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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?


Well-known member
Among the First Nations of Turtle Island (North America) there's prophecies of this and a lot more to come.Many holy people saw the western technical advances of the industrial age to be a beast untamed and gave impending warnings about this all. I have little time for the media and the sky's falling messages but it is obvious that extinction of the two legged could happen at the rate of development and destruction taking place worldwide in the name of "Progress". Manifested Destiny, it's only the beginning..


Kiss My Ring
now it's prophesies...smh
reconcile with what is going to really warm things up.
unarmedhyperbole believes in the unicorn of purchased science from the progenitors of Agenda21 and 2030. goood luuck with that!

sorry is right...jmo...last 5 years, bullshit! i've lived through hotter years many times!
went from koolaid straight to methanol lol


Well-known member
always glad to see dissenting opinions
i don't agree with them, but when you're discussing you're helping bring attention
so then weather fanatics, what's up in the big picture? you know, arctic and antarctic too
we have a situation actually, let me reprise the observations of recent years
as you may know(or not), there have been 4 consecutive record winter minimum maximums of the arctic icecap
that is some serious shit, though of course some prefer to see nothing
none so blind as those who will not see?
any how, not to worry since this year seems to have broken that streak
not a record minimum but still well below normal
what is the concern is the minimum seems to have been reached in February
awfully early for the flip, might be a record for that actually
all preliminary, this is just my call but you make your own judgements from the images
and by the way the antarctic ocean ice looks like it's prepared to go into record lows for this time of year
antarctic much the different beast, but likely means something


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St. Phatty

Active member
I'm going to run on the Aqua new deal. Some of the parts of the Green New Deal (the affordable ones, or money-saving ones, if there are any), and a Blue New Deal.

To make the Greenish-Blue New New Deal.

The Blue Part - to keep people on a limited income cool during heat waves.

How to pay for it - let people like Trump & AOC debate me about Climate Change.

When they make a factual error, they kick $20 ($20K if it's Trump) into the Blue New Deal kitty.

and some poor person in Arizona or Alabama gets an air-conditioner.


Active member
Its all bullshit, unless you can compare today's shit with all of human history(or earth's),
it means nothing, it is a fairy tail to scare the DC's and little kiddies.

Give me some $$$$$$$$, and let me have total control of ya's, says the very socialist UN


Kiss My Ring
Friday, 08 March 2019 Trump Climate Panel Could Expose Huge Fraud, Hence the Hysteria

Written by Alex Newman

The collective freak out over President Donald Trump's proposed Presidential Committee on Climate Science (PCCS) highlights the fact that the hysteria surrounding the man-made global-warming hypothesis is unscientific — and that it must be re-examined by competent, credible experts. According to scientists and experts, if the science on “climate change” were truly settled, Democrats, tax-funded climate alarmists, and the establishment media would all be celebrating another committee to confirm that “conclusion.” Instead, the unhinged shrieking over Trump's plan to investigate the matter strongly suggests something very fishy is going on, critics argued. Indeed, there is a good chance that even more fraud could be revealed.
The hysteria first broke out last month. In late February, documents emerged showing that the White House was planning to create a committee of federal scientists. Their job: re-examine widely disputed conclusions on climate change by previous government bodies. Especially problematic to the man-made global-warming theorists was the prestigious scientist selected to lead the commission, Princeton University physicist and national security advisor Dr. William Happer (shown). Of course, Happer is a widely respected scientist who happens to disagree with the increasingly discredited hypothesis that man's emissions of CO2 — a fraction of one percent of all the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere — control the climate.
“CO2 will be good for the Earth,” Happer told The New American magazine at a 2016 climate conference in Phoenix, Arizona, that brought together leading scientists and experts in various fields to expose the lies and alarmism. “If you look at geological history, CO2 levels are unusually low right now, it’s very seldom that they’ve been this low. Many plants are not growing as good as they could if they had more CO2, so CO2 by itself will be very good for the Earth, more will be a good thing.” He also said it was “pretty clear that we're not going to see dangerous climate change” as a result of human CO2 emissions.

After the news of Happer's appointment and the commission was reported by the anti-Trump Washington Post, a bastion of pseudo-scientific climate hysteria, other anti-Trump climate alarmists in the media took their cue. Indeed, the out-of-control outrage and vitriol pumped out by the establishment over the proposed commission reached outlandish proportions. CNN, for example, which the president has described as “very fake news,” could barely contain its disgust, running a column blasting the climate panel as “a waste of time and money.” The fringe left-wing Vox, meanwhile, warned that Happer has “bizarre, backward views about climate science.” Some especially ludicrous screeds warned of an alleged “threat to national security.”
Democrats in the House of Representatives sent a furious letter to the president making all sorts of wild demands and claims. A group of a dozen or so Democrat senators even called the commission “dangerous.” “Climate change is widely acknowledged to be a global threat, and enabling climate skeptics to undermine the views of our nation’s scientific leaders on this critical issue is dangerously misguided for both our national and economic security,” they wrote, claiming that Happer's comments show he “denies” the “overwhelming body of scientific evidence on the topic.”
And now, it is all coming to a head. Independent physicist John Droz, who is working with a network of concerned scientists against the corruption of science, argued that the 30-year battle over global-warming is set to reach a pivotal juncture within the next few days. In short, under tremendous pressure from the establishment media, the Democrat Party, Deep State swamp creatures, and even a handful of fringe “Republicans in Name Only” (RINOs), sources say the administration is re-considering the commission and its mission. Droz urged citizens to contact the White House right away and show their support for the plan by calling 202-456-1111 or sending an e-mail at whitehouse.gov/contact.
In commentary about the ongoing uproar, Droz noted the absurdity of claiming a new commission would be a waste of money when the price tag for “climate” schemes is in the tens of trillions of dollars. “If the U.S. was about to spend an enormous amount of money, would you say that an investigation costing one-billionth(!) of the expenditure, would be a waste of money?” Droz asked, calling it the “$64 trillion question.” “That’s what we are talking about here.” He also refuted the “waste of time” objection, noting that Trump has already made clear that without new facts, he does not intend to do anything consequential on the “climate” front.
As for the objection that the “science is settled,” Droz again highlighted the absurdity and unscientific nature of the claim. The issue of whether man's CO2 emissions are driving dangerous warming or climate changes has not been resolved, he said. A genuine scientific assessment would require four components: It should be comprehensive, objective, transparent, and empirical. “There has never been a scientific assessment of the Global Warming issue, anywhere on the planet,” Droz observed, adding that the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's assessment reports failed on at least three of the four criteria.
Indeed, many of the voices seeking to shut down the presidential committee point to the UN IPCC's findings as proof that the science is settled. And yet, The New American magazine just interviewed former UN IPCC sea-level reviewer Dr. Nils-Axel Morner, who became a whistleblower after the UN body refused to correct easily discredited misinformation on sea levels and other matters despite his bringing it to their attention. “There is no rapid sea-level rise going on today, and there will not be,” he explained, citing observable data and his more than 50 years of research in the field. “On the contrary, if anything happens, the sea will go down a little.” He also warned of a looming global cooling period caused by the Sun.

Droz, the U.S. physicist, then proceeded to debunk the false claim that 97 percent of the world's scientists agree with the man-made warming hypothesis. “Fact one: there never has been a survey of the world’s 2+ million scientists on anything,” he wrote. “Fact two: There may indeed be a majority of certain subsets of scientists that hold an opinion about Global Warming. However, none of them has done a genuine scientific analysis of the Global Warming matter. Fact three: Science is never determined by a vote. Do you think that Einstein’s Theory of Relativity was accepted due to a poll — or because of scientific proof?”
Other prominent scientists agreed that the commission was sorely needed. Writing in the Daily Caller, for example, climatologist Patrick Michaels said it was “about time” that a commission to examine climate science was established. “And it’s about time that the truly sloppy, shoddy science that the previous administration used be shown in the light of truth," said Michaels, who wrote seven books on climate, served as the Virginia State Climatologist and as president of the American Association of State Climatologists, and was a research professor of environmental sciences at University of Virginia. “Let’s shine the light of truth on the notion that a temperature change equivalent to driving from Washington to Richmond is throwing the world into geopolitical chaos.”
Similarly, climate skeptic Paul Driessen, who has degrees in geology and field ecology, slammed the opposition to Trump's commission in a column for Townhall.com. “For years, you Democrats, environmentalists, Deep State bureaucrats, government-grant-dependent scientists, news and social media have colluded to censor and silence man-made climate chaos skeptics, and stifle any debate,” he said, noting that the Climate Industrial Complex was now a $2-trillion-per year global behemoth. “All of you have huge financial, reputational and power stakes in this.”
Driessen explained that the climate alarmists hope to wrap up their “kangaroo court proceedings” without the other side being heard or being allowed to present evidence and cross-examine alarmist so-called experts. “If your evidence is so solid and unimpeachable, you should be more than happy to lay it on the table, subject it to scrutiny, question our experts, and let us question yours — extensively and mercilessly,” he argued, calling the alarmists' agenda un-American, totalitarian, anti-science, and more. “After all, the future of our planet is at stake — or so you claim. The future of our country certainly is.”
The ecologist turned attorney, author of the book Eco-Imperialism: Green Power Black Death, offered some blunt advice to the president on this issue. “Mr. Trump: Please stand up to these Climate Totalitarians who want to destroy our nation, in the name of saving the planet from climate disasters that exist only in computer models, Hollywood movies, and self-serving assertions from the Climate Industrial Complex,” Driessen suggested. “Appoint your Presidential Committee on Climate Science right now. And may the best science win.”
James Taylor, senior fellow for environment and energy policy at the non-profit Heartland Institute, said an inclusive climate change panel is “exactly what we need to get as close to the truth as we can” on the question of global warming. “Up to now, the panels put together by the federal government have been nothing more than a gathering of prominent alarmists rattling off activist talking points,” he told The New American. As an example, he noted that one of the lead authors of the widely ridiculed National Climate Assessment, released just before the latest UN global-warming summit, represented the alarmist Union of Concerned Scientists. “Clearly, a climate assessment written by the Union of Concerned Scientists is not credible,” Taylor said.
An objective review of the science would reveal many such flaws, conflicts of interest, and more. “Alarmists fear and are vigorously objecting to President Trump appointing a science panel because they know an objective review of the science will poke gaping holes in the alarmist storyline,” he said. “But the proposed science panel is not about one side or another winning the debate, it is about discovering scientific truth by critical inquiry rather than political bullying.”
At American Thinker, David Archibald, who has lectured on climate science in Senate and House hearing rooms, argued that Dr. Happer's commission could set the world free from the one-world-order plotting totalitarians behind the warming hypothesis. “At the moment, the Marxist plotters bang on about the 97 percent scientific consensus on global warming,” he wrote. “They have created a sealed edifice of lies and have maintained it assiduously. After Dr. Happer's report is released, the mantra of 'Are you denying the science?' will be turned on its head. Global warming has been a state-sponsored religion, with its priesthood funded from the public purse to the tune of $2.5 billion a year in the U.S. alone. The priests of that cult will be plucked off the public teat, and the memory of what they preached will fade.”
Writing for the environmentalist Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), Dr. David Wojick ridiculed one of the pseudo-scientific screeds seeking to undo the commission. In his insightful piece, Dr. Wojick pointed out that much of the hysteria over the examination of the climate hysteria is based on a critical fallacy: the notion that climate alarmism is the same thing as climate science. “This is wildly stupid,” he said. “It just shows that science news outlets like the Science Mag and E&E News have no real concept of what is actually going on, namely a serious scientific debate. It is no wonder then, that their readers also do not know what is going on. Even worse, this alarmist fallacy occurs in many other news outlet articles as well.”
The difference really is crucial. “Both alarmism and skepticism are based on climate science, but neither is the whole of climate change science, much less climate science, not even close,” noted Wojick, who has worked for Carnegie Mellon University, the U.S. Office of Naval Research, the Naval Research Lab, and the U.S. Department of Energy. “A quick search reveals that the scientific literature contains over 2 million articles that refer to 'climate change.' Alarmism and skepticism are differing claims about what this vast body of research adds up to. They are not that body itself, so it is wildly wrong to equate either view with climate science. The assessment of science is different from the science being assessed.”
It seems increasingly like Trump was right when he ridiculed the man-made warming hypothesis as a "hoax." In the end, there is a reason that the shrieking is getting so loud from the man-made warming theorists — a tax-funded “cult” movement, according to leading scientists such as Happer and MIT meteorologist Richard Lindzen. The reason is simple: The claim that man's insignificant CO2 emissions drive “climate change” underpins their business models, their globalist ideology, their tax-funded pay checks, and their demands for ever greater and more intrusive government. If the science were truly settled, the warming cult would have nothing to fear from yet another government investigation of the science. As Queen Gertrude says in Shakespeare's Hamlet, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
Photo at top: Dr. William Happer
Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, was at the UN climate summit in Paris and has been at other key UN climate summits as well. He can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU or on Facebook.
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Trump Was Right! UN Admits Paris “Climate” Scheme Is Useless
New Report Exposes Rockefeller Dynasty's Role in “Climate” Scam
Climate Scientist: “Global Warming Nazis” Threaten Humanity
Climate Alarmists Have Been Wrong About Virtually Everything


Well-known member
Happer rejects the scientific consensus on climate change. He has no formal training in climate science.

a high point of Dr Happer's career

In December 2015, Happer was targeted in a sting operation by the environmental activist group Greenpeace. Posing as consultants for a Middle Eastern oil and gas company, they asked Happer to write a report touting the benefits of rising carbon emissions. Happer asked for the fee from this work to be donated to the "objective evidence" climate-change organization CO2 Coalition, which suggested that he contact the Donors Trust to keep the source of the funds secret as requested by Greenpeace. Hiding the sources of funding in this way is lawful under US law. Happer further acknowledged that his report would probably not pass peer-review with a scientific journal.


Kiss My Ring
what of it?
more hyperbole abusing someone who isn't around to defend himself.

"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Happer asked for the fee from this work to be donated to the "objective evidence" climate-change organization CO2 Coalition, which suggested that he contact the Donors Trust to keep the source of the funds secret as requested by Greenpeace!"[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]and the others cited in that article? do you just ignore them also?[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]'i' reject the consensus. science isn't consensus...ffs[/FONT]

The End of the Climate Hoax is Coming

By John C. Velisek USN Ret, on March 8th, 2019
The “elite” that are in positions of power in our country have decided to make a final push on climate change before being debunked in the future. The man-hater from Hawaii Mazie Hirono stated in the past week that the Green New Deal is recognition that climate change is happening and that we should not stick our heads in the sand. She has described President Trump, and his minions know zero about the subject and that they deny the “science” behind climate change. Since the subject has gone from global cooling to global warming, to climate change, it proves that those who are pushing the globalist agenda are the ones who profit from instilling fear in the world population. Looking to move the globalist agenda forward through intimidation and indoctrination are being used to force the program on the people who look to the talking points with skepticism.

Global warming talking points are inundating the country to the point where we now have low information liberal women telling us that they are so afraid that they can not see any reason to have children. Over the last 150 years, there has been global warming. Accepted by many scientists although the reason why is in dispute. Many climatologists and others in the climate change field agree that the climate and the global warming era we are in is regulated a great deal by the sun’s activity. The solar cycles over the past 60 years have been higher than average for the 1150 year period data collection period. The period of high solar activity in the 1970-1990 period is the cause of slightly rising temperatures. In the past 19 years with the decrease of solar activity, the temperatures have stabilized. The next cycles show a lack of sunspot activity called a “solar minimum” which will lead to cooler temperatures. Any sane climatologist must admit that solar energy input is more important than driving an SUV or pick up truck. Solar activity has been and will be more of a driving force on our climate than any globalist agenda they continue to lie to the people about.

They seem to think that they and they alone, by using governments to legislate the people back to the stone age can control nature. If they are so well versed on how to control the climate, why can’t they control hurricanes, or earthquakes or any other natural events that cause such damage to the Earth?

In 1992, Democratic Senator Tim Worth said:
“We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”

Mikhail Gorbachev in 1996 :
“The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.”

Our own State Department in 1992 demanded a global warming treaty even if there was no scientific evidence. Globalists have turned the global warming “science” into a state-sponsored corrupt religion to be used to bludgeon the world population to subjugate the community to the agenda of global governance.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and the other Climate fear mongers are nothing new, it has been going on since at least the 1950s as I have written about before and will continue using false facts and bought and paid for “scientists” and “celebrities” like Bill Nye the Science guy who never has been a reliable source of facts. It has gone so far that Senator Sheldon Whitehouse has put forward legislation to attempt to use the RICO Act for organizations, companies and people who disagree with the faulty science of climate change.

The Green New Deal which is nothing more than a socialist wish list rants on about the 97% consensus among scientists. This has been thoroughly debunked before. A peer reviewed study by Organizational Studies has shown that only 36% of geoscientists and engineers believe that human caused climate change is true.

A strong majority of those involved in the study of over a thousand responses believe that nature is responsible for the climate changes. Even the Wall Street Journal has called the Green New Deal being based on faulty science. In the words from the Wall Street Journal: “A large and growing number of distinguished scientists and engineers do not agree that drastic action on global warming are needed.”

Geologist Ian Palmer : “Climate change is a natural phenomenon. It has been going on for millions of years.”

Physicist Thomas Sheahan: “The science is NOT settled at all and it would be a great disservice to children to indoctrinate them with one currently-fashionable theory.

Dr. Will Happer, Princeton University Physicist and appointed to set up the Presidential Committee on Climate Change : “You should not let yourself be deceived by those who claim you are opposing “science”. Science has been badly hurt by the global warming cult.”

UNIPCC Tom Tripp: “Despite what you may have heard in the media, there is nothing like a consensus of scientific opinion that climate change is a problem.”

35Year Senior Research Scientist for NASA Dr.Leonard Weinstein: “Any reasonable scientific analysis must conclude that the basic theory is wrong. The Earth will always heal itself. Climate is beyond our power to control. Earth doesn’t care about governments or legislation. You can find much actual global warming in present-day observations. Climate change is a matter of geologic time, something the earth routinely does on its own.”

Nobel Prize for Physics winner Dr. Robert B. Laughlin and a Research Scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory: The jig is up. The whole thing is a fraud. Perhaps what has doomed the Climategate fraudsters the most was their brazenness in fudging the data.”

Even the Russians are waking up to the lies of climate change. The head of the geomagnetic laboratory of the Russian Academy of Sciences has said: “Hundreds of billions of dollars have been wasted with the attempt of imposing an Anthropogenic Global Warming theory that is not supported by physical world evidence. AGW has been forcefully imposed by a barrage of scare stories and indoctrination that begins in elementary school textbooks.

Research Chemist William C. Gilbert: “The dysfunctional nature of the climate sciences is nothing short of a scandal. Science is too important for our society to be misused in the way it has been done within the climate science community. The global warming establishment has actively suppressed research results presented by researchers that do not comply with the dogma of the IPCC”

Atmospheric Physicist Dr, John Reed who has worked with Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific And Industrial Research Organization: “We maintain there is no reason whatsoever to worry about man-made climate change because there is no valid evidence that such a thing is happening.”

Climate Statistics Professor Dr. Caleb Rossiter of American University and an Obama Liberal in every sense of the word is now being shunned by the Democrat Party for being a climate skeptic. Once his climate skepticism became news in a Wall Street Journal op-ed in May 2014, he was terminated from his fellowship at the liberal Institute for Policy Studies after 23 years. He called the Nobel given to Al Gore the worst Nobel Prize since Henry Kissinger.

Al Gore, along with Obama vilified people who disagreed on climate change and took steps like those against Dr. Rossiter to ruin lives and assure that publications would not publish disagreement with those in power. Dr. Rossiter explained that Al Gore was supported by the progressive socialists in the party because they want to move away from an industrial society to a post-industrial, non-fossil fuel, post corporate society.

It has been made clear that those pushing the false science of climate change from Congress to corporations will continue to maintain a zero tolerance policy in regards to climate skeptics. They will not debate nor even recognize that there may be those who read real facts concerning climate change and have a different point of view.

So, in an effort to ignore the facts as they are Crazy Mazie has declared that it is settled and those who are too ignorant to agree have their heads in the sand.

Can you explain why these scientists mentioned above and many others do not deserve to be heard?

Can you explain why those scientists that are ramming through climate change are allowed to manipulate facts and figures and put forth lies that lead to debacles like the Green New Deal?

It is nothing more than a progressive socialist agenda that is one further step to the totalitarian power that the socialist demand and will be destroyed and thrown on the ash heap of history like the rest of socialism.

Related articles:


Well-known member
^^^ count the number of times socialist/socialism appears in that post
that's not science, that's an unhappy person who hates the government
can't help you with the government rants
the science we see is becoming more compelling, not less


Kiss My Ring
...red herring, not an argument....

count how many times you've posted the same lies about cLIEmate gate.

interesting that Happer is setting up the [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Presidential Committee on Climate Change. lol[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]https://climatereanalyzer.org/wx/DailySummary/#seaice-snowc-topo[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]LOOK AT THAT![/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]must be cold huh? record cold winter across the northern hemisphere...caused by global warming....[/FONT]

last five years hottest on record huh? the credibility is lacking...

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]


Well-known member
...red herring, not an argument....

count how many times you've posted the same lies about cLIEmate gate.

interesting that Happer is setting up the [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Presidential Committee on Climate Change. lol[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]https://climatereanalyzer.org/wx/DailySummary/#seaice-snowc-topo[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]LOOK AT THAT![/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]must be cold huh? record cold winter across the northern hemisphere...caused by global warming....[/FONT]

https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=18957&pictureid=1929197View Image
last five years hottest on record huh? the credibility is lacking...

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

well, i did that
searched the thread for climate gate
only match was this latest post of yours
i think we need a clearer reference to what you are referring to


Active member
Get out and enjoy the nice weather while it lasts, the planet spends most of its time freezing its arse off, and all you lot can do is whinge about the little bit of nice weather we are having at the moment.

Since when did most of you lot start believing anything the government says, they are not your friend, they are only out to enslave you with their bullshit.

someone is making a shitload of $$$ out of the "man made warming" crap, it ain't us


Well-known member
Get out and enjoy the nice weather while it lasts, the planet spends most of its time freezing its arse off, and all you lot can do is whinge about the little bit of nice weather we are having at the moment.

Since when did most of you lot start believing anything the government says, they are not your friend, they are only out to enslave you with their bullshit.

someone is making a shitload of $$$ out of the "man made warming" crap, it ain't us

true, mostly it's old academics from distantly related disciplines who sell their names to climate change 'sceptics'
now enjoying the weather, that i can go with to a point
fuck yeah i'll enjoy warmer weather in freeze ass soggy bottom
but enjoy it means to take note and be aware that it is warming
we don't need to completely destroy the global civilization, just start fixing some things that can actually be fixed


Well-known member
knock knock

knock knock

who's there? the real world and it has real world data
so the freeze season looks like it is over, but you never know for sure
any ways that early looking maximum that happened in february? not quite the max
very close, but it appears a surge in march barely edged it out
key points, another well below ice season in the arctic, but they're all like that now
and the Bering sea had record low levels, that was the big feature for the winter
and so a new season and the melt begins


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