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Happy Brother...with a twist of ChemD


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
endo-wattup bro.hey man thanks for helpin yo...and thanks forthe words od wisdom :muahaha: ..lookin forward to seeing ur thread too bro.

esbe-hey brother good to see you droppin by the spot man.
im lookin forward to these for sure man.them pics Karma dropped on me are mouth watering...i may have to print it out and hang a pic next to them to show them what they will grow up and me if they eat all there nutrients :biglaugh:
peace my friend.-T-

Zeus-good to see ya maing,sit back and chill we got pizza on the way!!!
:rasta: :rasta: :rasta:
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♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Hey, hey brotha! The beanage is intact and inhand...those are some perty little dinosaur eggs. Lookin' mighty fertile. May take me a few weeks to get my ducks in a row with the strains in line before it, but I'm gonna take care of these like they're Faberge' eggs. Since I always start beans in some soil-like medium, I'm debating whether they should go right into coco or some quality sterilized organic soil. You can't take a Rolls Royce or a Bentley offroading, it's gotta be all plushed out. I tried to get away from soil because of the potential for bugs/pests, but now might be the time to revisit a bit of it. Gotta say it feels like being a kid on Christmas having these. Once again: big, big, big thanks to Karma and of course Tona for being the ambassador of this particular strain into the local area.
I'll be brutally honest of course about my experience. However, I doubt there's gonna be anything to complain about. I've lurked through your thread Karma and it's stunningly well done. These beans obviously had alot of love and attention. That's a formula for success. I'm fairly certain these are gonna be auto-pilot while I sit back and enjoy the show myself.
Here's a big "cheers" to everyone testing these beauties out: :friends:


Good stuff here going on....Props to Karma Genetics...for making these fine specimens available to the fam....Tona shine on brother shine on...Peace and TAGGED...... :joint:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
acc-wattup pimpin' man hurry it up and get them babies down yo...aint gonna be none of that come from behind and show us all how its done "muahaha:
they are faster then Karma had hinted,36 hrs and they was popped,like 6 more hrs and they was like this...

light warrior powers ,activate...

the other two are in here right next to them...

will show some of the action as soon as they pop there pretty little heads out of the soil.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Imma hang out too, if it's OK for old phucks to follow along. :)
Looks like another stellar thread!

I have not used it, but I have heard that the Light Warrior is a bit hot. I was advised to use FFOF in lieu of the LW. And I have had great luck sticking tails straight in the FFOF.

This should be a great thread! Hang tough, Master T!


Tonatiuh said:
-whats up man im glad to have you here in my thread holmz.i will try to explain the seed popping technique for you in better english as i tend to use alot of slang and i spell things the way i say them lots of times.

Hi Tonatiuh :wave:

Hahaha That's True , you use a lot of slang and abbreviation but No problem with it Bro' , i like to try understand all your american expressions & Slang , That's funny and i am here to perfect my english and learn others words but it's really difficult when i try to read MoneyMike Posts (Cheers Dear MM :wave:) but one day i will can do it :muahaha:

i hope that i explained it better for you my man.anything i say you need explained feel free to ask dude,thanks for droppin in hope ya stick around.thanks for the + vibes.peace-T-

Thank you very much to take the time to re-explain it , Tonatiuh :hotbounce

Germination 10/10 : Good Rate !!! :woohoo: i wanna try ur tech^^

I never hear anything like that on any others (french)cannabics forums , Thank you for the Tip my friend , That's very kind of your part to share with us your litlle technics of germination & Growing , I am here at Icmag for that , Meet people of others country and understand other way to grow...

Thx for you sympathy Tonatiuh

I Stay here to the End of your curing Mate :ying:

All The Best





Active member
go T go, got some coming if the mail man don't get them. Hey that purple plant in your eye candy, is that bubba chunk by any chance? Glad you got them going so I can see what pheno's to look for..


yo T whassup? I have also had plenty of luck using the FFOF for my seedlings as well. I wouldn't use the ameneded soil until it looked like they were ready to feed, then I give them their first transplant. Thats what worked for me, but with seedlings, you kinda have ta feel em out.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
hoosier-wattup bro,too,late they are already in there yo,im just tryin to bepatient and see what they gonna do for me,i get all mf p-noid about there lil asses at this stage and try not to over care for them.thanks for the + vibes bro.
peace -T-

loco-hey bro wassup.im glad i could better explain that for you yo.
no problem at all,just wish me luck with the poppin the surface now,i think by tomorrow i will see some action.
im glad you will be kickin back anf enjoying the show.

josey-right on bro,good luck with urs too maing.
that purple one is a sensi star(the ogre pheno)
i got her from a cut last year sometime bro.
glad ya like her.peace-T-

C-dubb-they in the LW already yo,just cross ur fingers for me pimpin!!!!
they germed really fast so im thinkin it wont be but 2-3 dats and they will be showin up...they better or im gonna go run into a wall somewhere with my stupid ass :bashhead:


naw bro-golden shovel..they gone be breakin new ground before three days..I never did use the LW so good luck with it too!


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Wow I'm in for the ride as well! That shit looks like str8 fire KG! Shine on...

Gotta ditto that ^^^ :respect: Karma: Those pix are awesome! :jump: I know Tonatiuh is gonna do you proud too :rasta:
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its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
they are showin some action :woohoo: they syarted breaking ground today...pics soon...


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Hey bro! I just got back from the store...I splurged on some good sh*t. In anticipation of cracking those Karma beans, I got this jazzy stuff:

Description from manufacturer:
This unique potting soil combines the best fertilizers found on land with the finest sea ingredients available. The result is a rich, light, organic potting soil, ready to use right from the bag, that encourages healthy root growth, disease resistance and leafy foliage. Consists of rich composted forest humus, spaghnum peat for aeration, bat guano, fish, crab, shrimp and Norwegian kelp meals - and of course, Fox Farm's premium earthworm castings. There are even some oyster shells mixed in to ensure a balanced pH. For planting in containers both indoors and out, tilling into gardens, filling raised beds or top dressing established plants. 1.5 cubic feet.

I thought I'd start out the beans in little coco starters, and then get the veggie mommas growing in that medium up above. Then they get transfered to full hydro and I'm rollin!​


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
thanks fellaz for the kind words/words of encouragement,just poppin in for a quick update,at 6:00 pm 3 were up at 9:00 pm 5 were above ground,so i think they will all be up by morning...fingers crossed...
hey ya acc,goin all out eh...im using ff light warrior myself.its especialy made for seedlings,check it out bro,its good stuff too.
gettem poppin yo...dont talk about it,be about it ;) :muahaha:
peace -T-

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Yooo my man sorry to be late to this sweet thread. First I wanna wish you goodluck with finding your headbanger mama. I hope to see that happen. Just figured Id throw this in too cause I know your always up for tips. This is what I used to grow and it works great imo with the few small tests Ive had with it. LoL... Peace for now :joint:
Edit: Figured Id say I used Peat moss and EWC not the other stuff mentioned.
LC’s Soiless Mix #1:
5 parts Canadian Spaghnam Peat or Coir or Pro-Moss
3 parts perlite
2 parts wormcastings or mushroom compost or home made compost
Powdered (NOT PELLETIZED) dolomite lime @ 2 tablespoons per gallon or 1 cup per cubic foot of the soiless mix.
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its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
little update....7/10 above ground...heres a few...

little update....7/10 above ground...heres a few...



and they are still coming...

i think i miised one...i'll update when there is more progress...was like 60-72 hrs after i put them in soil they were popping thru.not bad id say and a good ratio so far...go lil ones go!!!!
im so stoked about this stran fellaz its soooo indy from the happy brother being 100,and i hope it gets me some sleep when its done...
karma,im thankin you again man i know i might sound like a broken record by now but good lookin out forreal....im sooooo lookin forward to the others you were telling me about.i will do my best with these you already know that brother.peace-T-

edit.....sneaky sublime got in there when i was posting...thanks for the + vibes bro,good to have ya...that sounds like a good lil mix,but i have a soil mix that has been workin for me too...if it ain broke,ya know...i was thinkin about a experimental run with blazeones mix in the future though just to see the results 1st hand...lokkslike a good easy one.these seeds are in the light warrior and seem to like it so far...i will be updating and trin to be as detailed as i can with these ladies and will show all of you guys the journey ;)
peace lil brotha.-T-
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New member
Karma Genetics ;)

Karma Genetics ;)

Excellent thread locked on. Karma I dig your style like you wanna know if something is shit.. Not have people pad your ego with a bunch scripted BS people say to try to not hurt feelings. I same way bro, but I and I assume you have been around enough that you know what's really good. On another tip some peoples just can't handle truth, they just wanna here good and banish negative comments. Can't wait to try some of your gear and check this dudes finish up, he got skills judging by pics. the chemd combines well, I actually combined a JTR x chemd bx2 with amazing results I put it above both chemd cut and all the JTR phenos I've seen. Thanks big rez for the stud. I would toss some flicks up but I dont' wanna side track shit and I only have 1 pheno. Any requests and I u/l them beasts.. Till then my friend rep the east coast and overgrow the muh fuckin' world my peoples. One


Active member
oh man! a new Tona thread! theres no way i can keep up with no computer! lol...

awesome genetics bro... cant wait to see you rockin em along.

Karma Genetics

Yeah T got baby's. Only one thing can you change the labels to Happy Brother BX1.
Because people now may think its the HB X ChemD IX1. Oh you can sleep good from these also very good for muscle pains.

T you the bomb just as all of you here.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
BET-thanks for stoppin thru yo,should be gettin interesting for you guys soon,its already interesting to me though,new life and all...peace-T-

enzee-wattup dawg catcha,just chillin yo.glad ya found the thread,we gonna have some fun off in this mf fareal fareal...gonna be some good things goin on in the joint real soon.im thinkin clone,sex,find mamas clone again...and its on from there you know how i do yo;)
i got a feeling these are gonna give somethin the bump yo...be like up to almost 30 strains after this,i only have room for so many mamas LOL...may have to think about building a new room for them or getting another tent atleast,would have to be a big tent though for some bushes.

karma-my man wattup bruh,
yup ill change them now bro so i dont forget yo.didnt mean to mislabel them,thats y i put the pack on there too yo so if peeps couldnt read my writing or what not...
thats awesome about the pains bro because my back is shotty and they will probably be the bomb for it.
btw there is 9/10 up as of tonight,excellant germ rates maing.
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