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Hello just joined!! could do with some tips:)


New member
hi everyone iv just joined the website and i was wondering could anyone give me tips on what soil , mixs, lights ect i should use for veg and flowering .

i have looked on the net and done some research but i would rather some info from people who are talking daily an to get to know them

thanks for the help :)


Active member
Welcome. Here's a beginners guide that is quite comprehensive: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=112662

There's a lot to the art of growing great pot, a lot to learn. Read a basic tutorial or a few, get a simple setup - not too large - together and pop some beans. Picking great genetics, using good quality nutes and equipment and giving a lot of attention and love to your plants go a long way.

May your harvests be plentiful.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
welcome to IC MrKush, what you'll find here is that there is no best method, only preferred methods :)

literally every method of grow using every kind of light, medium and food is incredibly well documented within the grow diaries sections. the trick to first decide what are your "grow intentions" ie are you growing for just yourself, are you growing for profit, are you concerned about using non organic methods, do you have access to equipment and the budget as well? there are so many roads to go down mate but learning is half the fun :)



hi everyone iv just joined the website and i was wondering could anyone give me tips on what soil , mixs, lights ect i should use for veg and flowering .

i have looked on the net and done some research but i would rather some info from people who are talking daily an to get to know them

thanks for the help

if you were in the US I'd try & keep it simple -

* some good soil like Firefox Ocean Forest. 1 1/2 cubic foot bag will fill 6x 2 gallon pots.

* a light or lights to get you from veg. to flowering. could be done using a few fluoroscent bulbs and a 400 watt high pressure sodium (HPS) (with ballast in reflector), or 1 single 400 watt metal halide is good for veg and flowering (normally HPS is used, but, trying to keep it simple.)

from LED's, to supplementing the soil to make the flowers even happier, to hydro, there's a lot more to learn.

But perhaps the main thing at the beginning is just to grow some good Medicine, and to learn what a happy Cannabis plant looks like, at all stages of veg, flowering, and cloning.

since you're in the UK I have to ask - is there a standard baseline good soil that people use in England ?

lost in a sea

is there a standard baseline good soil that people use in England ?
probably one of the dutch soils, canna terra pro would be the nearest thing i guess

Hey mr kush

Welcome to IC bro :tiphat:

50 watts per square foot of fluorescent grow lights for veg and 50-100 for flower, plants in veg prefer a bluer spectrum so floros are used and in flower usually HPS because they cover the redder side of the spectrum better which is more like the late summer sun and is more conducive to budding.. for soil i probably would recommend canna terra pro or pro +, don't feed them anything for weeks once potted up or you will burn them..

DeFiyah Mon

New member
Another Newbie!

Another Newbie!

One love (ganja) to All! Very green to growing (not the good, lol),
only personally grown 3 plants of anything to harvest. 1 being a tomato, 1 a small melon, and 1 an adopted ganja suckling.
My story......Now living in western JA amongst outdoor growers, want to enrich their organic crops.
here's a couple questions to get me pointed to some threads w member help.
1. Explanation of feminized seeds
2. Proper Curing Techniques (See curing w exposure to amosphere (no air tight))
3. Cloning Basics (See no cloning)
Started with the link Ruosk posted by Kodiak.


At the end of the day, consistent data and common sense win, trolls can troll, but results speak for themselves.

Best tip you can get regarding this website.


Active member
ICMag Donor
my top 3
don,t overdo the nutes, use half of what they recomend
genetics are everything,europen seeds took all the dank out of their lines to combat smell,try chem kush,diesel crosses from calf. type growers/seed guys
simplify,just run a good soil in a bucket to start(only buy one all around additive the first run
don.t harvest too early 20% amber err on the side of knockout weed
conn gen ogchem or chemmy jones or fuel is a good start...


New member
first timer i would definitely go soil any major brand will do, cut with perlite always. I like big perlite chunks size 3-4 but any size will do. for a beginner nutrient i would go with General Hydroponics they have a line up called "General Organics" this is a perfect teaching tool line up "IMO". YOU DON'T have to ph it at all, but you can go ahead and ph if you want to be optimal. if you can it would be beneficial to look at the ppm of your nutrient just as a reference to have in your mind. some of the products you can use with other line up's the sea weed product they have is dynamite. Its not that pricey and it gives good results pound plus per 1000w so pretty good i would say. hope you grow your dreams out peace.


Go to the ICMag Vendor Forums and look at the Serious Seeds-Serious 6 Grow log by Homebrewer. He pretty much spells out his growing method in detail. It's basic, high quality, easy to do and you will see from photos of his plants, very successful. Good luck and welcome.


Growing medium is generally a learning curve, try what ever you want to and learn about it first.

Before it would be possible to advice on environmental factors like lighting and ventilation details of your planned grow space dimensions would be needed, but MH for vegitive growth and HPS for flowing.

Happy growing


New member
hey guys sorry my internet has been down !! and im currently sotring out my new place to live :) I appreciate all of your tips this is what I wanted so I could take in as much of everyone's help! Glad I joined this site I will try to keep posted as much as I can but I am busy atm! il try to get some pictures too! awesome replys!!!


New member
hey guys thanks again for the info keep it all coming in its so usful to take everyones bits in :D and road rash yeah im in the UK im not sure about the soil over here im going to do some research on it all i didnt realise the soil would make a difference in what country your in but thanks dude, and lost at sea mind if i pm you or add you dude you got a good basic idea i can learn/buildupon from :) but thankyou everyone again! :D

lost in a sea

yo bro, ask away i don't think you can pm yet,, you want organic soil and organic source of nutrients if you want to win in soil..

if you go down to the hydro store buy the basic soil and horrible chemical nutrients you will never get the standard of product these dudes are getting with their awesome organic soil mixes..

you can get almost all of the ingredients to do it right in the uk and your life will actually be easier for the extra effort as you won't have to worry and feed them as much later in their lives..

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