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hanging versus drying on a screen



Is there an advantage to hanging the plants to dry versus laying on a screen?

Currently I trim everything right after its chopped, cut all the buds off and lay them on a screen. To me it is the easiest way. But is there an advantage to make the bud better by hanging them?
ive done both and am sure that compared to you i am a super noob only about 3yrs under my belt but would love to give you my opinion. and that is that i have noticed no difference in quality of the bud but just the slight negative in bag appeal of having occasional flat spots on the fattest buds it is a mega pain to hang versus just stacking screens with fans blowing


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Theoretically, hanging will extend the drying time. The slower the dry the cooler the smoke.
Hey yamaha

I just wanted to give my two cents!!

I also dry the way you described ....trimming all the bud the day i harvest and laying them out on a screen in a vented room

the method of hanging them to dry will definitely prolong your dry time but if your not going to smoke them till they have a good cure then why wait so long for it to dry !!!!


NorthernHigh said:
Hey yamaha

I just wanted to give my two cents!!

I also dry the way you described ....trimming all the bud the day i harvest and laying them out on a screen in a vented room

the method of hanging them to dry will definitely prolong your dry time but if your not going to smoke them till they have a good cure then why wait so long for it to dry !!!!


I dont cure. Once its dry, it gets bagged and off it goes. Not my job to cure.

I thought there was a reason to hang besides drying. Something like the THC or CHorlphyl running to the ends of the buds? I dont know, something like that.

As far as flat spots, thats not an issue. After on the screen for a day or two, all the buds go in a garbage bag for a day. Same as the paper bag method, it allows the buds to even out. Then they go back on the screen and alternate back and forth.

Finally it all gets vacuum sealed anyway. No complaints.

I actually dont have any complaints but always looking to see how things can get better


Resident pissy old man
The rumor that THC runs to the buds is just a stoner myth. THC is contained in a thin layer around the inside of the trics. There is almost no THC in fan leaves and even less in stems. By hanging, you get some moisture in the stems that goes into the buds. By cutting off stem and fan leaves, the bud dries faster. It all depends on the size of your harvest. Some folks cannot trim it all at once and must hang and trim another day.


i know trimming for me is a multi day process so i hang on clothes hangers. Iknow which day they wher trimmed by row of hanger. 10 rows 10 daysud

I always trim before hanging. Has anyone cut fanleaves and hung then trimmed? Reason I ask is because wouldnt the leaves shrink thus adding weight to the bud then you trim the bud. You would also not cut the hairs as they tend to tighten up to the bud ....Just thinking out loud what do you say. Yamaha I know you said in one of your post you tryed trimming after drying but didnt enjoy. Whats your input. thanks in advance.

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I dont hang at all. I pull a few plants out and trim, then get more. At one point I was trying to avoid going in after lights out but thats not an issue anymore.

Sometimes we cut so many plants at 9AM, by 9PM the leaves were mushed into the bud and they were a PITA to trim. Of course they were just laying in a pile. And if we cant get it all in one day and we have to leave some for the next day, it sucks even more.

But again thats not an issue anymore. I just chop enough for a couple hours of trimming then get some more.

IMO trimming right after chop works best. We trim everything, leave colas intact, remove small bud and it all goes into a propogation tray. When the tray is full, its weighed, and all the bud is put on a screen. After a day or two, its put in bags to allow everything to dry a little slower and even.

Once its all dry, it just gets bagged. I dont have to cut anything off the plant like you would after hanging.

Yes my wet weight is my final #'s. NO of course not. I deduct the tray weight and add all my weights up, them multiply by .20. If I have 5000 wet grams, I know I have ROUGHLY 1000 dry grams.


yamaha_1fan said:

I dont cure. Once its dry, it gets bagged and off it goes. Not my job to cure.

:laughing: True that yamaha! Though I've never thought of it as "not my job"... I like the old "I prefer fresh buds" approach.

BTW I hang mine after trimming them. 3-5 days out the door.


If I told my guy I was sitting on 5# for 6 weeks to let it "cure" he would tell me to STFU and give him the shit and he never wants to hear that again. :D

Elevator Man

Active member
In the UK, if you go to Wilkinson's or Poundstretcher (or another of those quality retailers), you can pick up underwear/sock drying racks for £1.49 - they're a plastic hanger with 20 pegs on and one hook - I can get a whole plant chopped into main buds and hung from one of these things - also the pegs are extremely tight, so they don't fall off again.

An enterprising grow-shop would buy a million of these, spray 'em silver and call them 'Babylon Hangers' or something snappy like that. Don't say I never give you anything...:)

This is a similar contraption, though looks a bit pricey...



Elevator Man said:
In the UK, if you go to Wilkinson's or Poundstretcher (or another of those quality retailers), you can pick up underwear/sock drying racks for £1.49 - they're a plastic hanger with 20 pegs on and one hook - I can get a whole plant chopped into main buds and hung from one of these things - also the pegs are extremely tight, so they don't fall off again.

An enterprising grow-shop would buy a million of these, spray 'em silver and call them 'Babylon Hangers' or something snappy like that. Don't say I never give you anything...:)

This is a similar contraption, though looks a bit pricey...

Nice 1 EM:yes:, i'm gonna see if they have any this week for when i chop the NL#5xHaze's, £1.49 is a bargain man:joint:


Active member
i manicure after i chop, all the large fans and pretty much every leaf thats not in a cluster of bud gets removed. then i trim all the bud leaves down to the bud, then i hang them upside down from strings i have stretched across 2 nails. a week or 2 later and we have fresh dry bud ready for the jars.

i take the leaves off before drying because i want them to dry faster, the bud will continue to suck the leaves till everything is dry. leaving leaves = more drying time. plus i find it easier than trying to remove dry leaves from sticky bud. the leaves fold over the buds and form a cocoon around em.


Elevator Man said:
In the UK, if you go to Wilkinson's or Poundstretcher (or another of those quality retailers), you can pick up underwear/sock drying racks for £1.49 - they're a plastic hanger with 20 pegs on and one hook - I can get a whole plant chopped into main buds and hung from one of these things - also the pegs are extremely tight, so they don't fall off again.

An enterprising grow-shop would buy a million of these, spray 'em silver and call them 'Babylon Hangers' or something snappy like that. Don't say I never give you anything...:)

This is a similar contraption, though looks a bit pricey...


so those are called sock driers huh?


yamaha_1fan said:
After on the screen for a day or two, all the buds go in a garbage bag for a day. Same as the paper bag method, it allows the buds to even out. Then they go back on the screen and alternate back and forth.
That's a waste of time and energy IMO...lot's of unnecessary handling. I would just trim green, hang till dry enough, final trim on buds then turkey bags, seal up to control moisture redistribution and final drying by simply opening and closing the turkey bags a few times. If you're putting into bags and need to take out again you're putting em in too wet.
My 1 cent is this.......I use hangers (now that I've read this Im gonna buy some "sock dryers") And put them in an extra closet and leave them for a couple of days then go and check them for dryness....

I dont know his name but the guy who posted a couple of posts earlier who leaves his hanging on string and nails for almost 2 weeks, I just wanted to say that seems like an awful long time to me bro. Maybe you and LilWayne live in the N.O. or something like that where it is super humid......but damn thats a long time. (Not clowning, just commenting, no love lost I hope)
I wait and check after a couple of days (hear and feel that snap of the branch) and pull and drop into jars, open the jars every now and again and smoke it when I run out, the longer it goes I guess the better. It never seems to last that long though....Jeez I wonder why???


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
I hang on a fishing line for 3 days with a fan moving in the room, but not directly on the buds (unless im in a hurry).... the buds are then cut off the stem, and placed on a paper plate when they are dried.

i put a single paper plate on my small scale, then weigh out ounces at a time, on the paper plate... the ounces go into canning jars... eventually i have a great wall of jars ..

sometimes i run out of jars...

when i have so much bud that i really dont feel like fucking with it, I leave it on the fishing line for a couple weeks, lately, its been less then a couple weeks... when i need to take inventory, i pull it off the line, and jar it up...

The reason i hang dry personally, is because it takes up less area...

^ is how I run MY factory... everyone does different shit.. as long as you dont sell wet shit, you should be good...

peace, LW





I leave it on the fishing line for a couple weeks, lately

Wayne, do you ever find it getting too dry while on the line? I'm 35% humidity and it only took a few days before everything was brittle dry. Still hanging and no time to trim. The stuff that got brittle before drying slowly in my drynet seems more beasterish then the chosen nugs which got trimmed and placed on a drynet in a homebox for a slow even dry.
