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Have i done the right thing??


Active member
I found myself in a tight spot, wether it is paranoia imaginable or real i need some advice.

Back in 2003 - 2004 i was second time in Australia goofing around, travelling partying and surfing what not :chin:

It was February i think when i run out of cash and started looking for some form of job.

I found a fruit picking job, in a distant country town in central Queensland. I was on the phone with the farmer, right, and he told me plain and clear he had a job for me.

I arrive there withou much money and check in into this dodgy hotel. Now this is what i told them: i do not have any $$$ right now but i got a job so i will pay you in 1 week when i get paid.

I went on to work on the farm and on the 3rd or 4th day, in the momrning when i was about to be picked up with the rest of fruit pickers at the gas stop the driver (foreman) tells me they do not need me any more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WTF :moon:

So i think about it, turns out i spent more on the bus to get there than i got paid! HE TOLD me he got a job, so i paid expensive bus ticket to AND from this town and now they say they dont have a job for me!!!!!

And here's another interesting thing: the motel i was staying at was shit over all, but they put me in the last room they had available and let me tell you about that room. It was right at the back of the stupid motel and outside its window had a massive diesel engine on at all times. I don't know was it for electricity or some other shit but let me tell you it was loud and awful and i couldn't sleep, rest, i had nightmares because of it and i was restless....

Heres an interesting part: after i found out i was laid off i decided to do a ... "prank" on the motel owner and that town community in general. After all they drove me into their town and all AND motel room was a "harmful environment" so, last night i quietly waited in my friends fruit picker room and around 3 am i sneaked out thro the back and went to bus station and caught a mid night bus back to mainland.

Back then i thought it was a real slick move. But the motel owner knows my full name, because of some mail i set up from the dodgy rural bank to be sent to that hotel and i left without changing it. That and i became more ... karma conscious too... Have i done the right thing? to leave without paying few days rent?? i would have to say yes but i have some information that after all these years motel owners consulted popo on how to deal with this.

Thanks for reading and please post your advice :)


Active member
That and, there wasnt any money!!! I told you i came there without cash, so when i was laid off i simply HAD NO MONEY!
regardless of what you were told, you had a place to stay for a few days, so to balance things out, it would be wise to pay, however, if I were in your shoes, I would probably just assume they wrote it off and go about the rest of your life. Taking a couple days rent in a shitty hotel isn't anything to lose sleep over, nobody was harmed in the process, so I wouldn't be too concerned about it. They might have your information, but they can't really do anything with it, it would end up costing them more to research it and find you than the total bill they're collecting.


Active member
Good advice.

But have you ever slept in a room with a loud 2 stroke giant diesel engine operating in it? Im tellin' ya its not pretty

whatever karma says am i right or wrong one thing is clear i couldn't sleep or rest there!


Active member
Send em those sweet ass walkie talkies you scored with a special little hand scribed apology note for acting like a twit and call it a day. What you done is the equivalent of the ole chew n screw, a pretty weak move by any standard.


natural medicator
sounds like you feel justified and looking for people to tell you that you did the right thing....

The shitty motel and the farmer sound like 2 separate entities. One said he had a job for you, you told the other that you would pay them. He screwed you over, you screwed over someone completely different. The shitty motel is probably used to people (they probably call them 'cheats') like you, but it doesn't make it right. What ever happened to sleeping in a tent if you don't have cash?


Active member
Send em those sweet ass walkie talkies you scored with a special little hand scribed apology note for acting like a twit and call it a day. What you done is the equivalent of the ole chew n screw, a pretty weak move by any standard.


aLready sent those radios to my eastern EU friends son :D


Active member
sounds like you feel justified and looking for people to tell you that you did the right thing....

Im actually going to see how this threads turns out and maybe tomorrow call the motel and if management hasnt changed over they years offer them a refund

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Two wrongs don't make a right bra sorry .. If one guys screws you doesn't mean you screw the other guy..lol.. I know your in a tight spot but it might have been better to say "this is what is up and this is where I'm at, I have no idea as to what to say or do but this is the truth".. I have been in almost the exact same type of situation so I get where your coming from.. When life hands you lemons lol and on and on stay real headband 707


Was it your incall location?



Active member
Two wrongs don't make a right.....Didn't your mother teach you anything?

Next time negotiate a discount if you feel cheated. This in a nut shell is what's wrong with the world. Bad things happen but you don't have to sink to that level. Take the high ground and you will be able to sleep much easier, even if a diesel generator is humping outside.

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