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had a friend black out tonight...


had just smoked, we were sitting around talking and one of us five was playing call of duty(well, Black ops actually). I had noticed my friend next to me had his chin on his chest basically, and i looked and his eyes were still open slightly, so, i figured he was just being a crazy high man. Well, he started to breathe oddly, like troubled. All of us got up and tried to bring him back to consciousness, at first we had thought he was seizing. Lasted about 30seconds and just before he came to he yelled. As soon as he came back to conscious awareness he recounted his experience instantly, like instinctively, we didn't even ask him, he just started explaining. He said he was in his car driving, went off the road and, wasn't exactly clear here, ether said he was about to die, or he died, and then came to. Crazier thing, his last moments in the "dream" state he said he had his hands up and was yelling, just as he was doing while he was unconscious, as in physically, he stretched his hands out and yelled.

Freaked us out, had no idea what was going on there, after he came back he said he was completely fine, aside from being pale.

Anyone ever experience anything like this??


Just about everytime I wake up and realize life is not a dream...He may have been hypnotized by the game for a short period, just a guess, at least he isn't dead!:)


heh yeah a mate who just walked into a shed we rented and just passed out. He smoked a shit load before he walked in after getting a lift there. Basicly fell to the concrete floor and stopped breathing. After about a minute, we all were freaking out about how to explain this to the cops(paranoia set in quick) when suddenly he yelled and came to and bounced back up as if nothing happened. Freaky stuff.


Active member
Been smokin for a long time, smoked with a lot of people. I have never seen some stuff like that, crazy.


Active member
I have never really blacked out before and most of the real vivid dreams involving cold sweats and near death experiences were pre-smoke days but I have many times woken up screaming and grabbing at unseen objects. I usually considered it a good thing that I would wake before "death".

The oddest one to ever happen to me was forgetting to call my fiancee of the time. When I woke the next morning my phone was hung up. Well almost it was halfway hung up. The microphone end resting in the speaker end spot causing the button to depress and hang up the phone. Not thinking much about it I called my lady love to beg forgiveness for not calling the night before. She told me "I called you" then summarized to me everything I had done the day before from her location 1600 miles away. We had apparently talked for almost an hour. She also commented that in the conversation the previous evening I seemed a bit lost and she had a hard time understanding what I was saying. It is pretty scary to think such things happen on a subconscious level.

In the past people have told me dreams are usually warnings, comforts, instructions, or desires of the heart. Interpreting them however can sometimes be tricky and years may pass by at times before the true meaning is revealed. Try not to let it freak him too bad dwelling on it as many times it's more symbolism than actual events. That is the way it has been for me anyhow.
Yes. And it's frightening.

Me and a buddy smoked a few one hitters, drank some beer, and ate some pizza. Everything was peachy until about 30 minutes later. He slumped over in his chair, turned pale, and appeared to stop breathing. Here I am, picking this (big) guy up and shaking him to bring him back to reality. No response. Laid him on the floor and started doing chest compressions while his wife screamed "Please don't die!" FFFFFucked up. I thought I had just killed my best friend (it was MY weed we were smoking).

He eventually came around and was absolutely fine. He wouldn't smoke with me (or anyone else) for quite a while, but when he eventually caved, IT HAPPENED AGAIN! This time I was prepared: Put him in a chair and let him ride it out. He doesn't smoke anymore, and I don't offer.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I've read that large doses of cannabis can cause you to be more prone to fainting and light-headedness. That sounds kinda like what must be happening, in an extreme form, to whatsupdoc's friend. (Or he has an extreme cannabis-allergy.)

The call of duty guy, my guess is that he simply fell asleep with his eyes open (which some people do) and had a dream.

Hell, I've got a cat that sleeps with his eyes half open on a regular basis.

That would explain the reaching and the shouting right before waking up.

Until I hear more, that's my 'diagnosis.'


Well-known member
That shit happens to me sometimes. I have high blood pressure and take medication for it. Sometimes after getting high, if I stand up too fast I'll black out. It is worse if I've been drinking and smoke.

Cannabis does affect your blood pressure. It can raise it, or lower it depending on strain and body chemistry. It's never made me black out while sitting, only when I rise from a sitting position. Mostly if I haven't smoked in a while. If I've been smoking a lot and my tolerance is high, it doesn't happen.

For me, it's just a matter of being aware of it and standing up slowly. If I feel woozy, I just sit back down.


welderdan is spot on with his blood pressure idea. at least that's what I 've always thought the problem was. had a friend who would do this (slumped unconscious in the car ... looked dead! hoping passing vehicles wouldn't notice the slack jawed slumped heap of a person they were passing). just left him to wake up and he always did..
I get the blood pressure thing too ... having a joint just slowsthingsdownSOmuch ... and so have to stand up carefully too.
but alcohol and dope together is riding the edge really ... hmm, unless it's port and dope ... !


Active member
passin out

passin out

A buddy of mine has passed out twice on me after smoking alot. First time we wrote it off as we had been drinking heavily but the second we had not drank much at all. Both times its been like a seizure type of thing but not a true seizure. Second time poor fellow fell down and hit his head on the corner of my coffee table causing him to truly get knocked out and he pissed himself . Now when he smokes with me he makes sure he takes it easy . He seems to be fine with middies but when we are smoking my head stash he passes the bowl alot hehe.


Well-known member
A buddy of mine has passed out twice on me after smoking alot. First time we wrote it off as we had been drinking heavily but the second we had not drank much at all. Both times its been like a seizure type of thing but not a true seizure. Second time poor fellow fell down and hit his head on the corner of my coffee table causing him to truly get knocked out and he pissed himself . Now when he smokes with me he makes sure he takes it easy . He seems to be fine with middies but when we are smoking my head stash he passes the bowl alot hehe.

Yeah, that seizure looking shit is freaky. I've been told I do that too. I asked my doc about it, it's not a seizure though. You get this shaky thing going on when you are returning to consciousness. If you've ever seen anyone waking up after surgery, they do the same thing when coming out of the anesthetic.

My doc was the one that told me to be careful standing. He says that what happens is when you go from a sitting to a standing position, your blood can all rush to the lower part of your body, causing a loss of blood pressure for a few seconds. This causes the blackout (or sometimes just a gray-out). Of course he also says to just stop smoking pot too, but if I insist on smoking it, then I have to be careful when I stand up.

If you've ever gotten a head rush from standing up, it's the same thing.


Senior Member
this happens to me a LOT! i take a big rip of hash or bho and all the sudden it's almost like a rip of salvia, i can barely move and can't talk, feel very close to passing out, untill the wave passes. this summer i took a big rip of bho on ogkush...i was standing up and when i came too i was siezing on the ground, it lasted like 30 seconds and all i could manage to get out was "help me!" a few times, somehow i managed to fall backwards onto concrete without cracking my skull, or my VERY expensive sherlock that i was smoking with...

i have had many friends say this has happened to them, not to the point of blacking out, but where a wave of...i don't even know...comes over you. it almost feels like i took too many rips of no2 or something, so i was worried that it was lack of oxygen causing this...

however, it seems to coincide with bigger hits of stronger stuff with me, so i don't know, also whenever it happens i start taking huge breaths, just in case this is what it is, i'm not a kid anymore and i would like to not kill my brain starving it for oxygen, but it doesn't seem to help a whole lot, as if they weren't related...


it happens from lack of oxygen to the brain,it happened to 2 of my friends on a couple of different occasions yes it is scary especially when your high you kind of freak out.happened to my friend on my couch there was a couple of us chillin he passed out when i tried to wake him he was like what the hell like i was fucking up he didnt even know it had happened.And yes his muscles started twitching.another one of my boys passed out in my bathroom found him on top of my hamper with his wang out LMAO


This guy may have had a similar problem

Man Wakes Up After Spending 21 Hours in Morgue Fridge
Published July 25, 2011 | Associated Press

A South African health official says a man awoke to find himself in a morgue fridge — nearly a day after his family thought he had died.
Health department spokesman Sizwe Kupelo said Monday that the man awoke Sunday afternoon, 21 hours after his family called in an undertaker who sent him to the morgue after an asthma attack.
Kupelo says the man started yelling, prompting morgue workers to run away in fear. They eventually returned and removed him from the fridge. He was then taken to a nearby hospital and later discharged by doctors who deemed him stable.
The mortuary owner says his family is very happy to have him home.
Kupelo urged South Africans to call on health officials to confirm that their relatives are really dead.



Happened once to me. Hadn't smoked for a good while, had just taken some outdoor down, and decided to smoke a little while I was working in my grow room. I woke up face down on the floor, and my hands and arms were quivering/jerking around. I knocked over several plants and banged my noggin on a hood. Crazy shit.


tell him to go for some blood tests at the hospital maybe he is defficient somewhere

tell him to carry some candy if ever he starts to feel that way after he smokes

ask him what kind of nutrition he has
does he do exercise
hard drugs

maybe he has low blood pressure