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Have your kids????


Peeps should try and keep stuff away from the kido's but they are going to get exposed eventually. The fact is there should be no worse stigma than that of drinking a beer associated with smoking herb and thats what I teach my children....the truth, respect is earned, if you want your kids to respect you when they get older being truthful about everything is the way to go. Our society teaches us that lying to our children is ok, I mean all these make believe corporate whores we are suposed to convince our kids are real i.e. Santa clause (yea I said it santa is a corporate WHORE!).....I mean jesus our society has us lying to our kids right out of the cradle. Stop trying to hide stuff from the kids and be straight up with them, there not as stupid as we like to believe and thier getting smarter everyday. My 2 cents worth. Peace



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
i'm usually good about keeping my stash and stashbox away from my kids, but now that they can reach everything, its getting more and more difficult.. i left the box on top of the tv one day and one of the boys brought me my grinder, and the other one was running around with the bowl .... i said "thank you, i'll be taking that" and they ran off to play with blocks or cars



Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
My little girl loves to spin things on their axis.. one of her favourite "spinners" is my metal grinder... :)


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
I fully agree with the person that said that we need to stop lying and hiding things from the kids. kids arent stupid and its an insult to make them think that they are.. KWIM?




"no kids, I baby sat for my sister-in-law when first married, she had tiwns
and dropped them off for a weekend, when I smelled (gag reflex) what
those evil little bastards did in those diapers I declined to procreate......."



Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
"no kids, I baby sat for my sister-in-law when first married, she had tiwns
and dropped them off for a weekend, when I smelled (gag reflex) what
those evil little bastards did in those diapers I declined to procreate......."



But, kids and smoke is always a good one.

When my oldest son was 12, he walked out one night and caught me twisting one up. All out, plain view. Mid lick. As caught as caught can get. We had a nice talk. :D

Most recently, my 21 month old daughter spotted my new piece sitting on the patio table, and ran up and grabbed for it, saying "OOOOOO PRETTY PRETTY" and "Oh, Coooooool" (gotta love the little parrots)

I got there a half a second before she did, fortunately :D

As far as being open and honest with kids, my post in the "What age is best..." thread sums up how I handled it with my older kids.

As a parent of a 13 an 15 year old, this issue is one we've had to address in more than theory lately.

When each of my kids graduated the DARE program and brought home their little certificates, I immediately had a talk with each of them. I explained that what they'd learned about marijuana was incorrect, and that it was a safe medicine used throughout human history. I gave them the -facts- to counter the propaganda they'd just been force fed.

With my impending move to Colorado, we recently had a much more in depth conversation with the boys regarding cannabis and my involvement with it. I must say, the weight of hiding from your own family is one you don't know is there until it is gone. My kids responded very well, and felt they had been treated as young adults.

But info is one thing, use is another.

After much consideration, I left it simple. I told them "If you ever reach a point where you are curious and are considering trying it, come to me first. I'd rather you learn with me than someone who is just experimenting themselves. Besides, they'll be smoking shit weed, and I'll be damned if my kids are gonna smoke shit weed"

I left the decision to them, as young adults, to make the decision as to when they are ready. I neither encouraged or discouraged, I simply gave the facts, and left the decision to each.

I feel it most likely that my youngest son will try it before my oldest. When that will be, I can't say. But when it does come, I'd rather them come to me, regardless of age, than to some shady schoolyard dealer.

1) Safest recreation
2) When they're ready


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
right on NiteTiger :joint:

my boys recently discovered a ziplock bag with a bunch of wet coffee filters in it.... needless to say i have a few unidentified seedlings vegging now lol... this was while i was at work, so i got a text from the gf saying "i think the boys ate all ur beans" lmao :joint: i wasn't laughing at the time, but in retrospect, it was funny



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
yeah, i'm doing a top-secret stealth guerrilla operation in my kids' stomachs... its the only place the cops wont look :joint:



stone fool
When my son was three, he started noticing my pipe and weed, and it bothered me, so I decided to quit smoking weed, and mostly did quit, just toking now and then over the next decade, rarely having any weed. Being straight, I was easy pray and the corporation ate me up and used me for almost two decades before it shat me out. Now my kid loves beer, I have never had a beer. My plan did not work out.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor


Active member
I was trying to get custody of my son about 12 years ago. I was being highly monitored which included a weekly Psych visit, regular unannounced visits from the "guardian ad litem." This was due to his grandparents doing whatever they couldto keep me from him. They are weird.

Well one of these visits form the "guardian ad litem" my 4 year old step daughter brought out a picture of me smoking a huge steam roller and showed the "guardian ad litem." She gave me the most horrible look and needless to say i didnt get custody.

Im pretty fortunate now with my 2 year old. He pretty much leaves stuff alone.


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
well now, we conceal our pipes, and the grinder.. we keep them out of his reach.. and dont smoke in front of him...


I had a BBQ at my house and my niece was smelling my plants saying how great they smell. She asked what they were and I replied, green tea.

It was so funny watching her smelling the plants and saying how great they smell.