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No, I'm planning germing them late march and planting them in april sometime... i live in pennsylvania so i hope the hazes wont flower for too long as first frost can come as early as late september i heard.. do you think it's risky with those hazes cus of the frost??? or will I be ok?


Original Editor of ICMagazine

Sung to the tune of Waltzing Matilda.

Once a Ganja smoker forgot to bring his bong along,
"It don’t really matter, I can build one" said he,
and he sang, as he mulled, and then he rolled a giant joint,
Who’ll come and share in a session with me?

Free Marijuana!! Free Marijuana!!
Who’ll come and join in this protest with me?
We’ll sing till we bring, freedom to the growth of Green,
Who’ll come and join in this protest with me?

Down near a water hole grew a wild Sativa tree.
Up jumped the smoker and picked buds with glee.
and he sang, as he mulled up all that wicked wild weed.
Who’ll come and join in a session with me?

Free Marijuana. We’ll smoke lots of Ganja,
Smoking Marijuana sets your mind free.
We’ll sing till we bring, freedom to the growth of Green,
Who’ll come and join in this protest with me?

Down came a squatter, a Rasta with a real cool dread.
Down came Police men, now happy, hip and free.
Check out all the wicked weed you got in that bowl of yours,
let’s all get rolling and skin some spliffs, Yipee!!

Free Marijuana. Set loose the Ganja,
Who’s feeling happy? and who wants green peace?
And we’ll sing till we bring, freedom to the growth of Green
Who’ll come and join in this protest with me?


Words re-assembled by Gary John Ford 1996 ;O)-~
©opyright? Right. Print-Photocopy then distribute.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
yeah, you should be fine.

BTW I've got a friend who lives in Philly.

Oh, and nice post Payaso. :joint: I will gladly join your protest :party:

:yeahthats:smoweed: :off2: :respect: :yeahthats :off2::muahaha::yeahthats :smoweed::yeahthats :hijacked: :smoweed::muahaha::yeahthats :smoweed::muahaha::yeahthats: :respect::off2:


u sure? because on the seedboutique website it said nevilles haze finishes in november and the other hazes in october...


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Honestly by time the frost comes around they should be ready to harvest, and your the one that lives there. I don't know how cold it gets in October, I'm from Texas and October isn't too cold for a nearly finished sativa. Though if your really worried about it order your seeds a little earlier, start them inside for a few weeks then, put them outside around the same time you were originally going to plant them, and your problem is solved be for it happens.

Plus, I was under the impression that "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia".


haha yeah your right and ill start them early... im excited... so come march and april you guys should be seeing some germ pics of mine.. ill keep you updated.. prolly start a new thread in the outdoor grow section...