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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?


Well-known member
fill a glass completely with water. then, put ice on a screen OVER the glass (not IN it) so that as it melts, it tries to drip into the glass. (do this IN the sink, not on the counter next to it:)) the melting glaciers are not IN the ocean. question being-"if" there is far more ice IN the ocean melting than ABOVE the water line of the ocean -IE- icebergs etc. theoretically, they COULD be a wash, balance each other out. "if" being a very large 2 letter word.:tiphat:


Speed of Dark
Stick a single large ice cube in the glass, then fill the glass all the way to the rim so part of the ice cube is above the rim. The ice above the rim will melt down the outside of the glass.
The underwater ice will have no effect, all the other ice adds to the depth.
The only way around this dilemma is to pretend science does not function. This ability to pretend seems to depend on political party.

OK, stupid is as stupid does and the Earth is dying for large and medium size mammals. Pretending has no effect on their demise.


Stick a single large ice cube in the glass, then fill the glass all the way to the rim so part of the ice cube is above the rim. The ice above the rim will melt down the outside of the glass.
The underwater ice will have no effect, all the other ice adds to the depth.
The only way around this dilemma is to pretend science does not function. This ability to pretend seems to depend on political party.

OK, stupid is as stupid does and the Earth is dying for large and medium size mammals. Pretending has no effect on their demise.

No. Keep in mind the ice cube is floating. Why? It floats because it's less dense than the liquid it's floating in. As the ice cube in the water melts, it becomes more dense. The glass will never overflow.

Rubber Chicken

In a slightly different direction, i think French president Macron seems like a little bit of a Trump whisperer....

Could be good news as far as Americas (Trumps) retarded ideas to quit the Paris Climate Agreement..... if Macron can whisper some sense into Trump about rejoining it, like the way it seems he is about military decisions.

Rubber Chicken

Where i live, we have had many new all time high heat records also crazy winds more than i ever experienced here.
We do get some quite windy days in the past, but the last few years noticeably stronger.

I have lived here for 35 years, and we even had a tornado which is unheard of in this area...

I believe in human resiliency and creative solutions but holy wowzers it seems things are changing. :frown:


Well-known member
Where i live, we have had many new all time high heat records also crazy winds more than i ever experienced here.
We do get some quite windy days in the past, but the last few years noticeably stronger.

I have lived here for 35 years, and we even had a tornado which is unheard of in this area...

I believe in human resiliency and creative solutions but holy wowzers it seems things are changing. :frown:

yeah, the wind stuff has gotten pretty unusual
and all kinds of weirdness, around me freezing rain has become way more common in the winter
you might see it once in a season years ago, now it's all the time in winter


In a slightly different direction, i think French president Macron seems like a little bit of a Trump whisperer....

Could be good news as far as Americas (Trumps) retarded ideas to quit the Paris Climate Agreement..... if Macron can whisper some sense into Trump about rejoining it, like the way it seems he is about military decisions.

The Paris agreement was nothing more than spreading the wealth......

.05 degrees over 100 years is what the Paris agreement was trying to accomplish, at the cost of trillions of dollars. That .05 degrees was using global warming models that have now been proven faulse, so it would have been for even less than .05%............

Paris agreement was a scam. Trump helped the USA avoid one of the biggest wealth transfers in human history.

Good Job Trump!

As for why the weather seems to be changing year to year....... That is because weather goes in cycles. 30 year rain and drought cycles are pretty common. Look it up in your area....... I bet the weather hasn't changed much at all. I have a weather system that reports to the national weather system. I have a detailed weather report of my property for the last five years, and it matches up exactly with 30 years ago, then 30 years before that. Winter, spring, fall and summer have stayed constant on this planet for thousands of years. I expect it to stay the same. As I believe the Earth is a living being, and will clean the planet with it's own mechanisms..

St. Phatty

Active member
Where i live, we have had many new all time high heat records also crazy winds more than i ever experienced here.
We do get some quite windy days in the past, but the last few years noticeably stronger.

That was a description I heard of the winds in Petaluma at the time of the fires in Northern Sonoma County, in October 2017.

The guy described the winds as "windiest he'd ever seen it", like at the beginning of a sci fi disaster movie.

I would not want to own an insurance company with exposure to California wildfires. I think 2018 will be comparable to 2017.

The people of the state are sitting completely on their hands, mostly waiting for the government to do something.


Boreal Curing
From what I've seen in this thread, it seems like most have already made up their minds, then went looking for evidence to support their views. That's a pretty heavy dose of Confirmation Bias.

I challenge you to look at data and evidence that conflicts with your beliefs, or investigate the publisher of your source data.

And please, let's keep the Illuminati out of it.

Good luck


Speed of Dark
I guess it is pure luck that the sun is in a cooling phase while we (humans) are deliberately striving to drive the temperature up.

Humans are winning, the sun is steady within a quarter of one percent and .25% cooling is losing big time to the much higher accumulation of greenhouse gasses, H2O, CO2, CH3, being the main culprits.

Why? Who gives a fuck, the heat is here and going up every day.
Instead of standing still and saying "Why is he shooting at me?" perhaps ducking and finding cover could save your life.


Please explain how the sun "is" cooling........ We know the sun to be a ball of fusion..... That will only get hotter with time...... It has hot and cold periods, but I do not believe we are in a cool zone right now. Those predictions are 30 years out, no?

Also explain why other planets in the solar system are also heating up........ Like Jupiter.
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