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Headcase's Ghetto Growshow!



Excellent bro, shouldnt be long till you get
some good action going on now :lurk: Peace.

Mr. Durden :joint:


The shell fell off this morning, so we have lift off! Woohoo!

I checked the ph this morning, and it had spiked up to 6.5! Then I found out i was out of PH down, so i got my ass in the car and went straight to the hydro shop.

Ph is holding at about 5.2. GH ph down is some strong stuff. 1/4 tsp was all i needed.

After that whole ordeal, I got a little bored, and decided to make a cab for some mom plants. 105w cfl and a 5 gallon bucket inside an old toybox that has been sitting in this basement since this house belonged to my grandmother.



CMH bulb is in!

No pics today, since I still don't know where my digicam is, and my cell doesn't do it justice.

lemme just say that the CMH bulb is fuckin awesome. White light, beautiful to look at. I have a really old ballast, and it wasn't firing at first, and I was worried that i just threw $50 out the window, but i took apart my ballast (causing a brown out, even though the timer was off. whoops) put it back together and still nuthin. Then i squeezed that fucker into the base real tight, and she fired. Success!

My little seedling has it's first set of blade leaves. They're so cute when they're little! The taproot is about 2 inches long now, and I'm quite pleased. I now know that you can put seedlings directly into hydroton with no problems.

My ph went up today (it's to be expected, as I'm using R/O water and then adding nutes.) Brought it back down to about 5.4. I'll see if I can borrow a digi cam to get some pics up tonight.



Ok, here's a pic of the baby. Don't mind the lighting, it's very dark in my grow room, and i can't take a decent pic in the cab without it looking like a jail (fucking POS cell phone camera!)



Yo dudes,

Just letting you know that I've not fallen off the face of the Earth. Things are going great. My white widow is loving the cmh bulb. Nice tight spacing between the nodes. As always, please excuse the shitty pics, as they are from my cell. (Don't worry, I upload them directly, so there's no way LEO knows what's going on!)

Here's a little root porn for you. Don't worry, it's not root rot, I just use Floranova, and that stuff is shit brown.

The plant has a little issue, but i don't really know what it is. Any ideas?

And here's my helper. He does all the heavy lifting.



Nice rot porn. I started four seeds in hydroton, no rockwool. All four are doing great. I used the 3 1/2 gal buckets and covered them in that alumiun duct tape. Works good for blocking out light and is very reflictive.
Keepem coming :joint:


i will be looking forward to seeing what you can produce from that cmh bulb. I used two 400w last grow and i did have much luck with the bulb so i would like to see if i did something wrong. pulling up a chair and watching this one through.