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hash oil made with supercritical co2 extraction

Vector Mung

New member
Oh, do you wear a lab coat now when they have you put the Weights & Measures stickers on my gas pump or something? I repeat, all I care about is talking to foaf. He boasts of having the skill too, but at least he admits his reasons for not acting are related to not finding value in the process. He states explicitly that he has the large requisite balls. I impugn your balls, sir.


Oh, do you wear a lab coat now when they have you put the Weights & Measures stickers on my gas pump or something? I repeat, all I care about is talking to foaf. He boasts of having the skill too, but at least he admits his reasons for not acting are related to not finding value in the process. He states explicitly that he has the large requisite balls. I impugn your balls, sir.

in that case why not use the pm system. so we are spared your sour, sarcastic, moody and when it comes right down to it, insulting posts. by your own words you are not here to talk to anyone else, so there is really nothing further to be gained by continuing to post.



Overkill is under-rated.
I believe there is a reason the cheapest Supercritical CO2 extraction machine I can find is $36,000.00 US, and only does .5L of raw material at a time. Put into context, would you go to a car dealer and see a $36K sticker and go, "Man, I can build my own car for $300!".

No, no you cannot. Homemade supercritical CO2 machines will probably never exist and I think it is irresponsible to even discuss it.


I believe there is a reason the cheapest Supercritical CO2 extraction machine I can find is $36,000.00 US, and only does .5L of raw material at a time. Put into context, would you go to a car dealer and see a $36K sticker and go, "Man, I can build my own car for $300!".

No, no you cannot. Homemade supercritical CO2 machines will probably never exist and I think it is irresponsible to even discuss it.
AAAHHH Ok finally a post I can understand!! Ya'll bunch a deep moFo's

Vector Mung

New member
in that case why not use the pm system. so we are spared your sour, sarcastic, moody and when it comes right down to it, insulting posts. by your own words you are not here to talk to anyone else, so there is really nothing further to be gained by continuing to post.


Please grant me the ability to send and receive PMs, since you as a moderator and administrative member of this website have expressly and publicly stated that you wish me to do so. If you do not want me making more posts in order to gain this privilege, elevate me in status that I might accomplish my goal.

Also, anyone named Lazyman who gives up a priori after looking at the price of readymade extractors that include such novelties as BPRs is clearly just living up to his name.

Skunkman, ya tu sabes.


Overkill is under-rated.
Please grant me the ability to send and receive PMs, since you as a moderator and administrative member of this website have expressly and publicly stated that you wish me to do so. If you do not want me making more posts in order to gain this privilege, elevate me in status that I might accomplish my goal.

Also, anyone named Lazyman who gives up a priori after looking at the price of readymade extractors that include such novelties as BPRs is clearly just living up to his name.

Skunkman, ya tu sabes.

You haven't been a member of our community long enough to PM, nor to insult me. I'm not saying that a homemade Co2 device cannot ever be made, but that it cannot be made inexpensively using off the shelf parts. Do you make your own clothes? I doubt it was easy to make a hat big enough for your head.



Eden Labs


Overkill is under-rated.
Not $12K, I talked to Eden labs and their cheapest machine is $36K. To do 5# of trim is a $57K machine. Not worth it since CO2 oil sells for about the same price as good alcohol hash, which doesn't require any fancy machinery.


a good read. some interesting info, and some quite entertaining posts. and some not so.

peace all!


...it seems our friend Vector Mung came across a stricter mod then myself.

He was given two opportunities to explain himself, and then gave a disrespectful, smartass reply.

I seldom see someone beclown themselves in such an offensive manner, than Vector Mung.


Not $12K, I talked to Eden labs and their cheapest machine is $36K. To do 5# of trim is a $57K machine.

Yeah, they had a more primitive model ~10 yrs ago that was 12K, but those days are long gone. I'm sure a lot of the old-timers around here will remember the Coldfinger, which is the product that Eden started their business with. Its a clever soxhlet type refluxer that used to be (maybe still is?) advertised in High Times. They also have steam distillers that are works of art.

Not worth it since CO2 oil sells for about the same price as good alcohol hash, which doesn't require any fancy machinery.

So right. What people don't understand is that what makes SFE so cool is not the power, but the selectivity. In general, if you want power (like to extract oil from seeds) use higher pressures. If you want to strip away more volatile compounds without taking fats, waxes etc (like making essential oils for perfume), use lower pressure. For making hash oil, you would want to tune your machine to get the terpenes/cannabinoids and leave behind fats/waxes.

The thing is though, you can acheive the same goal with a bucket, and a few gallons of ethanol. A quick wash with cold ethanol is quite selective for the stuff we want, and very inexpensive.

If you want to make ethanol extraction even cheaper, get a reflux still and a rotary evaporator.

Mr. Mountain

Not $12K, I talked to Eden labs and their cheapest machine is $36K. To do 5# of trim is a $57K machine. Not worth it since CO2 oil sells for about the same price as good alcohol hash, which doesn't require any fancy machinery.

This is EXACTLY why it really isn't worth it.

I can make oil SAFELY outside of the lab without any highly specialized equipment.

I use a Vector butane extraction followed by an Ethanol wash which I then place in the freezer overnight and then filter. I can get cases of vector for CHEAP at the local distributor and Ethanol isn't exactly hard to come by.

All of this can be done outside, without any "high pressure" and a few pieces of glassware. I would never risk life and limb for something so trivial.

The hash oil "Absolute" that I make is so much finer than most other types of oil I have had in my life that I doubt I will ever go back to BHO.

I would use a specialized CO2 system, but only after being shown the ropes by someone with more specialized extraction experienced than myself!

As I said before it's VERY easy to overlook something that appears to be minor, until it is not. Then someone is hurt/killed. You have one life/body, and it only takes ONE mistake to destroy it.

I don't wish anyone any malice, I just want to clearly state the implications/dangers of true "high pressure" extractions.

Mr. M


I use a Vector butane extraction followed by an Ethanol wash which I then place in the freezer overnight and then filter.

I assume you use the butane to increase yield, but is there really a significant increase over just using a quick wash with cold ethanol in the first place?

I would use a specialized CO2 system, but only after being shown the ropes by someone with more specialized extraction experienced than myself!

Yeah, I wonder what Eden Labs charges for the training to use the unit of theirs I linked in my previous post?

As I said before it's VERY easy to overlook something that appears to be minor, until it is not. Then someone is hurt/killed. You have one life/body, and it only takes ONE mistake to destroy it.

I don't wish anyone any malice, I just want to clearly state the implications/dangers of true "high pressure" extractions.

Mr. M

Most definitely. Unforeseen consequences at the energies involved with even liquid state CO2 extractions could be fatal, at supercritical levels, the potential destruction is just unacceptable.


I would like to see a video of the Co2 super-critical extractor making hash. I feel like its a big lie and a marketing sales pitch. There are videos all over the place of every other type of extraction there is available so I find it odd that none of the medical marijuana co2 manufacturer have not made a video for youtube.

Yes I understand that people will say 'there's no video because its illegal' That's a terrible cop out response that displays a lack of thought.

I bet there never will be a video because its a hoax.