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Haiku to you too


Anita Bonghitt
Another HIghkoo

Another HIghkoo

...............Watering the plants
.........Danm shame they are illegal
...............ah, secret closet
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Med grower
ICMag Donor
Bought a Christmas tree.
Lights, tinsel, decorations
all sparkle softly :D


Cannabrex Formulator
Food and Drink

The vomit on the ceiling tells me,
you drank too fooking much

Fetid stink from my ass
Greasy vomit on my chin
Shouldn'ta had that pork

this one-fifty-one
bottle in my hand will be
tomorrow's regret

two all beef patties
special sauce, lettuce and cheese
damn it's a big mac

Rancid pork patty
Sits forgotten in the sun
Aren't we hungry now?

flies and white maggots
are beginning to cover
the rancid pork slice

Spacepork fills my gut
Aliens fed it to me
Fook I need a Tums

I do not like them
sam i am, I do not like
those green eggs and ham

Horrid nasty stench
Wafts at me from the kitchen
Fook, liver again

my mom cooks meatloaf
my schools serves us laxatives
shitting out my brains

the bread never fresh
the broccoli dry, yellow
pork products cause puke

Rank fart was too wet
Taco ripped my bowels up
Hafta change my shorts

Strange orange goop
Does not behave like a food
Cheez Whiz is SCARY

I ate too much pork
The pork I ate was nasty
Shit blows out my ass

Slick, glistening pork
Slides wetly down my gullet
AH what a Breakfast

Scratchy wool chafes at my nutsack.
Alas, I wake with a goat

Yellow pus dripping
From my oozing red cocksore
Guess I need that shot

you may be very quick
can you drive long nails in wood
with only yer cock?

The last time I tried
the wood split in two pieces
before I was done

the iron railroad spike
was easier to drive, but
I bruised my dickhead

Alas Woodfooker
The splintery act of love
Was never to be

woody woodpecker
ha ha ha haha, is that
the woodpecker song?

Fooked the knothole good
Splinters pierced my tender knob
So, I don't fook wood

When bored yer dorm
Happiness may be found thus:
Grease yer knob and pull

a knot in the wood
epidermis has splinters
hole to small to fit

Oh it hurts to pee
And chicks don't want to fook me
Think I got the clap

dark tunnel of love
naughty spot fits like a glove
sodomy is nice

she took of her pants
the smell of fish knocked me down
need a douche stank ho

Wakeful children bounce
Sex deprived parents mumble
Morning at my house

Llama-fur coat waits
To be worn on steamy dates
I feel like an ass

Gelid fat clings
to the cold wet bones.
Time to feed the *fooking dogs

Horse dung on my shoe
Rancid pigshit fills my nose
Fook I hate this farm

My tiny boat sinks
In the shark infested bay
I wish I could swim

to swim with the sharks
because you didn't plug your boat
that's a crying shame

Electric Pigshit
Flying by faster than sound
Would anyone smell it?

dogs just fooked the pope
fear and loathing in las vegas
hunter s. thompson

Prickface boss sucks ass
Coffee tastes like warm goat-piss
Fook I hate my job

This post thru my head
Keeps me from getting a job
Can no-one help me?

I work for myself
but my boss is still an asshole
I work too damn hard

Drugs and Entertainment
effervescent hit
bubbles travel up my bong
damn that tastes like shit

Long trail of silvery drool
wets resin stained lips
Pot head smoked too much

Psycho tortures hookers
With mutant gay cockroaches
Next on Geraldo

Fanged evil dwarf
Clutching a rutabaga
Datura is bad

Fat smelly person
Sits on our President's face
Film at eleven

Dickheads ripped my crop
Took all my beautiful buds
Fookers, Kill them all!!!

And finally, Haiku itself
I am trying to
think of something else to write
in the style - haiku...

something sexual
and some coy inuendo
a dirty haiku?

need to stop this now
i cant figure out just how
a haiku addict
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good lord, genkisan, one at a time. let that artistry stew around a bit before setting it free. you'll end up like ryan adams' career. (though i love the "electric pigshit" line... nice.)

and definitely no more about your dick. i don't care how much you have to compensate for it being small, no one on this thread wants to hear about it. lol :wave:


Cannabrex Formulator
khaleel said:
good lord, genkisan, one at a time. let that artistry stew around a bit before setting it free. you'll end up like ryan adams' career. (though i love the "electric pigshit" line... nice.)

and definitely no more about your dick. i don't care how much you have to compensate for it being small, no one on this thread wants to hear about it. lol :wave:

Actually, khaleel, I only wrote about 2/3'rds of the haikus in that posting...mine and the rest are all from a 'funny haiku' thread from OG going way back.

And most of the ones about dicks are not mine.......although the electric pigshit and the chafing nutsack ones are most certainly mine.


genkisan said:
Actually, khaleel, I only wrote about 2/3'rds of the haikus in that posting...mine and the rest are all from a 'funny haiku' thread from OG going way back.

And most of the ones about dicks are not mine.......although the electric pigshit and the chafing nutsack ones are most certainly mine.

:respect: sure is a lot of green dots under your name there. : ) in the context of og nostalgia i see my comments were unnecessary. haiku on, brother :muahaha:


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Press 1 and hold please.
All our advisers are busy.
"How may I help you?"


No more terrorists
Will be aided by my loot
First buds growing soon

Scratch my head I'm dazed
So many strains to choose from
Some will make me sleep

Now to choose a light
Pick one based on area
C M H looks great

Choose your style now
Soil is good and hydro's fast
Only preference


My thoughts today, like
photos for the gallery:
ready yet held back.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
hey there warm weather,
why did you have to leave us?
please come back summer!


i've been thinking of summer:

Stale beer and shrimp
Mid-day nap, pink skin peeling
Air conditioned room