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H3ad goes Coco


I really like the idea of this! so much so that I just started another 1000w tent.

I mixed 2 bags of canna coco with 1 bag of roots organics soiless mix.

Transplanted clones into 3 gallon bags and hit them with a 2ml/3ml nute mix approx 300+ppm.

so as far as I understand, they are going to need water on a daily basis. I have heard that you should not treat coco like a soil grow, which leads to my next question. Do I water regardless of the weight of the pot?!?! or what. How do you know when to water?

Second- plain ph'd water every other watering or what??



so ferts for breakfast and a nice water for dinner. sounds good. And I'm assuming I should ph the plain water?

as well do I still need to see 20-40% run off when doing the daily flush


if you get runoff when you're ferting you don't need to plain water flush them every day. or at least i haven't.... i flush once a week :2cents:

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
6/9 is not a lucas mix.

It's the Head mix. lucas is 7.5/10. Not a HUGE difference.

No I do not add molasses.


Hey greenatik,
are you still using Sweet @ 5 ml/gal every watering for a Mg suppliment?

Here's mine 10 days ago:

And, on 11/15:

Here they are today:
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they are hungry man. feeding full strength already i hope? are you mixing tap/ro? give them a full strength with 5ml sweet they should perk up


Thanks for the help, greenatic.
Now that you mention it, the yelowing on the bottom leaves has definately progressed.

I'll have to pick up a bottle of Sweet, ASAP.

I'm mixing 50/50 RO to tap.
I switched to 6/9 a week ago, as of today.
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usually yellowing of lower leaves is nitro which is why I thought you hadn't watered full strength yet.

how often are you watering? im sure you got ph on lock so lets try the sweet see if it greens them up


I'm watering once a day.
pHed to 5.7 - 5.8

It may be a bit before I get to the "Sweet" store.
In the meantime, I'm going to keep my eye on the yellowing.


Curious if anyone else using the 6:9 has experienced this issue:

At full strength, this is way too hot of a mix for my girls. But even diluted, I get a cal and mg def OR if using a bit stronger to try to combat the cal and mg def, I get N-tox. I am not adding cal-mag or any other additives, my tap is about EC 0.1, pH 7.8 and feed is pH'd to 6.

Since the mg in GH 3-part is in the bloom (not the micro) and the N is from the micro, I went to a 1:2 (aka "lucas"). Of course the cal is in the micro, but using at "lucas" my cal problems went away after a couple weeks and n-tox problem was solved. Yet they still looked a little lacking in N.

Solution thus far is just deal with slight N-def since we're 6 weeks in. Seems nuts that so many folks can use this 6:9 ratio without problems and I had nightmares with it.