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Good strain for nonsmoking beginning female



only one thing you men need to know " HELL HATH NO FURY LIKE A WOMEN SCORNED"


LOL...simmer down kitty. <Pats kitty nicely...>. I understand what you are saying...and i find that rather sexy. I'm not sure if you REALLY have that tight body you typed about...but i'll continue to imagine that you do and pass you the bong. Maybe you and your tight body can help my girl and her tight body get this smoking/strain thing down. Thanks for all the input.

Nik Dynosaur

Active member

I think that having more ladies answering this question might be more helpful for you than a bunch of dudes.

Check out the Women's Forum. It's not like the ladies' dressing room where you leave in handcuffs. You're allowed to lurk as long as you like.

haha i was just flipping through this thread and thinking that exact same thing. a bunch of men talking about which strains women would like the best.


PHX i corrected it..was working all day!! LMAO and yes solarz unlike my lazy ass man i do work-out and keep myself up to par as i work in a corporate law firm as a paralegal..which means i spend my days in court and other various functions in which i must look my best..MD is right about one thing most women i know don't really like indies, we need a little stimulation of the mind which in turn stimulates the body..go for a good hybrid and you'll both be happy..and thankx for kittypats, purrrrr...


ok, so now i've had a real serious push specifically for SSH, Kali Mist, and Blueberry/bubblegum. I will have to read/look into all of these strains. And i just figured that at some point the ladies would trickle in and give their opinios, that's why i posted ithere. Also, i really did want men's opinions too. Thanks everyone for the suggestions.

Kitty, you are very welcome for the pats...and its cool that you keep fit. Nothing better than a sexy, fit, smoking grower!!! (but shhh...don't tell my girl i said that, she doesn't grow...yet ;-))


Solarz if I were you I would pick up one pack of DJ Short's Blueberry and one pack of Mr. Nice Super Silver Haze and call it a day. You wont de disappointed.

- Jenn

*** I didnt say Bubblegum because Blueberry taste and looks better. I also didnt say Kali Mist because alot of people believe it is no longer the original recipe.***


ouch kitty...i think someone has one too many hairballs from last night..:kitty::spank::jerkit::noway:

I didnt mean it as a disrespect ,more as a joke..I love EVERTHING about women..and compare to sue men,women are DEF more complex in everything they do..:nanana: No need to attack me..you are obvoisly are a feminist who thinks that whenever a man makes a simple joke like the one I did...Im a EVIL,DOMINANT MAN....like slow down lady..geesh..no need to go all fuckin postal on me...:noway::fsu: And you really think you are smartwer than me??Hows that for a judmentalo comment..you dont even know me..:wallbash:

So just RUN ALONG and go swallow a bottle full of PAMPRIN...then smoke a blunt..and just CHILL OUT LADY!!!! And please keep your negative comments to yourself..youve obviosly never had a real man who teaches you about repect...:2cents:

Now..Ima just haul ass before the kitty wakes up again:kitty: and I get my nuts kicked...:Bolt:


Solarz if I were you I would pick up one pack of DJ Short's Blueberry and one pack of Mr. Nice Super Silver Haze and call it a day. You wont de disappointed.

- Jenn

*** I didnt say Bubblegum because Blueberry taste and looks better. I also didnt say Kali Mist because alot of people believe it is no longer the original recipe.***
Thanks for the input Jenn. I'm going to have to start a fund for those 2 seed packs...lol. They are pricey. But i'm definitely willing to try them out, as i'd like to find something great for her needs.