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Hawaii Kills Compassion Centers Measure


ICMag Donor
HONOLULU - A proposal to create medical marijuana dispensaries in Hawaii has gone up in smoke.

The idea is dead because the House Judiciary Committee refused to consider the measure before a legislative deadline Thursday.

Lawmakers were worried that medical marijuana dispensaries would fuel illegal sales of the drug to recreational users, said Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jon Riki Karamatsu.

''I can't let the free market control this when it's only for patients,'' said Karamatsu, D-Waipahu-Waikele.

Advocates for medical marijuana patients argued that Hawaii needed to reform its decade-old law allowing them to smoke and even grow the drug, but prohibiting them from buying it.

''The more than 7,000 patients in the state are extremely disappointed,'' said Pam Lichty, president of the Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii. ''People really felt like this was going to be the year things would change in Hawaii. Maybe next year.''

The bill passed the Senate and two House committees before stalling.

It would have created California-style medical marijuana dispensaries, calling them ''compassion centers.''

Lawmakers backed off after law enforcement officials from Los Angeles held summits on Maui and Oahu telling local leaders their problems with California's medical marijuana law, Lichty said.

Police departments in Hawaii warned against relaxing marijuana enforcement until the federal government changes its drug laws, even though the Obama administration announced last year that patients wouldn't face federal arrest in states that allow medical marijuana.

''Until the feds come out and say what they're going to do, it will be hard to enact anything like this,'' said Keith Kamita, chief of the narcotics enforcement division for the Hawaii Department of Public Safety. ''You don't want individuals to open dispensaries and then get arrested on the federal level.''

Hawaii is one of eight states with limited laws permitting patients to grow marijuana or get it from a caregiver while prohibiting sales at stores, according to the Washington-based Marijuana Policy Project. Six other states have authorized dispensaries for use by licensed medical marijuana patients.

Medical marijuana dispensaries would have brought in cash to the state by taxing the weed at a rate of $30 per ounce along with a 4 percent sales tax, generating $50 million in annual revenue.

''They didn't want to take it up this year. . . . Whether that's a change of heart or cold feet, I can't say,'' said Sen. Will Espero, D-Ewa-Ewa Beach-Lower Waipahu, the primary sponsor of the dispensary measure. ''It's possible that it's because it's an election year or because of opposition from law enforcement.''

Besides the medical marijuana proposal, the Judiciary Committee also wouldn't hear another marijuana bill passed by the state Senate decriminalizing possession of less than an ounce. The measure would have treated minor marijuana possession similar to a traffic ticket, with a maximum fine of $100.
By Mark Niesse, The Associated Press
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I love my life
''I can't let the free market control this when it's only for patients,'' said Karamatsu, D-Waipahu-Waikele.

This is exactly why democrates and republicans, and all other prohibitionist are just fucking pieces of shit.

Karamatsu is saving us from ourselves and making sure big pharma can kill you slowly for profit. It is good to know that HI is completely free of prescription drug abuse and the little orange bottles always stay with "Patients" and Karamatsu personally ensures no-one goes Rush Limbaugh on the pills.

Thank you Mr. Government!


Seriously. I guess they don't get cancer or aids or suffer from chronic pain, have occasional nausea, or any of the other ailments cannabis alleviates without nasty side effects.

The way I think of it, cannabis alleviates stress, which makes most people of the world a patient whether they want to be or not.

I'd put money on the real story here being the illegal drug growers and dealers on the islands owning the political forum. I seriously doubt rational, conscientious, people could refuse a non-toxic substance to someone who needs it as a patient because they are scared it'd be used recrerationally.

The worst thing imaginable, the reason for prohibition, is they are afraid it'll be used the same way alcohol is now.

I call shenanagins.


Sorry ta hear about the loss for Patients in Hawaii. Very Sad
why even fucking vote any more no matter who gets in their all currupt pieces of shit and the people who are our activist should be in the white house and drug enforcement officials!

usa land of the free AKA land of bend me over and ram it deep!!!
Its sucks that being "We the people" doesnt mean shit anymore, and seeing as people like Roger Christie (thc ministry) are getting busted over there, I guess I'm glad I'm not living and growing there anymore. Sad to hear for sure, feel sorry for my friends that are patients over there.


Active member
''I can't let the free market control this when it's only for patients,'' said Karamatsu, D-Waipahu-Waikele.

This is exactly why democrates and republicans, and all other prohibitionist are just fucking pieces of shit.

Karamatsu is saving us from ourselves and making sure big pharma can kill you slowly for profit. It is good to know that HI is completely free of prescription drug abuse and the little orange bottles always stay with "Patients" and Karamatsu personally ensures no-one goes Rush Limbaugh on the pills.

Thank you Mr. Government!
Right? We can have our veterans selling their scripts they just got filled, right out in front of the pharmacy though...

I dare some1 to try selling your bud infront of a D. Chances are, youll be caught.


Who ever hit me up about my NL5 Thank you! Ill look for the Nl5 thread but a link would help the Prop point message dosent tell me who gave me points ;( TY though
lol. Yeah I hear ya on that Devilsreject. I laugh to myself everytime I hear someone say "America, land of the free home of the brave".


One day you will have to answer to the children of
You hit it Hydrosun.

I can't let the Free Market decide...
God no!

In Colorado it feels like all the law enforcement opposition comes because they grow shitty weed.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Lawmakers backed off after law enforcement officials from Los Angeles held summits on Maui and Oahu telling local leaders their problems with California's medical marijuana law, Lichty said.

Don't want your tax dollars being spent for cops to vacation in hawaii and negatively influence medical marijuana patients?

Then Legalize it......

(I always wanted to do one of skips 'then legalize it' lines...)


Feeling good is good enough.
Nothing will come out of the System... nor nothing good ever did.

Wake Up and run deep into the forest...

Seek all the answers away from the illusion society keeps imposing... layer after layer of lies.

There will NEVER be peace between Cannabis and the System!

Ganja is the antidote against the System... AND THEY KNOW IT


Registered Non-Conformist
Hawaii is another world. The 'authorities' act parental and are not accountable to anyone.. Law enforcement are the de facto legislators.


Feeling good is good enough.
Hawaii is another world. The 'authorities' act parental and are not accountable to anyone.. Law enforcement are the de facto legislators.


Sounds also like ALL countries in Latin America and Africa.

Must be a third world trade mark.

And Hawaii and Puerto Rico are having the hardest time coming out of that status...

Time to take Uncle Sam's tit away.

Naval bases sure are expensive!


Active member
Dispensary would have sucked monkey dick On the isle~ the medical Mj laws here are almost as legit as they can get for personal med grows~ 3 blooming plants and 4 vegging~ only restrictions that suck are you can only caregive for 1 person~ i believe 3-4 people would be nice....

and the tickets like cali for a ounce would have been nice~


Active member
ICMag Donor
I feel so bad for all of my med brothers and sisters in Hawaii. Michigan has some friendly pot laws, as far as caregivers can have up to 5 patients, and 2.5 ounces a long with 12 plants each. Im just sick and tired of our governments stand on Medical Marijuana. Hawaiian politicians should be ashamed of themselves.

Mr. Charlie

By Mark Niesse,
Lawmakers were worried that medical marijuana dispensaries would fuel illegal sales of the drug to recreational users, said Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jon Riki Karamatsu.

''I can't let the free market control this when it's only for patients,'' said Karamatsu, D-Waipahu-Waikele.

Advocates for medical marijuana patients argued that Hawaii needed to reform its decade-old law allowing them to smoke and even grow the drug, but prohibiting them from buying it.

What a joke... wouldn't want recreational users traveling to Hawaii to find out about marijuana!
Free market Vs. Patients... WTF what else is their but the care and health of the population??? or is that only for standard profit corporation models that keep the machine chugging by keeping people sick and unhealthy?
For the last quote... How do people that are too sick to grow get their medication? ridiculous.

Let the highly conscious wave of herbal energy wash over you... aloha
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