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Which plants, flowers, weeds and other garden finds do you use

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Well i just made my compost mile using weeds in the garden as my source of N. As i mentioned earlier with a majority of Crepis Japonica. There was a couple thistles in my yard but only one big one which was the only one that wasn't a sow thistle. There were also some weeds i couldnt identify at the time. I'm excited to see what happens. The crepis is a good tasting plant i'm having a hard time stopping eating it. o well theres dinner j/k

The only nasty part was i was digging in the area where the boar cape was and its still not complelty decomposed, it doesn't smell terrible, but it doesn't smell nice.

I have a new love for the land around me, before i used to think of it as infertile but it seems nicer than i expected probably due to finally having a lawn established which was like 3-4 years ago. The soil is a nice consistency and has ton's of earthworms and other bugs, this is probably why the soil seems nice. We rarely take care of the yard and it seems to have naturally composted a lot of stuff so i'm thinking about trying it out on some garden plants probably tomatoes.

Now i just have to wait for the compost pile. All i did was layer carbon, greens and a little soil. Is there anything else i should do to make it more active?


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
one thing to take note of when composting weeds, make sure they haven't set seed yet! unless you know for sure your piles are going to get hot enough. otherwise get them as they bloom and no later.


a little tip on weeds that do go to seed,
try to chop them up a bit, then let sit in water for a day or longer. most seeds die off with in a day but leting ferment longer helps speed up things and you wont have to much of a problem with weeds sprouting.

also be sure to turn the compost from time to time

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
a little tip on weeds that do go to seed,
try to chop them up a bit, then let sit in water for a day or longer. most seeds die off with in a day but leting ferment longer helps speed up things and you wont have to much of a problem with weeds sprouting.

also be sure to turn the compost from time to time

Good tip!

Luckily i don't have to worry the weeds are still very young and not have bloomed yet. I'm really excited to get underway. I wanted to just use some of the top soil that has earthworm castings but i don't know how well that would work.

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