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Guerilla subforum

Guerilla subforum

  • Yes definitely!

    Votes: 186 86.9%
  • A few stickie threads on a subject will do.

    Votes: 14 6.5%
  • Nope, we have enough subforums already.

    Votes: 14 6.5%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
I was on my way to work when I replied to CCs post and now home and more time to reflect I did want to add my personal thoughts on guerrilla growing. These only reflect my dumb ass not all guerrillas. This is a more honest answer for me anyways.

I have thought about putting $20K down on some land and growing some small plant count with large yields. Even did some looking on the web but after some critical thinking it’s really not that simple. In my mind it comes down to med state vs. nonmed state not about being financially capable.

All the money in the world won’t make it legal or decriminalized and growing on your own property is still too dangerous for me. Even if you don’t get caught if LEO comes in and finds weed you just threw 20K down the drain. Oh and they will be looking at the land owner so its a double edged sword.

Saying this out loud makes growing seem a bit childish to me. I have a successful career, marriage and children. I would loose all that if I got caught growing. My better half would leave me my children would never look at me the same and with a felony conviction my career, that I spent 20 yrs getting to where i am, would be gone. I have respect for all growers but try carrying that around with you every time you tend your plants its much heaver than a 300 gal smart pot. Its a whole different perspective so I guess the real distinction for me is med state vs. non-med state and usually guerrillas are non-med state growers.

One of the reasons I decided to grow was the love of outdoors and I have a feeling that many guerrillas are hunters, fishermen and other outdoor enthusiasts. To motivate myself to exercise I choose things that are tied to other positives. I ride a bike because I don’t have to worry about getting a DUIs and I save money. I still get exercise so does the fact that I don’t exercise just for the love of exercise make it any less worthy, not in my mind. It doesn’t seem like a fair if/then statement to say guerrillas don’t grow because of their love of nature. The two are tied you cant fairly separate them. Would i continue to guerrilla grow if I was in a med state? I would like to think so because its a catalyst for the love of outdoors and vise versa .I am sure if i lived in a med state I would have some weed in my back yard too.

All the techniques and tactics count but to be able to converse with a guy who has his ass hanging out in the wind just like me is what makes me want a guerrilla forum.

So yes I do concede to the "We guerlllas are the Jermiah Johnsons of the grow game and you backyard bros are Wally and Beaver" type of thinking. It's not fair either but it is the honest truth.


Very nice read Hamstring. We have so many things in common it's scary :D
US is sort of leading the medicine scene and I can see how this would make guerilla growing look "weird". But there's also rest of the world where things are ... well illegal so we must adapt.

Today I had a 10mile hike trough the bush. Day was beautiful. Temps in mid 20 deg C. Perfect conditions. It was inspiring almost spiritual. Lots of wildlife. I believe I saw a hawk's nest. Dears? I stopped counting. Huge beautiful lizards, snakes. I could almost not believe all that was living so close to the city. It filled my heart and my soul with that special energy. I also found lots of new potential growing spots.

Anyway ... I planted 40 seeds of C99 on one spot. Covered them with pint sized plastic bottles and 40 seeds of Bushman x F13 on another spot. I presoaked the seeds. We'll see what happens in a few days.

Stay safe!

CanniDo Cowboy

I was on my way to work when I replied to CCs post and now home and more time to reflect I did want to add my personal thoughts on guerrilla growing. These only reflect my dumb ass not all guerrillas. This is a more honest answer for me anyways.

I have thought about putting $20K down on some land and growing some small plant count with large yields. Even did some looking on the web but after some critical thinking it’s really not that simple. In my mind it comes down to med state vs. nonmed state not about being financially capable.

All the money in the world won’t make it legal or decriminalized and growing on your own property is still too dangerous for me. Even if you don’t get caught if LEO comes in and finds weed you just threw 20K down the drain. Oh and they will be looking at the land owner so its a double edged sword.

Saying this out loud makes growing seem a bit childish to me. I have a successful career, marriage and children. I would loose all that if I got caught growing. My better half would leave me my children would never look at me the same and with a felony conviction my career, that I spent 20 yrs getting to where i am, would be gone. I have respect for all growers but try carrying that around with you every time you tend your plants its much heaver than a 300 gal smart pot. Its a whole different perspective so I guess the real distinction for me is med state vs. non-med state and usually guerrillas are non-med state growers.

One of the reasons I decided to grow was the love of outdoors and I have a feeling that many guerrillas are hunters, fishermen and other outdoor enthusiasts. To motivate myself to exercise I choose things that are tied to other positives. I ride a bike because I don’t have to worry about getting a DUIs and I save money. I still get exercise so does the fact that I don’t exercise just for the love of exercise make it any less worthy, not in my mind. It doesn’t seem like a fair if/then statement to say guerrillas don’t grow because of their love of nature. The two are tied you cant fairly separate them. Would i continue to guerrilla grow if I was in a med state? I would like to think so because its a catalyst for the love of outdoors and vise versa .I am sure if i lived in a med state I would have some weed in my back yard too.

All the techniques and tactics count but to be able to converse with a guy who has his ass hanging out in the wind just like me is what makes me want a guerrilla forum.

So yes I do concede to the "We guerlllas are the Jermiah Johnsons of the grow game and you backyard bros are Wally and Beaver" type of thinking. It's not fair either but it is the honest truth.

Dang Ham...If you werent one of my best IC buds,, I'd saddle a horse and come whup your guerilla ass! You rowdy mo fo! LOL Dude, you and I have had many discussions on guerilla vs backyard projects and the mucho respect I have for you does not waiver.

We're getting away from the thread author's original intent in posing the question of whether a guerilla forum should be added and I apologize to all for the drift but the philosophies between the 2 styles merits friendly discussion or friendly debate, if one is deemed better or preferred than the other. And thats all it is, a friendly debate.

Ham, I'm not sure I understand your point when you say growing on your own property is too dangerous and all you might lose when growing in the wild can have even worse repercussions if things go bad, and it can happen just as easily. And these days, Fed and State laws go extremely hard on those caught growing on public land. More so than backyard, in most cases. If they find one plastic container of pesticide, the EPA boys will have their swing at you. If you are accused of destroying vegetation, polluting streams, trespassing etc , well, you get the idea. At that point, the actual growing of the weed will seem incidental.

Yea, I come from along line of guerillas back in the day before med anything. But the LEOs werent looking for it as hard back then as they do these days and it wasnt the problematic epidemic as it is seen today. There's a lot of money in growing weed but theres a lot of annual funds given to to counties and states if they show eradication performance. If my state hadnt have gone med, I would probably still be out in the woods but make no mistake, growing in your backyard in a med friendly state is no cake walk. IT IS STILL against Federal law to grow...anywhere. All it takes is one over-zealous Barney Fife looking to make Sergeant and your garden can be ripped up without so much as a "Sorry dude..."

In the end, whether your Geremiah or Wally doesnt really matter. Growing is growing, and wherever you choose to do it there is risk, med state or not. We all share that risk and desire in some form or another and for our own reasons. But I must say, I find the premise of "I choose to guerilla grow because I love the outdoors" pretty bazaar. LOL I wonder if the old moonshiners who were pretty much forced to make shine just to feed their families back in the "last" depression felt the same way....? CC


Active member
mean all of this is outdoor growing theres no need for a gg subform there be nothing in the outdoor form if that was the case.


Maybe a medical outdoor sub forum would be better, because medical growers mostly grow in similar style. At non medical backyard grows you can see many variations of grow styles, that are often similar to guerilla growers style. And if there was a backyard sub forum there would mostly be medical growers with some other not medical growers who wouldn't really fit there IMO.


child of the sun
I don't mean to be pessimistic, so if this post sounds so, I didn't intend it...

But... the outdoor sub forum as it is doesn't seem to have too much activity... I mean... I can check once per day and be completely up to date on every thread.

Also seems like any problems the guerrilla grower encounters are going to be mostly the same as any other outdoor grower, at least as far as plant related problems go...

If we were going to go around divvying up the outdoor forum to different niches it seems more appropriate to me to split it up by region rather than by whether or not you 'own' the land on which you're growing. Or as someone else kind of eluded to, maybe split it into medical state vs non medical state growers (legal vs non-legal)... although I still think the underlying problem with this division concept is the general lack of activity.

I am, however, basing this argument of 'activity' on posts, not views, which seems to indicate a high percentage of 'lurkers'. :biggrin:

just my :2cents: :tiphat:


I'm kinda splitting it in my mind as legal and non. The way they are screwin with our laws here I am thinkin about a walk in the woods ;).
Here backyard growing is still a gray area IMHO. And LEO is a greedy pig. With forfiture laws on there side it is quite risky.
Geurilla growers have one difference from any other grower I'll bet.
We have a footwear fetish. I at least am always on the hunt for just the right boot/shoe..no tread, waterproof, ankle support, can be bard to find!!

Stay safe my brothers


Well-known member
I don't mean to be pessimistic, so if this post sounds so, I didn't intend it...

But... the outdoor sub forum as it is doesn't seem to have too much activity... I mean... I can check once per day and be completely up to date on every thread.

Also seems like any problems the guerrilla grower encounters are going to be mostly the same as any other outdoor grower, at least as far as plant related problems go...

If we were going to go around divvying up the outdoor forum to different niches it seems more appropriate to me to split it up by region rather than by whether or not you 'own' the land on which you're growing. Or as someone else kind of eluded to, maybe split it into medical state vs non medical state growers (legal vs non-legal)... although I still think the underlying problem with this division concept is the general lack of activity.

I am, however, basing this argument of 'activity' on posts, not views, which seems to indicate a high percentage of 'lurkers'. :biggrin:

just my :2cents: :tiphat:

I didn’t see any negativity no worries it's nice to see activity on the thread.

Go check on the greenhouse forum and see what kind of activity exists. I'm not sure that lack of activity is what drives a separate forum.


Seems to me guerilla growing is a accumilation of knowledge from all the other areas in a way and of minimizing risk of plant loss. i mean you are planting one or maybe two plants in an area and a couple more someplace else... ,dosnt have to be up on a mountain top or deep in a swamp super inaccesable , if you want to go that route great, myself i look for easy access but not someplace public will wander into,
more like along a fence line or edge of a corn field or a black berry patch.
if you can hook up a automatic water system somehow great, if you can suppliment the soil great. get the plants which will thrive in the wild with out any care. then check on them once or twice a season maybe topdress with some nutes when you check them then harvest. after all this is a weed it grows in the wild without any help.


Well-known member
Dang Ham...If you werent one of my best IC buds,, I'd saddle a horse and come whup your guerilla ass! You rowdy mo fo! LOL Dude, you and I have had many discussions on guerilla vs backyard projects and the mucho respect I have for you does not waiver.

We're getting away from the thread author's original intent in posing the question of whether a guerilla forum should be added and I apologize to all for the drift but the philosophies between the 2 styles merits friendly discussion or friendly debate, if one is deemed better or preferred than the other. And thats all it is, a friendly debate.

Ham, I'm not sure I understand your point when you say growing on your own property is too dangerous and all you might lose when growing in the wild can have even worse repercussions if things go bad, and it can happen just as easily. And these days, Fed and State laws go extremely hard on those caught growing on public land. More so than backyard, in most cases. If they find one plastic container of pesticide, the EPA boys will have their swing at you. If you are accused of destroying vegetation, polluting streams, trespassing etc , well, you get the idea. At that point, the actual growing of the weed will seem incidental.

Yea, I come from along line of guerillas back in the day before med anything. But the LEOs werent looking for it as hard back then as they do these days and it wasnt the problematic epidemic as it is seen today. There's a lot of money in growing weed but theres a lot of annual funds given to to counties and states if they show eradication performance. If my state hadnt have gone med, I would probably still be out in the woods but make no mistake, growing in your backyard in a med friendly state is no cake walk. IT IS STILL against Federal law to grow...anywhere. All it takes is one over-zealous Barney Fife looking to make Sergeant and your garden can be ripped up without so much as a "Sorry dude..."

In the end, whether your Geremiah or Wally doesnt really matter. Growing is growing, and wherever you choose to do it there is risk, med state or not. We all share that risk and desire in some form or another and for our own reasons. But I must say, I find the premise of "I choose to guerilla grow because I love the outdoors" pretty bazaar. LOL I wonder if the old moonshiners who were pretty much forced to make shine just to feed their families back in the "last" depression felt the same way....? CC

CC bro I got nothing but respect for you and I have a way of coming off as an ass in my writing. I was trying to be honest to myself rather than flaming (if that’s correct pot forum lingo)you.

I know you have to worry about the law but come on brother you can have indoor and buy clones, we’ve talked about this, legally. Its not the same a Midwest guerrilla is taking a huge chance to have an indoor (that’s why I have ZERO indoors). If my outdoor did get busted where you think they’re headed next?? If you have a med license who cares your cool. I just got done reading a totally Cali thread where they were laughing at the plant numbers game saying its not being pushed as long as all your paper work is legal beagle.

You are correct growing is growing to a certain extent but how many back yard growers are setting up cold frames and dealing with mice, slugs, and weather. You’re an intelligent and fair guy do really think the two are the same?? So I, a guerrilla, can gain no more from growing advice from a back yard grower then someone out in the bush??

I know you’ve been there, but quite a few years ago, doesn’t the guy who just came from checking his cold frames today have a more clear understanding??

By the same token I have read a million 300gal smart pot threads with different soil mixes and ways to hold and deliver water. The types of netting used to hold up plants . I'm not providing any advice to those brothers i don’t live in that world.

Growing includes equipment/tools, risk, knowing the law and not just plant science would you agree on that? Would you like to compare my tool war chest to yours I bet they are 100% different. Both nice I have seen some of the nice stuff you have but polar opposites.

On top of all that is every forum just about growing techniques only?? You know there’s some clan mentality going on too. Just like when you watch sports. Lets say you’re a Rams fan its way more fun watching with other Rams fans right?? It s not just about watching football is it?? It’s not just about growing that was my only point.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Very nice read Hamstring. We have so many things in common it's scary :D
US is sort of leading the medicine scene and I can see how this would make guerilla growing look "weird". But there's also rest of the world where things are ... well illegal so we must adapt.

Today I had a 10mile hike trough the bush. Day was beautiful. Temps in mid 20 deg C. Perfect conditions. It was inspiring almost spiritual. Lots of wildlife. I believe I saw a hawk's nest. Dears? I stopped counting. Huge beautiful lizards, snakes. I could almost not believe all that was living so close to the city. It filled my heart and my soul with that special energy. I also found lots of new potential growing spots.

Anyway ... I planted 40 seeds of C99 on one spot. Covered them with pint sized plastic bottles and 40 seeds of Bushman x F13 on another spot. I presoaked the seeds. We'll see what happens in a few days.

Stay safe!

Very nice, i saw a mink, vulture, green heron and blue heron today. We don’t have lizards I wish we did. It’s nice to get into the bush and let your guard down a little.

Not only do you have to worry about being caught at your spot you have to figure a way to carry in all your gear without some local looking at you funny.

So stressful to get into the bush without giving away anything. Hard to verbalize but being older than dirt I know how most guerrilla grows go wrong entrance/exit strategy I have said it a million times.

I cant have some man/woman saying to LEO, "you know I have seen this guy getting out of this 2001 ford and biking, hiking, whatever into the woods." There can be no trails and I'm not talking about in the bush. Things you don’t give a second thought seem out of place to those who live in the area.


Ill probably poke somebody in the eye slinging this shit but i do have a bit of a gripe with the backyardigans. Ive seen them come on the site and give some of the damndest advice a guerrila could get. Advice that might be fine in the back yard but will cost you your crop in the bush. And some of the younger inexperienced growers dont know its bullshit: hell the guys givin it dont know its bullshit.

Ive seen recommended soil ingredients/mix that i got tired just reading it, let alone mixing it all up and carrying it throug the bush and pest solutions that will leave the grower looking at a skeleton next week when they return.

Step out the backdoor and come face to face with a snot blowing, dick dripping bull elk or deer who thinks your his competition and youll start getting a feel for guerilla. Ive been picking ticks off of me all week. Snakes, swarms, heat, storms, thorns, grubs and god help us all, Flying Pigs!!!

CanniDo Cowboy

CC bro I got nothing but respect for you and I have a way of coming off as an ass in my writing. I was trying to be honest to myself rather than flaming (if that’s correct pot forum lingo)you.

I know you have to worry about the law but come on brother you can have indoor and buy clones, we’ve talked about this, legally. Its not the same a Midwest guerrilla is taking a huge chance to have an indoor (that’s why I have ZERO indoors). If my outdoor did get busted where you think they’re headed next?? If you have a med license who cares your cool. I just got done reading a totally Cali thread where they were laughing at the plant numbers game saying its not being pushed as long as all your paper work is legal beagle.

You are correct growing is growing to a certain extent but how many back yard growers are setting up cold frames and dealing with mice, slugs, and weather. You’re an intelligent and fair guy do really think the two are the same?? So I, a guerrilla, can gain no more from growing advice from a back yard grower then someone out in the bush??

I know you’ve been there, but quite a few years ago, doesn’t the guy who just came from checking his cold frames today have a more clear understanding??

By the same token I have read a million 300gal smart pot threads with different soil mixes and ways to hold and deliver water. The types of netting used to hold up plants . I'm not providing any advice to those brothers i don’t live in that world.

Growing includes equipment/tools, risk, knowing the law and not just plant science would you agree on that? Would you like to compare my tool war chest to yours I bet they are 100% different. Both nice I have seen some of the nice stuff you have but polar opposites.

On top of all that is every forum just about growing techniques only?? You know there’s some clan mentality going on too. Just like when you watch sports. Lets say you’re a Rams fan its way more fun watching with other Rams fans right?? It s not just about watching football is it?? It’s not just about growing that was my only point.[/QUOTE
Ham...First, in an earlier post I said: "The 2 styles are different as nite and day, IF youre talking technique, trials and tribulations etc..." Tool selection obviously included. So I KNOW the 2 are not the same. Only a fool, idiot or rookie would believe they are similar. So we be on the same page brutha. And say hey, if you feel a kinship with someone by swappin grow-tales of repelling down a 100 ft sheer cliff side on the way to the grow site or a grow-illa brethren showing you the scar where he dug a deer tick out of his left nut with a dull Rambo knife, hey dude, I would appreciate and relate to the story too. Well, maybe not seeing the scar. LOL BUT, I would also feel glad I dont have to do that kind of stuff anymore. Hell, I'm toooo old to do that shit these days anyway. LOL

And just for the record, folks who are laughing because they think they can grow more than the law limits in med states are the same fools who wind up in trouble for getting greedy or just being egotistically stupid. I wouldnt say or believe a few "happy" stories represents the entire med friendly game and I would further suggest that just like in the guerilla game, there are those who put growing in general in a bad lite, albiet state legal or not...

Last, I provide no advice to guerilla growers. I dont pretend to know, condemn or brag that private property/back yard is better by any stretch. Ive lived both sides. That said, I think I can make a case that the across the board mentality of guerilla growing hasnt changed all that much over the years, in terms of basic philosophy. The basic foundation being that no matter how clever, resourceful and stealthy you are, shit happens in the wild too. If a person enjoys the outdoors to the degree he has to stop and take a photo of a bugling bull elk on the way to his grow, I'm sorry, if its Elk hunting season, I'm moving away from that Elk as fast as I can. If youre doing the Guerilla thing, stopping to enjoy the wild can get you in trouble. Youre statement: Its nice to get into the bush and relax awhile... is an oxymoron bro. If youre in the bush doing your business, relaxing can lead to your world turnin to shit in a big hurry. Just sayin. I think that could be Guerilla grower denial. LEO isnt going to care about the cool wildlife photos you have on your Nikon but he will want to see if you were dumb enough to snap some pics of your grow.LOL

So, no argument here bud. I respect the guerilla stance and relate to both sides. Personally, I thrive in the private property/backyard environment because it enables me to grow the best of the best for me and my few patients. I am able to experiment, improve and maintain seasonal consistency utilizing a more controlled environment. Sure, being in a med state helps but I''m sorry, Ill see your shiney trail tool and raise you with some fine-ass "domestically" grown meds. LOL And ya know what, I still find time to enjoy the great outdoors, but man, I certainly dont miss the "pucker factor" the closer I got to my grow each visit or having to worry about "wearin a trail", wild critter(big & small) damage etc. I guess its the difference between one person being a mobile mechanic and another person having a shop in which to work. When compared, both styles have advantages as well as disadvantages.

So, to all my grow-bros in the wild, on private property and in the backyard: Just keep it real, keep it green and the very best of luck in the upcoming season...CC


One other pretty good reason to do it in the wild is breading with numbers based on selecting best examples. They don't have to be huge trees. What I'm saying is you need half a dozen 2x2 square meters patches and you can plant 200 plants with ease. With a bit more effort and time you can easy go close to thousands. Now, those numbers are already some serious numbers if you plan on selecting best individuals.

Try doing that in your backyard. :)

Going into the bush also keeps my fitness levels up high. Health is an important issue no? :)

CanniDo Cowboy

One other pretty good reason to do it in the wild is breading with numbers based on selecting best examples. They don't have to be huge trees. What I'm saying is you need half a dozen 2x2 square meters patches and you can plant 200 plants with ease. With a bit more effort and time you can easy go close to thousands. Now, those numbers are already some serious numbers if you plan on selecting best individuals.

Try doing that in your backyard. :)

Going into the bush also keeps my fitness levels up high. Health is an important issue no? :)

First, lets define "in the wild" and "in the bush" for what they really mean: Public Land. Which means State or Federal owned. That doesnt sound all that wild or bushy to me. Sounds risky, legally speaking.

200 plants? 1000's? I reckon a fella could get a few "best individuals" out of a plant count such as that. LOL

Yea, health is important when doin the guerilla game. A 300lb fat man isnt goin to get far if he has to run away from 1000 plants...CC