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Harvest Sour 60 seeds before rest of plant?


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
I have a sour 60 that got pollinated early and it has many seeds which are bursting from the seed pods (At least one has no seed pod and is connected only by the base). I had pulled one of the seeds and it was just as hard and big as a normal seed would be though it still had a green tint (it was being to turn a pale/greyish color similar to the original seeds). I was wondering if some of the more mature seeds could be harvested early. I'd assume their would need to be a dormancy period for the seeds to ripen and germinate though I was not sure how to go about this. I was thinking either keeping them in a dark, dry place or exposing them to cold temperatures would do the trick.

My goal was to get a few plants started before or soon after this plant finishes to get a head start on the next run though I'd imagine that germ rates would be poor/non-existent if I were to simply propagate the seeds straight from the plant at this stage. I'll be uploading pics for my main thread this week and will add some close ups of the seeds for reference.


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
don't pull any seeds until they have tiger stripes. unless the pods are turning brown and dieing, there is no reason to pick them out.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
The only reason i picked it was because there was no seed pod and it seemed to be falling out, this may have been from kinetic trauma but it was nearly out nonetheless.

Anyway, I had always thought that though after seeing the Sour 60 seeds for the first time I thought this particular AF might be an exception due to the pale nature of the seed coat; though now I suppose not. I'll try to plant the seed I already have at some point but I surely won't remove anymore before I'm certain their ready.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Let the plant normally dry as usual. Later, when you extract the seeds from the buds, let them dry for at least 3 days (you can put them in a small shoe box or something). After the 3 days, put them in the refrigerator for about 1-2 weeks. This seems to work best for me. The dryness of the refrigerator really helps a lot.


weed fiend
mdanzig, given enough time to develop will seeds become too hard (making germination more difficult?)

sorry to hijack yer thread, GreenBastard


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
mdanzig, given enough time to develop will seeds become too hard (making germination more difficult?)

sorry to hijack yer thread, GreenBastard

NP, my question was answered, generally I wait for seeds to drop but I'd never grown sour 60 before and the seeds seemed pretty well developed.


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
mdanzig, given enough time to develop will seeds become too hard (making germination more difficult?)

sorry to hijack yer thread, GreenBastard

i believe so, i waited too long on my first batch of sour ryders and i have to crack them before i want to put them in water.


Active member
if you have "hard" seeds all you do is put them in a match box and give it a good shake and it will scratch the seeds enough that germ rates will be impressive.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
if you have "hard" seeds all you do is put them in a match box and give it a good shake and it will scratch the seeds enough that germ rates will be impressive.

I did this with my Bluestreaks awhile back, though I put sand paper inside the box.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Great, 9 out of 10 germinated within ~24 hours, after they were put in the matchbox I soaked them until they sank then put them in paper towels.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
i don't get it. why would you put sand paper in a box? what is that supposed to do?

At that time their was a lot of talk about how tough the seeds were, this scuffed them up a bit making it easier for water to seep in while soaking. I'm not sure if it was needed though I remember reading about it in the Mdanzig forum.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
Maybe, I can't really say whether it had an effect on the seeds or not, only that I had high germ rates in a short period of time.

BTW, a lot of the seed pods on my Sour 60 are brown and the seeds fall out on contact (the only thing keeping them in is the dead husk of the seed pods) so a put a couple that had fallen out in the fridge.


Active member
if your worried about picking too early just place a paper plate arount the stem and it should collecy any that fall off and then jsut harvest the whole plant when the bud has matured


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
I wasn't trying to harvest all the seeds, only a few which seemed to be ready before the rest of the plant and the newer seeds. I was asking if anyone had had any success with planting AF seeds from a plant which was still growing, as it would be nice to start my next run as quickly as possible. Although it doesn't really matter at this point as most of the lower seeds are ready, the seed pods are dying, they either fall out on their own or are only held in by the dead pods (the seeds are no longer connected to the plant). The seeds that are out are hard and dark, right now I have a few in the fridge in a dry, light-tight container.

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