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hanging versus drying on a screen


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
PonicalChillin said:
Wayne, do you ever find it getting too dry while on the line? I'm 35% humidity and it only took a few days before everything was brittle dry. Still hanging and no time to trim. The stuff that got brittle before drying slowly in my drynet seems more beasterish then the chosen nugs which got trimmed and placed on a drynet in a homebox for a slow even dry.


yes of course it could get too dry if you let it get to that point... when/if it gets too try, i usually jar it up with a single moist nug..say 1 ounce of bone dry buds with a 2gram wet bud... that usually re-moistens all of the buds.. when my buds are re-moistened, i just burp the moisture out over a couple days, or i might even leave the jars open for 10 hours or so while I sleep. When I wake up, lids go back on to preserve moisture/weight.. then off to my patient(s) it goes..

as long as you can get rid of most of the water before you begin the cure, you should be fine..keeping a slight bit of moisture is good, but always poses a risk for mold if not supervised. slow drying is the way to go if you want a smooth, long burning crop. Unfortunately, my weed gets burned FAST.. no time for a slow dry this way..

all in all, i think its all about monitoring moisture.. whether you hang it or let it lay..

peace, LW
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Hanging drying is good but if ur doing alot of plants i would go with screens,u want it to dry fast to get it out of ur trim house way safer that way and if u get busted least some got out so u made some money lol.Depends on what ur doing personal smoke i would slow cure it way better.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Yamaha, I think you've hit my threads once or twice, so you know I've tried both methods as well. I haven't found a difference in potency or any other benchmark. Only thing I've seen is the flat spots mentioned before, but I've never had any complaints :D

My preferred method once I started bringing in pounds was to hang. Just made sense to me. Took up less space, and I could use the plants natural 'hooks'. Trim it up right off the plant, branch at a time. Then just hang and leave it alone. I also had a small desk fan moving the air around the drying space. Usually snap @ about 3 days.

If they get too dry, I just throw a few fresh fan leaves in with them in a plastic bag.



The way we trim, its just easier to lay it on a screen. I have a triple decker screen and think I could fit more bud in there that way.

We trim everything fresh, no coming back later. IMO its easier to trim the small stuff when its off the branch. I usually take a plant, cut all the buds off till the main cola, then trim the top cola, and trim the small buds. To me it would be awkward trying to do it all on the plant.

And after hanging it, you will need to recut cause I know it doesnt get bagged up with all that stem. Mine is ready to bag after trimming.

It was said it was a waste of time to go from the bag to the screen and back. Alot of people use the paper bag method, same concept. This go around I am going to use paper bags. After a couple days the bud can be very dry on the outside and I dont want it drying out.


yamaha_1fan said:
Then they go back on the screen and alternate back and forth.
From this I gathered it's not just screen to bag to screen then done but repeated cycles. Drying/curing is more art than science IMO cause the conditions are fluctuating a bit. For me it was more 'feel' than anything else but only developed through experience. I just found it worked to go from hanging for the initial dry then final trim then final bag with no other steps. Instead of an extra step I just opened and closed the turkey bags to regulate the last bit of moisture removal. You can make it as simple or as complicated as you want and no real right or wrong way IMO just more or less work.