if i smoke on the days/or before i go into the woods at night, i tend to be more paranoid. I feel my senses are sharpened and i hear and sense stuff thats more likely to scare me.


all praises are due to the Most High
working in the dark using a real good pick can be dangerous, gotta watch yourself not to mutilate yourself, so many angles where you can hit yourself if you are not really aware of the task at hand, more so in the dark :D


Get a hockey mask, torn up overalls and carry a machette......don't be afraid of others, become the one to be afraid of.

DRESS FOR SUCESS! You got weed to harvest.

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