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Heart Palpatations!


Kiss My Ring
a bit of background...
I had two two month old bushes in 5gal buckets that I wanted to transplant into the yard.
I went out behind the garage to get a shovel to do so and encountered two people dicking around in the woods just feet from where I grow.
When I confronted them, the woman first introduced herself (first name only) and then the guy, as a prospective buyer for the adjacent piece of property.
She had a platt map and he had a metal detector so I thought little of it.
I offered to show her the property marker along the back that I knew about and proceeded to do so.
While engaged in conversation she said she 'wanted to meet the neighbors...to make sure there were no meth labs around. In passing she intimated that her husband was a State Patrol officer!
I was hoping she didn't notice my lower lip quivering.
I was almost certain she could hear my heart pounding, or the gulping sound of me trying to regain my breath, but she didn't let on.
My grow has little odor to speak of, but the fans are audible from without, so I maintained conversation for distraction.
Not planning on shutting it down, though it may become a necessity in the near term.

Fate or Karma?


wow that sucks, spread some trash around and get some old shitty cars and park them on your lawn maybe they'll think twice about buying the land.

How close are the houses that you worry about the noise from your fans? You could always build an insulated fan box to quiet things down.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I have lived next to cops and they seem to come home and shut themselves inside the house for the most part. I think if you stay distant and don't get too friendly with them there should not be a problem. In fact I kind of liked living next to them in the past back when I lived in the northeast because I felt that my presence was more insulated by them being there and also safer just from their mere presence. People don't normally break into houses and fuck around with the neighbors if there is a cop car sitting there out front. So there is that potential benefit of added safety for your grow & property.

Some cops are very green themselves and like to get a buzz so if you are lucky enough to have one of those as a neighbor then you will really be good to go. Think positive man, nothing changes just because another cop is around I mean they are everywhere to begin with anyways just don't do anything stupid and you will be fine & dandy smoking frosty candy. :canabis:


Active member
we are growing a block away from the local sheriff up north....his house is across a main road so he cant see anything, half the block is growing anyways... but we dont have a problem with it...because any ripper scoping out our little neighborhood will see that sherriffs SUV sitting there and probably keep it moving....nice little ripper deterant.


Used to live next door to a state police dick...and yeah...he is! Pretty much kept to myself, but was never unfriendly to him or his family. Even though I don't look like a "stoner" and if he knew I smoked he never let on, ol' dad pretty much stayed puckered up until they moved.


Kiss My Ring

But chill out,, no narc wants work at home!

Oh yeah,, put up a fence! :D


hey DocLeaf, thanks but a fence is out of the question for reasons i cannot divulge. i'm chill like a thrill.

Don't forget to post the Private Property: Trespassers Will Be Shot.... rather, Prosecuted signs everywhere along the fence line.

signs like that are telling and without a fence do little. will not be shooting the lawman in this life! thanks for your input.

wow that sucks, spread some trash around and get some old shitty cars and park them on your lawn maybe they'll think twice about buying the land.

How close are the houses that you worry about the noise from your fans? You could always build an insulated fan box to quiet things down.

well now, a bit like breaking teeth to spite my smile.:tiphat:
i'd rather play the radio continuously to cover...anyway they will not be building close enough to eavesdrop on my insignificant grow (insignificant to all but me!)

...Think positive man, nothing changes just because another cop is around I mean they are everywhere to begin with anyways just don't do anything stupid and you will be fine & dandy smoking frosty candy. :canabis:
sage advice, but i'm not worried about me doing something stoopid, it's the nature of the beast that concerns me. thanks for playing.

we are growing a block away from the local sheriff up north....his house is across a main road so he cant see anything, half the block is growing anyways... but we dont have a problem with it...because any ripper scoping out our little neighborhood will see that sherriffs SUV sitting there and probably keep it moving....nice little ripper deterant.

i'm so far below radar that rippers would not notice me, however cops have sophisticated methods and a penchant for displaying a necessity to use them, so that and my personal dislike for them has me off my regularity. thank you too.

Used to live next door to a state police dick...and yeah...he is! Pretty much kept to myself, but was never unfriendly to him or his family. Even though I don't look like a "stoner" and if he knew I smoked he never let on, ol' dad pretty much stayed puckered up until they moved.

pretty much gots me puckered and they haven't even closed escrow! but it brings to light with each of your comments that i'm overreacting and slipping into paranoia.

I've already disposed of some plants to remain within limits (all were backup mothers, overkill) so i'm less exposed to leos guiedelines...
^ why you being so defensive man?.. its all sound input.

The more i think about it it actually would be good security to live next to a cop, like hiding in plain sight.

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