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Guerilla Grow in the Canadian Wilderness 2011


That looks an awful lot like my neck of the woods this time of year! haha

I'm in the same boat with the AF hybrids. I made a Sweet 105 x AK47 cross I'll be trying this year along with my 200 regular Sweet's :sasmokin:. I've tried all the typical non AF early strains and they didn't finish at my latitude so here's hopin!

I would definitely stick with the grow bags btw. I've made the mistake of digging 50 decent sized holes alone in the bush and I will NEVER be doing that again.

Now I use elevated buckets of mix with large holes in the bottom. I force these into marshy areas around lakes. The moisture will wick through the moss into my medium. I've never watered once since doing this.

How's the smoke on those Sour 60's btw?

Subbed and good luck. :tiphat:


I would definitely stick with the grow bags btw. I've made the mistake of digging 50 decent sized holes alone in the bush and I will NEVER be doing that again.

I'd rather dig big holes and amend the native soil instead of doing bags and hauling in dozens of bales of pro-mix, but that's just my opinion.

I just dug 65 twenty gallon holes last weekend, still another hundred or so to go this year...no pain, no gain!
Wudup kanadiankronic, unfortunanly i do not have any plants vegging yet. Im planning on germinating some in about a month and put out seedlings then.

As for my indoor... still alot to think over but im considering just veging the females that show and throwing them in the big holes. I got the ok to do 4 plants on private property. Had a backhoe dig out 4 4x4 holes, however many gallons that is (60-100?) The plants wouldnt finish on time, but i sure to love me some medicated muffins hehe.

As for digging holes or using growbags. They both have there pros and cons. I will most likely be starting them in 1 gallon pots/growbags, then after about a month of growth, so the beginning of july transplanting them into 10-15 gallon holes lined with plastic.

Stay Fly


Active member
Eh. whats good b?
anything you do will turn out good.. if you put them in bags/in the ground/in the ground with plastic.iv never really done bags before so i dont know much about them, the only thing i can think of happening with them is in very very high winds it may be more likely to blow over... i only say this because iv seen plants in the ground get blown over and it would be a little less to do a bag... but at the same time then atleast if you get to it in time it wont have any root damage and you could just re set it up... with putting them in holes one thing i always do is when i put them in the hole i use the same dirt as i did when they are in the pot. i dont know if it makes a big difference but i learnt it in horticulture they the roots wont wanna expand out into the soil because the soil they are in (from the pot) will most of the time be better and well really what would you wanna eat good food or average food..... as with the plastic in the ground just make sure there is holes so your water doesn't sit to long. and of course remove the plastic at the end of the year as 2 things could happen. 1 your adding to our messy planet :dunno: and 2 someone may see them and come back next year to see if anything is in the area!
-KK:plant grow:


Had a small bird hit my deer netting today while I was working on this 10' X 10' plot. It flew off without any injury but even a bird has trouble seeing a net.

Wouldn't have any crop if not for the net. I must anchor mine with wire stakes to keep the bunnies out. You may want to consider that option as well.

There's nothing wrong with getting old as long as you keep doing it. It's when you stop doing it that troubles
really start.


Active member
Deer netting is the best.
My first year i put up chicken wire... something got under it and ate everything i had. it was also really easy to spot out.
since then iv used deer net and its awsome... i get mine from walmart and its really long aswell as tall.. i put mine like a foot underground in every direction to keep stuff from digging threw.... that keeps it from coming up and somthing getting in but also leaves it tall so deer cant jump it.
^ I found chicken wire is much harder to work with also. Deer netting is more flexible, and cheaper aswell.

I started work today on "spot 2". So far i have 9 grow bags each filled with about 15 gallons of BM1, and amended with perlite (ratio 4:1). I gunna try and get atleast 6 more filled my next visit and get the deer netting up. Im also getting some 30 gallon smart pots to throw in the swamps. Lotta work ahead.

VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/user/papaver420?feature=mhee#p/a/u/0/XlpuKXCu7AY


You can see all 9 in this pic.







Active member
wow got any idea how much water for those....??? they might need 3-5 gals a day in full sun... 2-3 days without watering and bye bye...
3-5 gallons a day? i think your way off, or atleast i sure hope so haha

Last year plants placed in holes didnt need to be watered the entire season. Altho grow bags are a whole new game for me. I sure hope i dont need to water more than once a week.


Active member
3-5 gallons a day? i think your way off, or atleast i sure hope so haha

Last year plants placed in holes didnt need to be watered the entire season. Altho grow bags are a whole new game for me. I sure hope i dont need to water more than once a week.

I never water ground holes where I am, but a plant in a 15 gal bag uses all the water in the bag in 2-3 days in full sun @ 75+f. That I'm most sure of...and I'm sure others will support that, hell on a 90f day 3gals a day maybe needed with 15gals and a 6foot plant if its an 8 footer then...well you get the picture...
humboltlocal was watering 10 gallons a day for his 200 gallon smart pots, and thats in cali.
This is canada g, it prolly wont hit 90. Here we get an average rainfall of 2in. per week. 5 gallons a day is 1/3 water to soil, daily... not a chance. I do think i will be watering alot, but not that often, good thing im only plannin on doin 15 at that spot. I ordered 20 30 gallon smart pots for the swamps that i shouldnt need to water at all. and the ground holes shouldnt need water at all, waters a bitch haha, if i remembeer correctly its the heaviest liquid besides mercury


I live in canada at the 49th and I water 2 gallons a day for most of the season, this year I've dug bigger holes and I'm figuring I'll probably need 3-4. It all depends on what kind of soil you have, slope drainage and sun exposure.
I never water ground holes where I am, but a plant in a 15 gal bag uses all the water in the bag in 2-3 days in full sun @ 75+f. That I'm most sure of...and I'm sure others will support that, hell on a 90f day 3gals a day maybe needed with 15gals and a 6foot plant if its an 8 footer then...well you get the picture...

I aint sayin your wrong hommie, im jus really hopin that your not right hehe.

I can only visit once a week. Mabey its time to rethink the growbag idea. i got an atv to haul water back so theres no issue getting large quantitys of water back into the brush, the problem lies with only being able to visit once a week :(

Im 100% positive holes wont need water, but as i said grow bags are a whole new ball game for me. Soil in my area is shit. I dont use any natural soil in my mix, just bm1.. which is canadas equivalent to pro-mix, and added perlite. Mabey for the next bags i should cut back on perlite in order to increase moisture retention.


I'd say you'll need to water at the least every 2 days, with a full soak like 3-4 gallons. It looks like you have lots of direct sun, good aspect so I'd worry about the bags drying out too much.

Maybe some moisture crystals would work well at extending visits between trips.
Actually the spot only gets about 3-4 hours of direct sun a day.

Water crystals never even crossed my mind.. fuckin genius bro

I will have to see how moist the pots are my next visit. Do you think i would be all right watering once a week untill the end of june, then buring the pots?


Active member
Why not put your mix in the ground?

promix is made in canada....

A tree is a tree how many do you need? 3 hrs is not enough light for good bud development... cut those trees, dont be a tree hugger.lol

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