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Hand watering COCO question


Color me gone
Hi everyone,

I been growing in coco the past 3 years now and love it. I have always ran my coco with nothing else and for the most part I never run into any issues. I do occasionally have a problem where it seem like the coco doesn't soak up the nutes quick enough. example I feed twice a week but sometimes plants won't want to be fed for 7-10 days. I figured I should just start mixing in some perlite to help with drainage. I was just wondering if any other coco growers had similar issues and if there is a solution.
The Hand Watering Coco thread.

Also, AFAIK, you should be feeding with nearly every watering, and watering nearly every day.

Edit: In this thread, there is a long discussion about how watering in coco introduces fresh air/oxygen into the rootzone. The more you water, the more oxygen you bring to the roots. If you water infrequently the air pockets inside the coco become stagnant and growth slows.

Both threads are very long reads, but mandatory for coco growers imo.

Carl Carlson

You can do it, Otto! You can do it, Otto!
Help each other out: that'll be our motto!
You can do it, Otto! You can do it, Otto!
Make this spare; I'll give you free gelato!
Then back to my place, where I will get you blotto!
Domo Arigato, Mr. Roboto.

ottoman, are you saying sometimes you don't have to water for 7 days? what size are the containers, 10 gallons?


sometimes when you hand-water and pour the nutrient solution too fast, you create "internal rivers" and the solution just runs down to the bottom creating deficiencies. This happens on the sides of the container as well.

Try to feed slower and in intervals. I would also consider bottom feeding and or a larger catch tray which will allow the roots to soak up the nutrients once they ran down the coco.

If you are having nutrient issues, try drip clean and perhaps a "wetting agent" such as SM-90 or a drop of dishwashing soap which makes your water even wetter.


I concur with ganjaments. I feed with every watering, and water every day by hand, with little to no runoff. On larger plants that like to drink I do however let it run off a little and collect in a tray so it can sip on that till the next day. No perlite just straight coco in 2 or 3 gallon containers, depending on the plant. In flower I start at 1000 ppm's and work up to 1300 or so. Haven't had a single problem with this method.

I also feed the way mg75 recommends, one splash at a time. Hope this helps.


Have you tried using a coarser grade of coco, or mixing some pith into your mix?

I like to cut my coir with pith... its what plants crave.


Color me gone
Hey thanks for all the help, I am using botanicare coco and I know she is good stuff. I am also using 3 gallon grow bags. I usually use smart pots and never have this issue but I haven't had any extra $$$ around to get them.

Mg75, thanks I am def gonna slow down when I feed them, usually I hammer them and I don't think they like that in these grow bags, much thanks!

Jedimike, can you suggest about how much you would feed each 2-3 gallon plant per day? I usually just count to 5 and move to the next plant. Would 2 cups a day be too little/too much?

FoCo, what is pith? Ive never heard of that before?


It depends on how big and how far along she is. In early flower its usually 1 cup or so per day. Maybe 2. In late flower it can be as much as 4 cups. I use a standard disposable red or blue 'party' cup.

I like MtnLivin's advice of 20% runoff, especially later on in flower, although I personally don't put a # to it, I just eyeball it, feeding one cup at a time till I see it coming out into the drip tray. If it collects like a 1/2 inch or an inch into the tray that's cool I just leave it, and if I see that she didn't drink it all from the previous day, I might just skip her for that day or I might just give her a splash to keep the top moist. My larger gals drink it all up and are thirsty for more the next day.

But really I don't use a set amount, and its literally a splash at a time wherever it looks dry.

Its really easy almost mindless at this point I really don't think you'll have any issues with this method. In fact as I think of it, I have one big sour d in a smart pot in the back of my tent that I can't reach so I literally just chuck 4 cups of juice into her pot every day. Judging from her size I just assume that's what she needs. Haven't actually touched her in atleast a month, and she looks very happy.

Just remember to keep the ppms on the lower side and giv'er a nice flush a week or 2 before harvest. Good luck ottoman!