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Hello just joined!! could do with some tips:)


New member
hey dude iv heard organic soil is very good and reuseable? and what do you mean the basic horrible chemical nutrients could you give me some clues on what to look out for ? how come I wouldn't have to feed them as much in there later lifes :)

sorry if I ask Qs dude just like to know what im talking about :)

lost in a sea

hey dude iv heard organic soil is very good and reuseable? and what do you mean the basic horrible chemical nutrients could you give me some clues on what to look out for ? how come I wouldn't have to feed them as much in there later lifes :)

sorry if I ask Qs dude just like to know what im talking about :)

ok so plants have evolved to live with bacteria and other microbes in their soil and around their roots that they exchange nutrients and sugars with for other nutrients. The plant actively feeds the bacteria and fungi it wants around protecting it and improvig it's health.

if you just buy bagged soil and dump normal nutrients that are not organic in origin into the soil it damages the balance of the different bacteria and makes the plant way more dependant on you supplying it with what it needs more.

You will never do the job the bacteria can do in keeping your plant happy.

However this may all be a bit beyond where you should be starting and making your life more complicated than it should be.

There are lots of things to learn and unfortunately a lot of people never get to the good organic soil part so lose out.

my point is just don't buy into the hype of all the crap chemical nutrients, if it doesn't say it is organic then the nutrients contained are like you going to macdonalds and the shitty burger fast food lifestyle rotting your intestines out, same thing is going on in your body as in the soil, you need the right bacteria.