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Have you ever met anyone famous??


Active member
One time I passed out drunk at a frat party, the brothers dumped me on a bed upstairs. So I lay there with the room spinning for I dont know how long, when none other than muthafuckin Bill Murray walks into the room and proceeds to blow me. After I came he leaves, and closing the door on the way out he sticks his head through and tells me "Nobody will ever believe you."

did you enjoy it?


the shit spoon
Dude it was BILL MURRAY of course I enjoyed it I enjoy all his work

edit: this was before garfield


Active member
did he say "no one will ever believe you" in a goofy or serious way?

fucking hilarious. he's a legend. don't know if i'd let him blow me though..


I used to work as a chef for a very up scale country club in SW penn. such members as Mario lemuix, ben rothlisberger, C. patrick (the coach of the U.S.A. hockey team that beat the russians in the 80's) jerome bettis, and every year for about 10 yrs mario would hold a celebrity golf outing there for his cancer foundation. I cooked micheal jordans breakfast for a whole week when he stayed for the tournament, and actually seen 1 of the actors from the movie 16 candles and jim Mcmahn smoking a joint behind the toyota banner on the 18th green after the tournament was over for the day. I seen and meet and had long conversations w/ such ppl as Dave mathews. joe pecci, micheal kaeton who is a native to my home town so if any of you tri staters are looking at this u might know of where i am :) ...though I wish we were allowed to have gotten photos of all of these ppl I have meet but at the time and i totally agree w/ the policies of the club we could not ask or recieve autographs or photo's because that was a place they went to get away from all the fan fare. though I would have to say that the most interesting person I had met was Dave Mathews he is such an open minded and loving man for humanity and the love of our favorite flower. ;)


Bobby Kennedy

Bobby Kennedy

shook hands with the candidate in spring '68 while he was on a campaign stop in our little town....we were allowed to skip school for the event as a sort of civics lesson

smoked up Chuck Berry during intermission between sets in a large Tucson bar/dance hall in '72....we just bluffed our way backstage and, for the whole intermission, the three of us formed a semi-circle around Chuck in a corner. I had a 'sucrets' tin full of machine rolled joints of good Mexican which I kept lighting up one after the other and passing around our circle...Chuck also bummed Salem cigs from me which he puffed on in between

he really jammed the place up during his second set...I was right up front cheering him on...great time

a year before in DC partied with Spencer Davis and his band...strolled through Georgetown with the lead guitarist the next day trying to find a jacket for his lady friend

long time ago, I know...nothing famous lately for me, I guess:smokeit:


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor


Probably the most famous person I've spent any length of time with is Shawn Murray back when he ruled wake boarding. I've shaken the hands of several 4 star generals. Namely, Wes Clark when he was NATO allied supreme commander.


O Yea how can I forget General schwarzcoff had an office in a bldg I worked in as an electrician.He was really friendly not like some football players like the Sapp Warren Sapp


Ive met Gilbert Arenas, Magic Johnson and Lavar Arrington (basketball and football stars) at a party I was working at a couple of years ago, cool people with very hot wives.

Met Steve Dinan a few months back (owner of Dinan Motorsports)

Im sure Ive met some other people, but I cant think of any right now...

OHH and John Boise( From the Dingoes) was my Biology teacher in high school, recently got AUS Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

and so was Mick Coogan (from a local band, Dance Party) was my AP English teacher in high school was well
Walter Peyton when I was a kid, he was an asshole
Bill Clinton when I was in military school
Ludacris when I was waiting for valet at a restaurant, he is an absolute gentleman
"Samson" guy from Half Baked when I was getting ice cream one day (I was high as fuck too)
Doug Benson (smoked with him)
Rob Cantrell (smoked with him too)
Aisha Tyler
Anthony Anderson tried to pick me up at the mall one day, lol, his game was weak
Me and a friend were walking in the parking lot at the store and Mike Vick tried to pick her up, his game was weak too
I'm sure there are others I can't remember...meet ppl all the time around here.