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Gry could use your thoughts, prayers, meditations, or what ever you have to offer


moose eater

I've got to run into town, as a project was completed, and I need to get it moved to another place; hurry, hurry, hurry.

In the whirl of things, I missed a call from Gry; he reported he had just received a call from the Health Dept, and his culture is not one of typical TB, but (perhaps?) a similar strain of something different, and there may be a genetic component.

He said they wanted him into their office ASAP, though still maintaining the other appointment with the Doc on Thursday. Presented to him as a good news-bad news affair. They stated that it's not a classic case of TB, and didn't culture out that way, but that what they -think- it is can move much faster, and is potentially interactive (?) with the cancer.

So he's on the bus shortly, per his message, and headed in to see them for further testing.

How life works sometimes; sit, wait, fret, then hustle, hustle, hustle.

I'll call him back as I head into town, after taking care of pups. Maybe in all of this there's a resulting answer or 2. Hopefully with some positive outlook.

More later, I'm sure.


Organic Dank Land
I've got to run into town, as a project was completed, and I need to get it moved to another place; hurry, hurry, hurry.

In the whirl of things, I missed a call from Gry; he reported he had just received a call from the Health Dept, and his culture is not one of typical TB, but (perhaps?) a similar strain of something different, and there may be a genetic component.

He said they wanted him into their office ASAP, though still maintaining the other appointment with the Doc on Thursday. Presented to him as a good news-bad news affair. They stated that it's not a classic case of TB, and didn't culture out that way, but that what they -think- it is can move much faster, and is potentially interactive (?) with the cancer.

So he's on the bus shortly, per his message, and headed in to see them for further testing.

How life works sometimes; sit, wait, fret, then hustle, hustle, hustle.

I'll call him back as I head into town, after taking care of pups. Maybe in all of this there's a resulting answer or 2. Hopefully with some positive outlook.

More later, I'm sure.

thanks for the update, that sounds wild. best of luck

moose eater

I spoke with Gry as I was driving into town to move my boat from one place to another.

He was still in bed, trying to beat away a serious bout of incontinence, and intending to do what ever he could to make himself able to get on the bus.

The crunch of needing to get some place, and the body having other plans. He knew the importance of getting to where he needed to be for follow-up, and was intending to call the clinic, and speak with the nurse/whom ever there, and see if there was anything they could recommend that would make him better able to get mobile.

He had some less than conventional methods to contend with the immediate circumstances, but there were ripple effects that might compromise his standing in seeking help.

Curve balls a'plenty, it seems.


Just checking in to say my thoughts are still with ya gry, hope things swing up.

Not sure where you are located, but some mass transit systems will send out a short bus (lol) to get folks that are not able to get to main systems for health or distance reasons.


Well-known member
Was able to see a specialist today. Told me they are sure about the cancer, but unsure if it is TB, or something else called MAC (https://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/diseases/7123/mycobacterium-avium-complex-infections)

Have to go back tomorrow for additional testing, and have an appointment with the same specialist for a week from today at which time I hope hear more precisely what the testing shows. Would be more than pleased if is
still small enough to be removed by surgery.

While I was at the health dept, my primary health care provider (LA Cares) called to cancel Monday's appointment.

Fourth time they have turned me away in the past 2 months.
Was shown today's Xray beside the one taken 2 weeks ago while I was
in the hospital. Difference was readily discernible, it not growing slowing.
I contemplated how much damage had taken place by allowing 2 months
to slip by with no treatment.
Couldn't help but ask what was the logic behind their cancellation this time, and was told it was the health dept has a hold on me.
All I could think of was the difference between the two xrays, and ponder how much larger it had become in the two months that had gone by.
I explained that I was at the health dept and had just spoken with the Dr about Monday's appointment, he wanted me to keep it.
Said I would ask my contact person at the health dept to call her to clarify the matter.

Can't help but be impressed by the county health dept.
Old government offices built in the fifties, old equipment and gear.
Underfunded, and overstretched, still quietly delivering solid healthcare.


Official Seed Tester
ICMag Donor
Was able to see a specialist today. Told me they are sure about the cancer, but unsure if it is TB, or something else called MAC (https://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/diseases/7123/mycobacterium-avium-complex-infections)

Have to go back tomorrow for additional testing, and have an appointment with the same specialist for a week from today at which time I hope hear more precisely what the testing shows. Would be more than pleased if is
still small enough to be removed by surgery.

While I was at the health dept, my primary health care provider (LA Cares) called to cancel Monday's appointment.

Fourth time they have turned me away in the past 2 months.
Was shown today's Xray beside the one taken 2 weeks ago while I was
in the hospital. Difference was readily discernible, it not growing slowing.
I contemplated how much damage had taken place by allowing 2 months
to slip by with no treatment.
Couldn't help but ask what was the logic behind their cancellation this time, and was told it was the health dept has a hold on me.
All I could think of was the difference between the two xrays, and ponder how much larger it had become in the two months that had gone by.
I explained that I was at the health dept and had just spoken with the Dr about Monday's appointment, he wanted me to keep it.
Said I would ask my contact person at the health dept to call her to clarify the matter.

Can't help but be impressed by the county health dept.
Old government offices built in the fifties, old equipment and gear.
Underfunded, and overstretched, still quietly delivering solid healthcare.

Wishing you good luck Gry with the future and praying it all comes good in time and following along in the background :comfort:


ICMag Donor
So it's not cancer,, or am I reading things wrong with hopefull thought and only reading what I want to see


Active member
Was able to see a specialist today. Told me they are sure about the cancer, but unsure if it is TB, or something else called MAC (https://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/diseases/7123/mycobacterium-avium-complex-infections)

Have to go back tomorrow for additional testing, and have an appointment with the same specialist for a week from today at which time I hope hear more precisely what the testing shows. Would be more than pleased if is
still small enough to be removed by surgery.

While I was at the health dept, my primary health care provider (LA Cares) called to cancel Monday's appointment.

Fourth time they have turned me away in the past 2 months.
Was shown today's Xray beside the one taken 2 weeks ago while I was
in the hospital. Difference was readily discernible, it not growing slowing.
I contemplated how much damage had taken place by allowing 2 months
to slip by with no treatment.
Couldn't help but ask what was the logic behind their cancellation this time, and was told it was the health dept has a hold on me.
All I could think of was the difference between the two xrays, and ponder how much larger it had become in the two months that had gone by.
I explained that I was at the health dept and had just spoken with the Dr about Monday's appointment, he wanted me to keep it.
Said I would ask my contact person at the health dept to call her to clarify the matter.

Can't help but be impressed by the county health dept.
Old government offices built in the fifties, old equipment and gear.
Underfunded, and overstretched, still quietly delivering solid healthcare.

That would have to be beyond frustrating to be put on hold, whatever qualifies a person for that.

Hopefully it gets straightened out before Monday. Are you able to get the IV fluids anytime soon? Sounds like that made a lot of improvement.

moose eater

Well, Gry has communicated that LA Cares has cancelled his appointment for a 4th time, though he stated they were more cautious to be clear that they weren't -denying- him care, but rather postponing care.

On one hand they seem hesitant to deal with a person with a dx (that a specialist has determined likely isn't the actual dx at all). On the other hand, they seem astutely aware of the inherent liability, and risks in denying care to someone who needs it.

In either case, it seems that CYA is their business model, more so than actual medical care.

Keep up the sprits, Gry. I know you're tapped at times for strength, but, "Don't let the bastards wear you down."


Well-known member
Was able to speak with a MD who works for the health dept today.
It was explained to me that the test results are inconclusive, which
is to say they are still uncertain if it is TB, or Mac.
More testing was done, they hope to have results back next Wednesday
which will be definitive enough to start me on one of the protocols.
I expressed concerns that LA Cares had canceled 4 appointments in a row,
but that the lung cancer had not.
The Dr asked me if I would mind traveling further and suggested she would
put in a request for me to have an appointment at 2 different locations
and I should take which ever is first available.
I appreciated the gesture.


Active member
Seems like a common sense thing for the Dr. to do, unfortunate that it takes the patient to start the process.
Squeaky wheels often get more customer service, but it shouldn’t be that way with cancer care.
Too bad they couldn’t make 3 or 4 appointments.

At least the effort was made though, persistence paid off.

What do you use curry in? I don’t use it but probably should because of anti cancer benefits. I think curry comes from coumin, but I could be mixed up on that.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The spice of life these days looks to be TURMERIC - its in most Indian curries - and so I must have been taking it for decades -

Check out the wellness effects of TURMERIC.


Well-known member
I make up batches of curry almost daily, using what ever veggies are in season and available.
Looking at the ingredients list on the side of a container of curry paste, it all but jumped out at me
that I had heard positive things about the anti carcinogenic properties of each of the ingredients.
Try to include Bell peppers and Anaheim or Poblano's depending on the price.
About half the time I am able to include shiitake mushrooms.
A recent medscape article spoke in terms of it being considered normal for the average person to deal
with cancer two to three times over the course of a lifetime.


Active member
Apparently I should have looked it up, I thought it was a spice like oregano.

Wiki says it often contains cumin, ginger, turmeric, coriander and chilis.

Sounds like some synergistic qualities would be possible, and the mushrooms should add to that

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