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hash oil made with supercritical co2 extraction

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
You left out the fact that the CO2 was produced from a reaction left uncontrolled. You left out the fact that the vessel was made from brittle cast iron. You left out the fact that the incident is famous due to its necessitating the advent of the pressure release safety disc. Said advent makes your mention of this horror tale unnecessary except to discourage research. You then post the research you claim to deplore, in video form.

If I was going to post the tale of the Parisian discovery and harnessing of liquid CO2, I'd point to it as proof that proper procedure will result in safe extraction. Tolerances, stainless steel, pressure burst discs. I wouldn't omit facts about the event in an attempt to twist what happened toward my argument. BTW nice post edit months ago to hide the fact that you got chloroform and methanol confused. You sure know how to copy and paste, except for when you botch it. Don't try to deny it because I saw you.

Thank you for admitting that the M. stands for Monsieur and that as such your attempt to portray it as his middle initial is absurd. Your assignment of an arbitrary nickname to the person, along with your shallow attempt to paint Mellor as the assignitor, speaks much of your motives while communicating little in the way of fact.

If this is your view and not a decision to go trolling every few months, you have serious, fundamental problems that are unrelated to this site and uninteresting to me.
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The facts speak for themselves. I believe you have your own problem related to fleeing a discussion when the facts prove you wrong, rather than admitting that your version of science consists of making a conclusion then finding "facts" to support it--as long as it differs with someone whom you label some sort of "troll". Today's events suggest that you would find a place alongside Amanda Knox's false accusers rather than in a research environment.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Wowza! Hee, hee, hee, thangs are looking up!

I dropped by the Eden Lab booth at the Everett HT Cup last weekend, and shared some of the R&D work Patrick has been working on! Clearly he has moved the ball a long way since we last compared notes and product.

I only tested four, because after the first three, I couldn't tell much about the forth except for taste and consistency.

The first two were the most intriguing, as he did exactly what I had scheduled for the Apek's loaner unit in the first, now making that trip un-necessary. He extracted the monoterpenes separately from the cannabinoid diterpenes and then recombined them.

Before recombination, the THC in the cannabinoid concentrate was in the high 90's percentile, and after recombination it left a loose oil, that was highly aromatic, tasty, and which had loads of head.

Also interesting from the standpoint that the THC fraction was hard as a rock, but instantly turned to droopy oil with a small fraction of the terpenes extracted from it.

The second was extracted with straight n-Propane and was purdier by current market light blond wax standards, as well as strongly aromatic and tasty, with perhaps less head, but hard to tell precisely back to back.

I tested two more CO2 variations and Patrick had more for show and tell, but I only have so many cannabinoid receptors, so we promised to take up where we left off at a later date, when we could test for more that aroma and taste.

He has been doing work fractionating that I wait with bait on mah breath to see where it leads. Exactly the sort of thing that SCFE CO2 is outstanding at doing, but if anyone has already done that ground work on cannabis, they are keeping their mouths shut.

They of course had one of their latest purdy machines on display and many onlookers salivating over it, so everyone was also pressed for time. Fritz did relate that they had moved into a new larger shop near their old one, and invited us to see the new digs and their latest creations, which WW and I look forward to.

Sharing their booth was WAM oil, with an open dabbing table and at least three e-nails staying busy demonstrating their different strains of CO2 extracted oil. Loose clear oils, that were smooth to vaporize and with a lower monoterpene and stronger sesquiterpene presence than Patrick's oil.

Hee, hee, hee, I like where this is going...............


Active member
nice post GW.

im just hoping the price of co2 oil goes down some. Best i can find at dispensaries is 40 a gram. Glad the tech s moving forward though.

Would be nice to find larger amounts then a gram too lol. Ounce of co2 oil please!


i recently came across some incredibly well extracted co2 hash that was made by med-west.com and measured in at 73.4 percent thc/.1 percent cbd... and i gotta say, this is by far the nicest looking co2 hash ive ever seen... which isnt hard actually as most of what I've seen is black goo... but this is yellow bho colored except its even more transparent than bho... in fact at first glance one would think its bho. but once u move it, its got a consistency of jelly... but again it is completely transparent.... and there isn't residue... however they did it they didnt extract any waxes or lipids.
now it is beautiful... and it is strong and it taste like gummy bears and i can get high of so little... but alas, as soon as i started exhaling, i found myself thinking, for whatever reason, nope this just isnt quite up to par.
don't get me wrong guys i know it can be amazing and if good shatter didn't exist this would be my go to med.... but there's something about the c02 hash that honestly feels like a diet version of bho... maybe that's because my chest doesn't cave in the same way, tho it can make u cough the cough u get from super clean shit....
now admittedly i haven't tried a full range, but ive tried some of the best c02 hash ive ever seen and it just doesn't hold up to perfect dewaxed shatter.... i tried mixing them but the c02 kinda seems to dominate the taste and effect....
i dunno... I'm not trying to say anyone's shit isn't as good as bho, everyone has different needs and tastes and spice of life is what makes the world go around.. I'm just simply saying for me, even something that tested higher than the bho i smoke, didn't quite have the same flooring effect bho does for me... and truly, for some people, that may be a blessing... for others such as myself who smoke aloot and have a bit of a tolerance, strong bho seems to still be number 1 for me at least....
again this is just my experience and opinion... you should def find out for yourself.... but i wanted to give my honest opinion.


Active member
i recently came across some incredibly well extracted co2 hash that was made by med-west.com and measured in at 73.4 percent thc/.1 percent cbd... and i gotta say, this is by far the nicest looking co2 hash ive ever seen... which isnt hard actually as most of what I've seen is black goo... but this is yellow bho colored except its even more transparent than bho... in fact at first glance one would think its bho. but once u move it, its got a consistency of jelly... but again it is completely transparent.... and there isn't residue... however they did it they didnt extract any waxes or lipids.
now it is beautiful... and it is strong and it taste like gummy bears and i can get high of so little... but alas, as soon as i started exhaling, i found myself thinking, for whatever reason, nope this just isnt quite up to par.
don't get me wrong guys i know it can be amazing and if good shatter didn't exist this would be my go to med.... but there's something about the c02 hash that honestly feels like a diet version of bho... maybe that's because my chest doesn't cave in the same way, tho it can make u cough the cough u get from super clean shit....
now admittedly i haven't tried a full range, but ive tried some of the best c02 hash ive ever seen and it just doesn't hold up to perfect dewaxed shatter.... i tried mixing them but the c02 kinda seems to dominate the taste and effect....
i dunno... I'm not trying to say anyone's shit isn't as good as bho, everyone has different needs and tastes and spice of life is what makes the world go around.. I'm just simply saying for me, even something that tested higher than the bho i smoke, didn't quite have the same flooring effect bho does for me... and truly, for some people, that may be a blessing... for others such as myself who smoke aloot and have a bit of a tolerance, strong bho seems to still be number 1 for me at least....
again this is just my experience and opinion... you should def find out for yourself.... but i wanted to give my honest opinion.

Their "gold wax" is made by The Werc Shop, same as the Clear Concentrates thing.


Their "gold wax" is made by The Werc Shop, same as the Clear Concentrates thing.

Is that what Golden Leaf is doing also? And this apparently isn't the same Golden Leaf that does i502 up north.....

Ive seen some really high numbers and really low prices from them in my area, 1000ml carts testing at 80%+ and claiming there are no additives......I'm suspicious as this company just purchased a failing local company.....next thing you know the results are 20-30% higher.....I doubt they are separating terms and recombining them and still being able to offer it at such a low price point.....

$25 for 1000ml cart testing at 80%+ (wholesale)........smells fishy


GW - Does this mean that one would essentially be getting a subcritical like product? Terp rich yet having high potency and high yield? If so.......Cancel Christmas!!


New member
Beware of Apeks Supercritical 1500-1L Machine

Beware of Apeks Supercritical 1500-1L Machine

Please Read Before Purchasing Apeks 1500-1L

[FONT=&quot]I just wanted to stop by and include my experience with Apeks. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I live in the North Bay area of California and I now many people with machines that work properly, many of those machines being made from Eden Labs. Let’s just say I regret not doing my research before purchasing Apek's 1500-L benchtop machine. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Everything went well with Apeks until the machine finally arrived. When the machine ran the first time it ran okay while producing lower yields than expected. [/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]After studying the manual and spending time on the phone with customer service I decided to give the machine another 4 hour run, only this time the yield was almost nothing and mostly water. During the third run the pump started to make popping noises and guess what I needed to do, change the seals already in the first ten hours of use. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]After buying a set of costly seals and more filters Apek’s said to check the orifice orientation on the separation vessel and everything was in spec according to the manual. So I started the machine for the fourth time only to see the yield of the first run, and steadily declining after that. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]So as I went down this road for the next couple months I found myself purchasing and replacing multiple sets of seals and filters only to have the same problem over and over again. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I was on the phone constantly with customer service and all they could direct me to do was follow the cleaning steps in the manual which I have been since the start. They then told me a may need to add another coalescing filter to the loop and possibly change my regulator because I started having pressure drops in the separation chamber. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Keep in mind this entire nightmare was in the first 100 hours of the machine operation, when I should have had to change the seals once I changed them about 8 times, while receiving very little in product over the 100 hours. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]So I finally said enough is enough, I called Apeks and demanded they take the machine back, since I was under warranty still I expected some compensation for spending $30,000 on a machine that doesn’t work as promised. They were only willing to give me half my money back and refused to honor their 25% restocking fee and I am still battling with them till this day. They claimed the machine had oil in it, and that was obvious to me. It was only then Andy Joesph the owner explained to me there is several ways oil can get into the pump 6 of which are mentioned nowhere in the manual, oh yeah and the pump is not manufactured for CO2 recirculation. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Needless to say this was my honest experience with the Apeks 1500-L machine and beware of purchasing this machine. As of right now this machine is not ready for market and they need to more R&D on this “fully automated” machine because it is any but fully automated. I have a bachelor’s degree in engineering and have had multiple experienced growers and supercritical guys scratch their heads with this machine. BEWARE![/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]If you have more questions about my expericne please feel free to email me with questions to [email protected]
