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Happy bx2



Long time update perhaps

Long time update perhaps

on the way bro or thread dead mate?


yeah sorry, i had a really unlucky cloning batch, for some reason the fem cheese and Karma's Happy Brother didnt make roots and just started dieing. not sure if i made a mistake or if the stems of those plants were just too hollow to root. they are a lot more mature now and i will take another 2 clones from each plant, then i'll just stick the mums into the flowering space. lost quite some time, but we will get there eventually lol.


Active member
High man, sorry to hear about your cloning difficulties although i'm sure you'll get a handle on it.

I've actually been looking forward to thanking you for all the helpful stuff you have posted over the years, as it turns out I recently decided to take a stab at coco hempy buckets and so I went back to the oldest of the coco threads to do some research and your posts were very helpful.

Anyway, i'm surprised to find that you don't clone in straight coco as I just finished my very first attempt at it and wound up with a 75% strike rate, damned good for a first run, now I have 2 more runs, one a week in and one just a couple of days. I'll let you know how they turn out, lol.

I also decided to try popping some beans in coco so I put a half dozen Happy Brother x Chocolate Chunk x AK47 beans into 9oz solo cups filled with coco that had been 'charged' with de-chlorinated tap water with 15ml's of Clonex, ...that was back on 7/22 so they are just over 3 weeks old and I gotta tell ya that I haven't seen seedlings this healthy and vigorous since I used to run DWC's a few years back.

Sorry to ramble but i'm really digging this coco stuff!

Peace, SOG


Shit happens mate, keep it green....

yeah man, should still get there in the end...

High man, sorry to hear about your cloning difficulties although i'm sure you'll get a handle on it.

I've actually been looking forward to thanking you for all the helpful stuff you have posted over the years, as it turns out I recently decided to take a stab at coco hempy buckets and so I went back to the oldest of the coco threads to do some research and your posts were very helpful.

Anyway, i'm surprised to find that you don't clone in straight coco as I just finished my very first attempt at it and wound up with a 75% strike rate, damned good for a first run, now I have 2 more runs, one a week in and one just a couple of days. I'll let you know how they turn out, lol.

I also decided to try popping some beans in coco so I put a half dozen Happy Brother x Chocolate Chunk x AK47 beans into 9oz solo cups filled with coco that had been 'charged' with de-chlorinated tap water with 15ml's of Clonex, ...that was back on 7/22 so they are just over 3 weeks old and I gotta tell ya that I haven't seen seedlings this healthy and vigorous since I used to run DWC's a few years back.

Sorry to ramble but i'm really digging this coco stuff!

Peace, SOG

to be honest with you, my cloning is normally in the 99% success rate. ever since i do the final cut under water i have had great results with the simple rock wool cubes in a small green house.

have seen a few do the cloning directly into coco, i guess i'll have to give it a go at some point. for now ill fill half the space with the mums and the other half with the clones that made it. i found 1 happy bro clone that had 1 root coming out of the larger rw cube, so that one is planted, once these clones have a few days veg time i'll add the mums.

nice to hear you found some of my older stuff to be useful. i still wish my OG threads were around, had some really great threads there.

good growings


Active member
High man, don't mean to jack your thread but I thought i'd let you know how things have progressed with my second and third attempts at cloning in coco.

First, both are only 8 cuts each, ...now, if you'll recall I got 75% with my first try, and now, after 12 days I am again at 75% with my second try with 6 of 8 well rooted.

The thing is, my third try is only 6 days in and I already have visible roots on 7 of 8 so already better than the 75% I already had and after only 6 days! Hell, i had roots showing on 1 after 4 days and then on 3 more on the fifth day and now i'm amazed to say I have 7 after only 6 days!

The only thing I did differently was to use a humidity dome for the first 2 days with the third run.

Also, what i've been using for a cloning 'gel' is a mix of honey and cheap-ass rooting powder and it seems tobe working great.

Fortunately for me, my cloning factory seems to be providing the proper conditions for my success.

Anyway, again i'm sorry to jack your thread.

Peace, SOG


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
hahaha indeed they have that typicall happy brother twist in the tip of the leaf

also the cross with manitoba medicine gave it the typical happy brother leaftwist

these bx 2 reall all look JUST like the original happy bro

should be some tasty shit

Yea you can see it perfectly in the crosses too. I have nothing but good things to say about my HB x SFV BX2.




and again my old afghan diesel mum is coning no problem but the Happy brother are really not cloning well at all. it's driving me nuts because it's happening with some other strains i'm running at the same time. while my old plants just root normally. it's driving me nuts.

so in the end i have just put the mums in to the flowering space, as they have been cramped under 250 watt mh they are not very bushy, i only meant to make a few clones from each plant. so i had to bend most of them down and will be training them for the first 2 weeks of 12/12. if all the clones would be dieing, i'd know it's the hot summer, but it's only the newer strains doing it. anyway, here some pics from the day i tied them down a bit and moved them to the flowering box.


i think this ones a male


i didn't have to bend these too much, as i don't think they will stretch much.

the one clone from the 4 happy bro mums and dads that survived


Active member
the happy bro usually takes about 14-18 sometimes 21 days to root

it roots slower then strains with more sativa in it. But i have this with most indicas.(that they root slower)


Finally a flowering update

Finally a flowering update

sadly i only got 1 female from the 4 plants i had. i won't talk about clones, lol i already explained how incompetent i was at getting these babies to root.

anyway here is the mom in flower at around 3 to 4 weeks not sure, forgot to write the date i switched them down.

still have 5 more seeds, so i have another chance. as you can see i also got some pest trouble, so all in all not a very professional run of mine :)

the lady thats left is starting to really look interesting and she's also beginning to smell.

Happy Brother bx pheno 1


Active member
Sweet lookin' buds man, looks like she'll bush out nice for you.

...and i'm still a rank noob with all things coco, especially compared to folks like you who've grown for years in coco, hell, i've only been growing for about four and a half years total, ...but i've been cloning in 9oz cups of straight coco for a couple months now and i'm routinely getting clones like this, the date, 8/8, is the day I took the cut from the mom.

...the second date visible on the Coke bottle hempy, 8/31, was that day that I was potting up into that bottle, you can see it's only been 23 days since that cut was still part of mommy.

...and heres a shot of the 9oz rootball.

...like I said bro, I know i'm a noob at this so I hope you don't take this wrong but if I can do this I know for sure you can too. ...i'd imagine you could cut holes in your slabs to accomodate the 9oz plugs?

Peace, SOG


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
took you a while but its the endresult that counts !
but i'm a bit amazed that you have troubles cloning this .....or any girl. for that matter...how do you clone actually?


how do i clone?

wet some rw plugs with some ph 5.8 - 6.0 water and a tablet of rhizopon for 10 lt
then i cut a branch off the plant, cut the leaves right back
lay the clone to be in waterso stem is submerged when making final cut with razor blade at angle
stick the stem ito a hole in the rw cube and put the clone in the tray
with this way i have been getting nearly 100% success rates till this summer.

like i was saying my other mother plants all made roots at the same time as these new strains i was growing didn't.

am trying one last time with water cloning in a cup of water. i find it's a slow way, but it seems to work well too.


Sweet lookin' buds man, looks like she'll bush out nice for you.

...and i'm still a rank noob with all things coco, especially compared to folks like you who've grown for years in coco, hell, i've only been growing for about four and a half years total, ...but i've been cloning in 9oz cups of straight coco for a couple months now and i'm routinely getting clones like this, the date, 8/8, is the day I took the cut from the mom.

...the second date visible on the Coke bottle hempy, 8/31, was that day that I was potting up into that bottle, you can see it's only been 23 days since that cut was still part of mommy.

...and heres a shot of the 9oz rootball.

...like I said bro, I know i'm a noob at this so I hope you don't take this wrong but if I can do this I know for sure you can too. ...i'd imagine you could cut holes in your slabs to accomodate the 9oz plugs?

Peace, SOG

thanks for the words of encouragement. liking the look of your clones, they are giant compared to the size i normally make.

took you a while but its the endresult that counts !
but i'm a bit amazed that you have troubles cloning this .....or any girl. for that matter...how do you clone actually?

well this thread is still gonna be going a while with any luck. the flowering clones i took have made roots ok in the cup of tap water, now i just have to hope it reveges ok then i can run this happy brother again in proper conditions.

anyway, as things didnt go as planned i only have the 1 ex mother plant to show. i did a test bud of her about 3 days ago and it was real nice strong taste, alas it was only a joints worth so i can't really tell you much about the details of taste and hit yet. but it was most enjoyable and had a definite kushy aspect.

so here a pic i took on day 56 of 12/12, it's terrible shot due to the light and the position of the plant, but you get the idea:

then we have pics from day 69 of 12/12, most peeps would have taken them down before now, but i like to let new stuff go for as long as possible, probably will cut the plant in the next days. been flushing for 7 days now.

believe me this plant wasn't grown to it's full potential. it gives you an idea of the bud type though and i will do a detailed smoke report when she is dry and cured a bit.

very nice hard indica buds

here the test bud i took off the bottom of the plant on pic taking day




quick update

have some pics from harvesting this plant, but i haven't gotten round to resizing them yet, been kinda busy setting up another spot.

i just wanted to post to give my first impression after smoking some newly dried happy brother bx....all i can say is from the taste and smell and hit, jackpot! it tastes very much like some phenos of the white og you had at last 420 Karma, really dank taste. just a pity the grow had so many problems, i know the genes have much more potential in terms of bud size. this plant didn't get the life cycle i normally try to achieve for plants i flower. but as you all know, when it comes to the taste and high, the size of the buds has no influence. i can tell you it's some strong smoke, even after smoking a cheese spliff the happy brother joint cuts through the high of the cheese, i intend to smoke some first thing tomorrow to get a real smoke report together, also need to test her on some mates. always fun seeing how it hits others.

so far so good as far as the flowering clone i made, looks like she is slowly re vegging. the flowering lower twig made roots in a cup of water in about 16 days. so some thing was wrong with my rw cubes for sure to cause my cloning debacle. anyway with any luck i will be able to grow this pheno of happy bro bx again. pics coming soon...

peace out :kos:

Karma Genetics

Good to see you got to smoke some, afther your bumby grow.

Lets hope you can run here again,

And good to now you found your Cloning problem.

Keep it Peace

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