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Guys, I can taste the chemicals in my food...



Arkitekt, I'll find you a couple examples and post them here later. I'm not making this stuff up, as I have been following various blogs and online communities pertaining to urban and indoor farming for a long time, and it is my goal to be 100% self sufficient with food. It's just, I don't have any examples favorited at the moment or anything.

Keep in mind that I am talking about growing 100% of the family's produce, not 100% of the family's food in general. And also, keep in mind that I said a combination of patio/balcony and window farming. If your house has lots of windows, you probably CAN get by on window farming alone, but I think it's safe to say that the window farming has to be supplemented by some regular old soil farming outside, whether on the roof, in a yard, on the balcony whatever.

I live in a 2 bedroom apartment, with just my girlfriend. We don't have any kids. But we grow about 90% of our produce in our windows and outside in a little patch of sunny grass next to where my apartment building keeps its garbage cans. Out there we grow potatoes, mostly, since potatoes contain 100% of everything that humans need for nutrition (not many people know this about potatoes). We also plant some carrots out here from time to time.

But inside, we have 5 windows that we are using as window farms. 2 south facing ones for the veggies that need full light as much as possible, 2 east facing ones for lettuces and cabbages, and other veggies that need morning sun, and 1 north facing one that doesnt get much light at all and is supplemented by a couple of 26w spiral screw-in fluoros. That is it.

I will find you some examples of people who are doing it successfully, and actually grow enough produce to take the excess to the farmer's market and trade it for grains and/or meat. These are the examples I came across, back in the day, which made me realize once and for all that I really CAN grow my own vegetables in an apartment.

And you need to remember that climate has little-to-nothing to do with what plants you can grow inside your house, as long as you have a controlled climate in your living space. As far as cold temperatures outside, on your balcony or whatever, the other trick is doing your homework and learning which varieties of which vegetables grow well in your climate. Another trick, which everyone gardening outdoors in confined spaces should be doing, is crop rotation, so that you are gardening seasonally, which is the way Nature intended it.

Trust me, folks, it can be done, and I will find you all some anecdotal evidence of this. Stay tuned. In the meantime, if you so desire, you can do like I did and begin your own research. Start by googling "vertical farming" and "window farming," and you will quickly see what I've seen.

(I also want to quickly mention here that setting up a small "henhouse" inside your house or apartment is actually very feasible as well, because hens don't make loud noises, and your neighbors won't know or care. This is a great and fun way to get your own eggs. Someone I know set up a small henhouse in their back patio, using a rubbermaid storage shed kind of thing that you have to hunch over to walk inside of, and they get like a half dozen eggs each morning, from only 3 or 4 hens.)
So how many people in your family. divide that into the number of acres. Now you fucking know why we can't go back to the 1500's without killing off 3 or more billion people.

Shit man, do you need a calculator?

The earth is not overpopulated.. Thats complete shit. There are hundreds of thousands of unpopulated miles to be inhabited. With our technology to increase crop yields, and the ability to grow up, and down anything we want theres no limit to the possibilities. The human race is a unit. If we put our heads together, and stop letting govt and media pull us apart we are capable of ANYTHING. Stop being narrow minded and open your eyes.


Active member
The earth is not overpopulated.. Thats complete shit. There are hundreds of thousands of unpopulated miles to be inhabited. With our technology to increase crop yields, and the ability to grow up, and down anything we want theres no limit to the possibilities. The human race is a unit. If we put our heads together, and stop letting govt and media pull us apart we are capable of ANYTHING. Stop being narrow minded and open your eyes.

A bit of experience in the farming industry would tell you that most good farmable soil is being used. What's left, either has water or soil composition problems. In california anyway.


Pass me the tinfoil hat..

Are people this concerned about minute variables possibly affecting their health?

Even though he might be getting arrogant due to frustration from this argument grapeman seems most informed being in the industry rather than armchair experts (who seem more fueled by their hate for the govt than actual health concerns).
got some cucumbers today and all i could taste was chemicals even after washing and pealing off the rinds all the way. I notice this alot more myself with fruits and veggies latley. I am not sure if it because I am about a year clean from cigarettes and my sense of taste is better or not.


cool which one? did you know a lot of the food sold at farmers markets is conventional? just sayin'.

Maybe in your crappy state lol. Not in cali :jump:. At one of the main farmers markets i go to they have a book where all the farmers have to disclose exactly what products and practices they use, not just that but most the farmers markets around here only let you participate if your organic :)

Learning to ask the farmers questions about there practices can help but they are known to lie. Find one you trust and stick to him imo.


I live in cali and most of the farmers markets are just the second round of harvest that grocery stores didnt want. Also it's not even the farmers there, it's a mexican guy that went to the farmer and grabbed that second round from him. Don't go around acting like cali is the shit, cause it's not.


Active member
grapeman, I was referring to this dude ^ when I wrote that about evidence. I'm really interested in seeing this evidence he says he have.

Yeah - I caught that after the post. We are on the same side of the argument it seems.

People can feed themselves. I live in an area with massive amounts of undeveloped terrain in suburban areas due to certain terrain features not being suitable for building houses on. These are city or as Canadians call it "CROWN" owned. If I were to plant a garden or raise animals on these CROWN properties, I would either be fined with a by-law infraction or a city bull-dozer would come and tear it down for liability reasons.

Look, I'm not paranoid enough to think that the schmucks sitting in City Hall are purposely thinking "Let's make it as hard as possible for the average citizen to be self-reliant", rather, these morons are so ingrained into the system and vice versa that they actually think their by-laws and bullshit city planning and ordinance rules are actually for the greater good. The great mass of people are fucking morons.

To think, we could plant gardens on every high-rise in the downtown sector and every available space in suburban areas and tear up all the useless manicured fertilized perfect green lawns and the produce departments in grocery stores would be almost non-existent, minus tropical and out of season fruits people desire. Then, for the meat-eaters, we could move onto keeping chickens in the backyard, cows, sheep, etc. etc. etc. it seems so obvious!!!!

But the excuse is, "I don't have time to take care of a proper garden or raise an animal". Well thats the rub. Employers want their workers doing 40 hours a week and the government wants us all to be productive members of the national economy. But we could work substantially less and trade that time for being more self-reliant and feeding ourselves.

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