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Hanging my lights like this... is this a bad thing?


Crotchety Cabaholic
Probably because when a grow op starts a fire, and a first responder gets injured, it makes us growers look stupid.
Glad you fixed that.


Enormous Member
As long as the weight isn't being held by the wires in the connection, you're fine. I'd be more worried about the bulb spontaneously exploding for an unrelated issue and spraying your room with glass shards. I'm a big hoodie advocate.

I ask a question...

My question is made fun of condescendingly...

I jokingly respond with an equally condescending remark...

And now I'm the bad guy.

But I guess some people like attention and think their jokes are soooo funny.


Who does this? If I wanted a laugh I wouldn't come to a growers website. Hence, NERDS.

To those that honestly respond, I appreciate the non condescending attitude.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
"A dumb question, is usually followed by an equally dumb answer."

Call us nerds all you like, just remember: You're here asking US questions, not the other way around. I'd much rather be a nerd than a halfwit... :2cents:

Hanging a light from the wires only proves my point. Not just a bad idea, HORRIBLE. "But I get perfect verticality!" :smacksforehead:

Again. Another know-it-all shows up.

These forums are here to have questions you have answered.

Doesn't matter how "dumb" you think the question is.

Your parents, teachers, mentors should've taught you that there are no dumb questions.

The question is referring to immediate damage to the wiring or immediate fire hazard. And neither are as big a deal as you all make it.

If you're not going to at least attempt to answer my question. Move on.

No need to be a dick.

World Peace,


We are Farmers
Well if you already knew that it was not dangerous or a problem why post in the first place? Not sure why you think a bulb hanging by the wires is safe, it is not.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
After seeing your responses to the answers that everyone gave you, my only question is how you arrived at your handle?


Hanging my lights like a moron...am i wrong to enjoy spankings?

Hanging my lights like a moron...am i wrong to enjoy spankings?

whip me good fellas


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
lol its all good my friend. Its true there are no stupid questions. Take these answers with a grain of salt. Don't get sucked to a trolling match. If some one is being rude just move on it will keep your stress levels down.

I hang my bulbs like that Vertical. I do not have the wire like that though. I would fix that. Always be safe. Im sure it would work but I would not take the chance theres no strain relief on the smaller wires. It only takes one mistake and you could loose it all.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
That's Mr. Macky...M'kay?

No joke.
One of the guys that made South Park went to my High School.
Mr. Garrisson is a real teacher.

"It only takes one little mistake and you could lose it all".
That is the truth, and that is what a bunch of really baked stoners are saying, albeit, with a little sarcasm.


FWIW this is my solution. the bulb hangs straight (from a chain NOT the wires) and it took less than 10 minutes to make.

that slot in the cord set is 1/2 inch wide so ........ 2 9" inch pieces of 1/2"x 1/8" and 3 3" 6-32 screws and a drill is all it takes.

my camera sucks, so the pics are not great but is a pretty simple solution.

to the OP ..... always ask yourself what a real electrician would say about what you are doing. not trying to be an ass about this but your pics would make any sparky's head shake. scary man. your got some harsh answers but what did you expect?


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Again. Another know-it-all shows up.

These forums are here to have questions you have answered.

The question is referring to immediate damage to the wiring or immediate fire hazard. And neither are as big a deal as you all make it.

If you're not going to at least attempt to answer my question. Move on.

No need to be a dick.

World Peace,

I DID answer your question. I said not just a bad idea, HORRIBLE idea. Sorry you didn't like how I said it. Besides, you insulted damn near the whole community with your posts, so you deserved what you got from everyone IMHMFO.

I do happen to have actual, real world knowledge in this matter, being a licensed journeyman electrician.

to the OP ..... always ask yourself what a real electrician would say about what you are doing. not trying to be an ass about this but your pics would make any sparky's head shake. scary man. your got some harsh answers but what did you expect?

Exactly. Trust me, I was nowhere near as harsh as some electricians would be. It was a dumb question IMO, he knew it before he posted it... But it's gotta be me just being a dick. :rolleyes:

Looks good greenmatter, that's a much better solution than hanging it from the wire, even with strain relief. You can never be TOO careful, good job. :wave: