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Guy builds plywood home in CA animal sanctuary alongside his 8 MJ plants!


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
Whos going to stop that guy from getting a few bum friends and building a bum town in the middle of the woods. The government represents the people not the other way around. Where are the concerned citizens? They're in their homes bitching from the sidelines.

Your government created the rules and if you claim thats not your government then just keep munching on that grass and waiting for the bus...


Active member
Not to mock or offend you in any way,but....

How the heck can any property belong to a government entity?Yes,it can be under their management,but what gives them license to call it theirs?I have a real problem with government agencies and the like acting like they own everything.

End of rant...carry on...


The county I live in owns a lot of property that is open space. It was bought by the county to stop over development. While I think the government is a big piece of shit, but when they buy open space and leave it alone, I am with them.

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