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Help! Im afraid of the dark!


Active member
Ive always liked going to my plots late at night for super-stealth reasons.

But recently I watched The Mothman Prophesies and Darkness Falls....

Now I am scared shitless to go into the woods by my self at night.

What am I going to do now?


Elevator Man

Active member
Social logic dictates that only a madman would venture into the woods at night - therefore you'll be fine, as no-one else will be there. Just make sure you can see where you're going...:)
maybe just smoking a bit gets ya paranoid ....

Get a heavy flashlight that can also be used to be the crap outta something. About the size of the police patrol sticks


Eugene Oregon
Pack one =D
After I saw.. The Ring.. for like a year i was like nonstop scared for my life... every second dont ask me why eithier..


natural medicator
get some night vision or infra red goggles

or just always have your 'dead cat' with you that you are 'burying'

When summer is really here and the hours of light increase, I like to work from 4-7am and 7-9pm when less people are outside hiking. When I'm going to be doing a morning session, I'll drop off my stuff the night before and move it to the edge of the woods. Night sessions are a good time to bring back equipment too, as the dark provides a nice cover.

What I'm saying is, you don't have to be out in the pitch black darkness. Rather, you can go out when the sun is just coming up or going down, but human traffic is minimal.


I probably wouldnt go at night w/o my dog though, this one time when we were walking he got spooked at something, he just stopped and was shaking and staring. I couldnt see two feet in front of me, so I just turned around and walked back to the truck. Think we went and got burgers, lol.

It was probably a chipmunk or something but I wasnt risking it.......=)
get used to the fact that you ARE going to die some day.
maybe tomrrow
maybe tonight.
tomorrow is never promised.
live to love it.


king of the dinosaurs
luciano28 said:
I probably wouldnt go at night w/o my dog though, this one time when we were walking he got spooked at something, he just stopped and was shaking and staring. I couldnt see two feet in front of me, so I just turned around and walked back to the truck. Think we went and got burgers, lol.

It was probably a chipmunk or something but I wasnt risking it.......=)
haha yea. the tinyest things can make so much noise


Smoke weed and prosper
Watch the Blair Witch Project. That should make you more confident about going in the woods alone, or with friends.

But seriously now. Think about all the people that go camping in the woods in a tent. Some get eaten but most have a great time there. Let's assume that forest creatures everywhere wanted to get us while we're trespassing on their territory...do you think that a few microns of waterproof material is going to stop them?


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Do it naked, or, for extra effect, with wood.

99% of folks you run into will freak right out, and leg it, apart from the 1% of genuine psycho/rapist/nutters/sasquatch who are going to rape and disembowl/kill you anyway.



Hey DirtDevil, stop watchin scary movies man!

I was raised in a family of coon hunters,(racoon) and thats night time hunting. I spent my youth in the dark in the woods listening for the dogs to see if they had tree'd.

Being deep in the woods in the dark is one of the reasons I enjoy and continue gorilla growing. To know there isnt anyone near, no sounds of civilization, just you and the earth. That's heaven for me. I have a little led pen light but I seldom use it.

Crickets, screech owls, hoot owls, coyote's sing a sweet song at 3:eek:o am. YOU DIRTDEVIL, are the most dangerous creature in the remoteness and every animal you encounter knows it and will fear you. They fear your scent, wear dirty, sweaty clothes. If your that concerned, fill a cheap squirt gun with ammonia. Anything gets close you fire down on them. An animal can smell amonia for 1/2 a mile.



Joint Date: Today.
only thing that could scare me is that i could jump on a hog's nose without seeing it.. or i could get ticks and not being able to spot them..

what i dont like of night trips is that if the place is a tick bush you need to carry a light with you and that makes it even less safe in my opinion
Sorry man, i know how it is to be afraid of the dark. I hate the coyotes that live in the woods near where i live... Got a BB gun??? lol