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HAARP Engineering 'FRANKENSTORM' Hurricane Sandy - CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR!!! ‏


Game Bred
You are leaving out a critical portion of the right in your haste to cite it. The constitution grants this right as "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

When people fail to do that law enforcement is charged with the responsibility to restore peace. Now maybe you and others who have no respect for the true intention of the right would rather they not have such tech because it's alot more difficult to evade but frankly as someone who has exercised the right the way we are supposed to only to see asshats turn it into an excuse for violence, I'd much rather have such tech being used then to end up shot and killed like we saw happen at Kent State.
define "peaceably"


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
define "peaceably"
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Well sure you can post up pics of police abusing their powers I'm not sure if it was that one but I remember reading a story of a cop who did something that sounded nearly identical and not only was he fired but he was brought up on charges.

I could certainly find and post up pics of protestors behaving badly too, what's the point? You know damn good and well that these mob protest scenes often get out of hand. I know peaceably didn't apply to the asshats that attended an otherwise peaceful protest I attend and started throw rocks and the like at police which triggered the riot squad surrounding the protest to enter the crowd swinging their batons wildly.

Another protest I was at we had about 2000 hippies trying to enter the Lincoln Memorial. We were stopped halfway up the steps by a line of cops in full riot gear, supposedly because someone called in a bomb threat. We stopped right there halfway up the steps in front of these 30 or so cops, sat down pulled out bongs, joints, pipes, etc and started smoking but otherwise remained civil and nothing happened. Nobody got beat, nobody got shot, nobody got maced, nobody got arrested.


Active member
I know one thing never trust our government. I believe if the government can create super storms with HARP they will. I think they probably did just to get the media attention off Obama.

Hank Hemp

Active member
What's wrong boy

What's wrong boy

oh boy, I'm not buyin'.......

Too much common sense? Look y'll "They" control the weather game over "They" win. Done and out, period. Your welcome :tiphat: Wait a minute the Big O caused sandy? Please, please tell me you don't believe that!!!!
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what a thread!!!

speaking of 9/11, i think the most blatant error of the government story of the full sized airliner crashing into the pentagon is the lack of crash debris. also, the only part of an aircraft that could possibly bore holes through that much reinforced concrete would be the engines. the aircraft that supposedly impacted the pentagon was a two engine plane, yet there was only a single hole. much more likely a cruise missile did that than a passenger airliner. the only pieces of evidence that an aircraft hit the building were parts of wheels and landing gear easily brought to the site to be photographed as evidence.

where did the wings and body of the plane go? even at 600 mph in a dive there would be lots of evidence if an actual airplane hit the building.

i think that flight was shot down by the government far from the pentagon. then a cruise missile was used to hit the building. that's why there was little evidence of an actual airliner doing the damage. has anyone ever seen any evidence of human remains from the crash? planes crash all the time and there is always a debris field and human remains.

the guys flying those jets were not pilots. i think the aircraft drifted over the atlantic and was shot down. period. the rest of the story was designed and fabricated in a rush to avoid obvious liability. i also contend that the flight over PA was shot down and then a perfect cover story created, again to avoid liability. the story of "heroes" getting into the cockpit and causing the crash is a bit more than i can accept.

on another note, that 747 that was shot down by an anti-aircraft shoulder fired missile as it was departing from new york is difficult to digest. the cover story was presented that there was an explosion caused by a "spark" in an empty fuel compartment. great story. the only problem is there are hundreds of 747's with hundreds of thousands of hours on them and this was the only such "accident" on record caused by a "spark".

it was a spark, no doubt---one caused by a missile that witnesses saw climb into the sky and hit the airplane. why don't we believe real people who have stated what they saw? these were witnesses who didn't know each other and saw the event unfold from different geographical locations.

just sayin....


Well-known member
why don't we believe real people who have stated what they saw? these were witnesses who didn't know each other and saw the event unfold

anybody in law knows (some) eye witnesses are not reliable. and nobody has figured out who be the reliable ones.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Taxed, Jailed, Enslaved, Bullied, Murdered, and Sold Out all because you fail to even research it!

I can see you appreciate being blunt so I'll come right to the point.

still not buying, nor am I buyin' your trite line of bullshit blaming me for not living up to your twisted sense of paranoia.......



Active member
I can see you appreciate being blunt so I'll come right to the point.

still not buying, nor am I buyin' your trite line of bullshit blaming me for not living up to your twisted sense of paranoia.......

First of all I am not selling anything and if your still under the illusion that choice in this country exists then your lost in space bro. There is no L/R, D/R, that is only Freedom/Tyranny.

What do you know about UN Agenda 21? CODEX ALIMENTARIUS? Fast & Furious? Operation Monarch or MK Ultra? Ignorance is not Bliss its IGNORANCE.....The good thing is not knowing don't meant you can't learn. Research some of those topics and get informed them come back and argue some informed points of view instead of calling me PARANOID just because I am informed.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

you don't know jack shit about me or my reading habits, now go take your conspiracy theory little boy attitude and choke on it.......

I won't be bothering to reply back so take your free shot now.


Active member
So no research? That is what I thought. UN Agenda 21, MK Ultra and CODEX are anything but CONSPIRACY you ignorant jerk with a poor attitude and no communication skills. I don't care what you read but it does have an effect on what you know......Cya Ignorant one!

Space Toker

Active member
wow everytime I think I am the most paranoid person on the planet and everyone else seems to confirm it, I see a thread like this, again and again! Enough in fact to look normal by comparison which strangely is almost scary to me! :D S4L, glad I am on your good side! ;) ;)


Kiss My Ring
i used to have a boat.
would take it out lake mead every weekend. i got to noticing the turbulence created when i would pick up skiers. you go in a circle and the wake rolls in upon itself at the center.

other times the wind would blow astoundingly hard and the waves would be cresting 3-4' in minutes and we'd make runs for the marina or find a quiet bay.


anyway, there is a constant and sometimes dangerous solar wind blowing past our rock that creates turbulence...currents and eddies, vortices.

were one to have the power and inclination (both in the hands of sam) to heat that ionosphere and push it further into the wind it would be like a sail...would push weather easily and could be guided.

tech is unquestioned, motive malignant, no-one cares to consider the possibilities that the same people who brought us the drug war might also be responsible for a crime they won't be held accountable for...

jab and parry.

i wouldn't and do not want to believe that our goobermint had their hand in another heinous act...yet i do.

you don't have to believe though to understand that the gumbyment has trouble getting it right and oftentimes doing it wrong intentionally, because this act may be sponsored by corporate interests.

corporate has no disinclination to harming citizens no matter where they be.

so have your beer and pizza while watching pawn stars and know that uncle has your back.


So no research? That is what I thought. UN Agenda 21, MK Ultra and CODEX are anything but CONSPIRACY you ignorant jerk with a poor attitude and no communication skills. I don't care what you read but it does have an effect on what you know......Cya Ignorant one!

what do you think Agenda 21 is?

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