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Happy Meals now ILLEGAL in San Francisco.......


Active member
i might get flamed, but i feel like companies like mcdonalds are promoting lifestyle choices at young ages, and are doing it with the shittyest food on the planet. I personally gave up mccyds a long time ago and feel much better for doing so.

one meal there is like half your daily caloric intake, and the sodium is ridiculous. salt is what causes heart disease.

obviously parents arent doing shit about it, because theyre usually fat as hell too. This is why other countries dont have fat people like the USA. haha next time you go to france or spain look for fat people.

edit: lmfao http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33mUwCDrR3g

Carl Carlson

It sounds stupid and really it's kind of embarassing, or it should be.

By that I mean the government is stepping in, once again, because there are too many shitty parents.

For the most part, it's not young kids buying this crap on their own. They whine a little bit, the weak parent gives in and at age 10 you've got a 200 pound diabetic fatso on your hands! Nice.

That's the truth and anyone out there that thinks otherwise and that I'm too harsh is just being blind.

Did anyone watch Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution? Did you see how bad the bagged lunches are? Who are these fucking parents?

If you send your kid off with chips, candy, soda and lunchables than you deserve a massive wakeup call.


this is a good law

has anyone ever seen the documentary "Food Inc." ?
if not watch it and you will not want to eat industrialized meat at all

I think this is part of the larger issue of our food quality these days. I think this is a really really big problem that many people dont even know anything about.

EDUCATE YOURSELF about the foods you eat! People need to eat meat like chicken, beef, and pork that is fed naturally with the animals natural foods, on a REAL farm and not a massive production yard.

Also we need to eat more fresh raw foods instead of all the processed foods!

McDonald's is the cause of all this shitty food and they are the poster child for shitty meats and processed foods!

grow nerd

You guys know that plastic bags are illegal at grocery stores in SF, too?

Sucks for folks w/o a car carrying groceries in the rain.


Active member
san francisco is the epitome of super left, progressive government control.

they try to ban something new every couple weeks.

now SF is calling for an "arizona boycott:

everytime i see these retarded super left politicians try shit like this...i think "WHY DONT YOU DUMB FUCKS BALANCE THE BUDGET FIRST, OR TRY TO REDUCE THE CRACK DEALING, ETC, INSTEAD OF WORRYING ABOUT STUPID PROGRESSIVE SHIT" San Fran is such a damn shithole compared to other cities, super high crime due to illegal gangbangin surenos, super high taxes, super high parking fines, basically every possible way to get money out the populace SF has implemented it, not to mention all the bans on everything to restrict freedoms.

SF politicians all need to be fired for the incompetance.


A foot without a sock...
The irony in all of this is the fact that if it isn't Mickey D's it'll be allowing their kids to play in traffic...

Darwin's Law is in affect.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor

you know what this bullshit DOESN'T address?

the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of children that AREN'T
overweight & will miss getting a treat w/a Happy Meal.

MANY parents only allow McD's as a treat & not a regular bad food habit.

How do you explain to a child that some city council decided to
take away their toys because OTHER kids are fat? it don't jive.

healthy kids shouldnt eat this shit either. people should stop eating fast food all together, and demand a better product that isnt a death causer.

Again it goes back to education of parents. Most parents are not aware of how bad that shit actually is. When they learn they are usually shocked and stop feeding that shit to their kids.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The irony in all of this is the fact that if it isn't Mickey D's it'll be allowing their kids to play in traffic...

Darwin's Law is in affect.


That's it right there. First it was the Drug War. "No no can't let the kids have drugs."

Then it was the War on Poverty. "No no you middle class can't have all that"
BTW the War on Poverty is having the opposite of effect of what it was sold to everyone as. The poorer have gotten a lot poorer and the richer a lot richer. Something to think about. I'll reiterate the fact that our leaders (bankers) are not stupid people. They have a very good grasp of history and economics. They are just diabolical.

Now it's going to be the War on Fat. "No no can't let the kids eat salt, or this, or this, or this."

They all follow the same MO of creating a problem, watching the reaction, offering a nice sounding solution that appeals to emotion rather than logic. The big tell tale of this is ALL the Wars have detrimental consequences to freedom, liberty, and the nation as a whole.

Again, not by accident IMO. The root of all this lies in the destruction of our educational system. Now they are full on federalizing all education. Zombie parents have zombie kids which allows the nanny state and Big Brother to grow.

What's next guys? Pretty soon they will be coming for you. Actually, they are already here lol. The War on Terror.
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cannabis enthusiast
you know theres nothing in this world as great as a smile on a childs face.......my buddies son gets a happy meal when he gets good grades etc. maybe once or twice a month not like dumbass parents these days that buy one for them everyday because they crave a big mac and are too lazy to make dinner. a few months back they were giving out little footballs and me and buds son passed it in the backyard for hours and the smiles and laughter he had was so nice. that is all

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
That's it right there. First it was the Drug War. "No no can't let the kids have drugs."

Then it was the War on Poverty. "No no you middle class can't have all that"
BTW the War on Poverty is having the opposite of effect of what it was sold to everyone as. The poorer have gotten a lot poorer and the richer a lot richer. Something to think about. I'll reiterate the fact that our leaders (bankers) are not stupid people. They have a very good grasp of history and economics. They are just diabolical.

Now it's going to be the War on Fat. "No no can't let the kids eat salt, or this, or this, or this."

They all follow the same MO of creating a problem, watching the reaction, offering a nice sounding solution that appeals to emotion rather than logic. The big tell tale of this is ALL the Wars have detrimental consequences to freedom, liberty, and the nation as a whole.

Again, not by accident IMO. The root of all this lies in the destruction of our educational system. Now they are full on federalizing all education. Zombie parents have zombie kids which allows the nanny state and Big Brother to grow.

What's next guys? Pretty soon they will be coming for you. Actually, they are already here lol. The War on Terror.

it is really sad that we have gotten so fat as a to the point that feel we need a law


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
it is really sad that we have gotten so fat as a to the point that feel we need a law

I know. It's depressing. They abuse us like, well, cattle lol. I have a feeling these criminals day of reckoning is coming though. People are begining to see through the deception and lies that they used as carrots and sticks for the past 100+ years or so. They've really ramped it up since WWII. We haven't not been at war since then.

If you find yourself living in a perpetual war machine you have found yourself living in a military dictatorship. The really sad part of it is the irony that this country was founded specifically to stop this type of tyranny. They've turned that great idea into the greatest psychological propaganda weapon ever seen. It's that whole indoctrination thing again. Bastards.


A foot without a sock...
I know. It's depressing. They abuse us like, well, cattle lol. I have a feeling these criminals day of reckoning is coming though. People are begining to see through the deception and lies that they used as carrots and sticks for the past 100+ years or so. They've really ramped it up since WWII. We haven't not been at war since then.

If you find yourself living in a perpetual war machine you have found yourself living in a military dictatorship. The really sad part of it is the irony that this country was founded specifically to stop this type of tyranny. They've turned that great idea into the greatest psychological propaganda weapon ever seen. It's that whole indoctrination thing again. Bastards.

Once again this comes up, Ol' Ike had it right. ;)



Active member
I don't like the idea of using toys to lure children into something. California is a very socialist state and get deep into everyone's life. Do I agree with the toys? No, do I think there needed to be a law? no

exactly one of the reasons i Fing hate california. if it wasnt for prop 215 i would leave this god damn mess. but damn i would miss the beach and the redwood forests....damn why does california have to be overrun with liberal feel gooders who want to tell other people how to live?


If the toys luring the kids were the real problem, why didnt they just ban the toys in the meals instead? Not saying that it would be right to, but it would be a bit more reasonable than banning happy meals altogether.


A foot without a sock...
If the toys luring the kids were the real problem, why didnt they just ban the toys in the meals instead? Not saying that it would be right to, but it would be a bit more reasonable than banning happy meals altogether.

I want some of what you're smokin' :D
Social engineering.


Potato .. potato all the same

I wish people and groups like these would stay the hell out of my life.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
advancing the health of the society is not social engineering. It is something that benefits every single person in the society.


A foot without a sock...
advancing the health of the society is not social engineering. It is something that benefits every single person in the society.

Better healthcare, I'm all for it.

Something bigger at play here...not everybody is meant to make it, and the rest of us have to put up with the bullshit.

No ONE or THING could/should influence someone,or their decisions, to the point of unhealthyness. That's THEIR fault.

If Mc D's gets rich, so what ?

P.T. Barnum comes to mind... :dance013:

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