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had a friend black out tonight...


Took a friend over to my connection/friends house for the first time they had some Honey Oil
as we where standing there my friend took a big rip and just went white and fell face first to the hard kitchen floor, my first split second thought was he was being a real show off smart ass. As his face bounced off the floor I was thinking "he was showing a lot of commitment to his joke". Good thing my other friends wife was a EMT. My fainting friend didn't remember what hit him.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
It happend to me but not from cannabis. I was doing cocaine. I stood up went to the kitchen and hit the floor. I woke up instantly I was sweating and pale. I have never touched the stuff since then. That was when I was in high school (35 years ago)

I have seen a few head rush out and hit the floor. One guy did a face plant right into one of those small garbage can and had it stuck to his head.


Registered User
Like the first page of every video game has a warning of 'a small percentage of people' that can suffer from 'photosensitive seizures'. Like every video game has this.


While ago..a friend stopped by.
He hadn't smoked in 4 years..
We drank a couple beers and bitch'd about work..
I'd just harvested some so cal Mk....and decided to grind and roll a b..
So playing gow2..
Everythings cool..
Then i spark the b....we pass about 4/5 times..
10 min or so dude stops playing..i look behind me and he has a thousand mile stare,with a green tinge to him..
I bring him to the kitchen and he sits but stares at the wall....not responding to me.this went on for a while.
Finally he looked when I did my patented krusty the clown..HEY-HEY....
He was still fuckin green...havent seen him since...lol.


Active member
My cousin got so baked one time I heard a boom in the other room. He passed out. Then, I found him on the floor clawing the ground like a cat. That's the ONLY time I've ever saw someone black out from puffin.


does he do exercise
hard drugs

That was my first thought. Sounds kinda like a nod to me, except for the yelling part. How long after his last hit did this happen?

I've had similar things happen but only in close proximity to the last hit and with at least some physical exertion.


Sounds like to me that those that have blackouts after smoking have undiagnosed problems that they need to attend to. Say you have a blocked artery but it has not been a problem under normal blood pressure. If you smoke a good Indica and it reduces your blood pressure then the blockage could reduce blood to the brain and cause the black out. Or if you have a neuron receptor problem. If you have black outs seek medical attention and don't be afraid to tell the doctor all of the circumstances leading to the blackout. By law he cant call LEO on you.


beer before bong all goes wrong.

bong before beer you're in the clear!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Been smokin for a long time, smoked with a lot of people. I have never seen some stuff like that, crazy.

I call B.S. on this story too. THC blocks the ability to dream because it prevents you from accepting dmt. That is why you dont dream until like 8 hours after you smoke and shit.

This story sounds like propaganda or the friend was lying because he was embarrassed he passed out from smoking so much.


I have a bit of medical training under my belt. It's possible it could have been a seizure, but even more serious it could have been some type of heart rhythm abnormality. IF someone has a structurally abnormal heart already, or, already has a pre-existing electrical issue with their heart (detectable with an EKG), then it's possible that the tachycardia (fast pulse) induced by herb could trigger an abnormal rhythm and cause the fainting. But, in someone like that, anything that increases the heart rate at rest would cause the same thing...being really high with a pounding pulse is physiologically the same as being scared for your life with a pounding heart (scared to death). Cannabis is what is known as a "beta agonist", which is the opposite of a beta *blocker*, which is a safe and very widely used drug that is given to people with heart disease and high blood pressure...a beta blocker blocks the effects of adrenaline on your heart and relaxes your pulse and blood pressure, and it can also worsen asthma. This is why cannabis is known to help asthma (it really is a poor treatment in a reality, but as a beta agonist, it has been called a treatment). In other words, bottom line, weed can kill a person who is already sick from heart disease whether they know it or not. But, if the weed didn't get them, something else would.


Told the wife.... be careful this shit will blow your head off....

She takes one nice rip hands me the bong. Then her head falls back eyes open arms fall to the side..... stops breathing.

OMFG! I grab her, smack her face side to side ...saying Honey, Honey, Honey.... I am dialing 911 with my free hand and am doing like chest compression on her chest.

911....My wife just quit breathing send an ambulance.... 911 trys to talk to me... I am like I do not need anything but an ambulance ...yes thats my address.. I hang up.

Wife is still in the chair eyes wide open.... I start to do mouth to mouth... she wakes up and looks at me like wtf are you doing? I answer You quit breathing... have you taken anything? .... her head falls back again....head falls back again..... Im like honey, honey, honey... slap slap slap... she comes to again. Honey focus on breathing, breath, breath........ have you taken anything? No baby.... head falls back again. damit where is the ambulance?
Firemen/ EMT's show up. They take her to the ambulance ,, whole time she is like I'm ok, I'm ok....
EMT... well your bp is X/X something un-godly low... we are taking you in.

Dr said blood pressure hit the floor on her, she was taking another med that she normally does not take and it seems to trigger the problem for her. Dr said if I had laid her out on her back the blood pressure would have stabilized and probably not happened repeatedly. I had her held up in the chair...I didn't think clearly at all.

Zep no propaganda... true story here.

Got 2 other stories relayed about similar situations that happened to others whilst smoking the kill.

I was like oh my god my wife is going to be the first o.d on pot, and I gave it to her.
We laugh about it now, I told her it would blow her head off.... silly woman still never listens to me ;)

Now I just make sure she is not taking that particular med at all, or she is cut off.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
....so it wasnt a dream then, it was a hallucination. interesting. also cannabis increases heart rate, so yes it can be bad for people with heart disease, and can make the heart disease kill them....but it wasn't the weed, it was the heart disease.

glad your wife is ok too!

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