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Growtronix Users

Dr. Rieux

New member
Afternoon, everyone!

My first post after a long time lurking.

I'm building out my first serious grow, 1/2 way done. Hybrid sealed w/CO2, water cooled, multi-feed coco, and legal (Canada Med. grow.) Trying to learn from Don Juan via the Coco Trees sticky.

I'm using Growtronix. For nearly everything. I'm hoping to find others who are using it, too.

So far, I'm enjoying most everything about Growtronix... except the manual. Veerrry thin. I'm having trouble figuring out how to use the Grow Analytics properly, for example. Frustrating.

GT Support team is great, but for some things it would be better to have a group of friends working things out.

I'm fairly new to GT, but I'm learning as fast as I can.

I'll help folks if I can, but if there are some grizzled GT vets on the board that would like jump into a thread like this, well, here is is.

(I hope...)



Active member
Also Canadian legal med grow using GT since the old 5 volt era system(2005)now updated to the not so new 12v. a pic of the old room setup mix between 5 and 12 volt setup switch.

Dr. Rieux

New member
Argh, I thought I would get an email when someone posts. Sorry for the wait, Overbudget.

I'm on the prairies. And I've been admiring your posts for a long time (in fact, your posts are one of the reasons I went with GT.)

I think I need to post some pics as well (I'm only 3/4's way through finishing these 'hermetically sealed' rooms. I spend way too much time picking spray foam off my arms lately.)

Quick question, Overbudget: have you tried the new 0-10V Variable Output controller?

I've got a huge water-cooled air handler that I want to use for both cooling and dehumidifying, and I think that the 0-10V Variable Output controller and a Variable Frequency Drive for the huge fan are the ticket. I am very hopeful, but that's all right now.


Dr. Rieux

New member
No, I don't. But that's a good idea. I'll try to start one this week.

I didn't think I would offer too much by way of example (this is my first personal space.) But maybe folks will learn as much from my struggles as from successes.


Active member
If I get it right, your goal is to control fan speed V/S temp of the room ?
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Active member
No, I don't. But that's a good idea. I'll try to start one this week.

I didn't think I would offer too much by way of example (this is my first personal space.) But maybe folks will learn as much from my struggles as from successes.

Building grow room is always a learning process :)

Dr. Rieux

New member
Yes, the fan speed vs. temp, but also vs. humidity.

Roughly like this:

If temp is too high but humidity is good, full fan with water temp above dew point.
If temp and humidity are too high, full fan and drop water temp below dew point.
If humidity is too high, very low fan and drop water temp below dew point.

The new controller + VFD should work, and keep my fan motor happy.

I think...


Active member
You will need a dehu at night, your dew point will drop below water temp du to the cooling effect ( without heat input---light----)room will be cold and humid instead of cool and dry. Been there d.... lol:tiphat:

Dr. Rieux

New member
Absolutely, I follow you. I have the offset temperature at night, which changes the dew point (especially if I try to make things all purple!)

So, I have to monitor my temp (through the day/night room settings, I hope), then change the temp of my cold water reservoir (Tank 2) feeding the reservoir.

I run two reservoirs, one to feed the air handler directly (Tank 2 in the 'lung room') and one main tank connected directly to the 1.5 HP chiller (Tank 1). A pump circulates the very cold Tank 1 water to the air handler water supply (Tank 2), using a coiled heat exchanger.

When I need to drop the temp in Tank 2, I turn on the pump from Tank 1.

I haven't written the GT policies for managing the water temps in Tank 2 yet. I expect a serious challenge, but hope to be pleasantly surprised... (hope.)

Dr. Rieux

New member
Also Canadian legal med grow using GT since the old 5 volt era system(2005)now updated to the not so new 12v. a pic of the old room setup mix between 5 and 12 volt setup switch.
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=52618&pictureid=1153355&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=52618&pictureid=1228048&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

(Trying my first direct quote...)

In your 2005 pictures, you have a vintage screen shot of very old GT.

May I ask, are you running the latest stable version now? Or do you run the latest Beta versions?

Just wondering what is the most stable approach.

Thanks, Overbudget.

Dr. Rieux

New member
Hi I love my growtronix system. Just play around with a basic policy and the actions that you want to add to it. It takes time to understand the system but the customization of the policies is what makes the system a beauty.

Happy growing

Hey, Montana!

Amazing the information at a glance about a grow just by looking at the policy list. I (very quickly) figured you run a hybrid sealed room, for example.

Looked at your posts, you have been using GT a long time, too. How did things work out with your Ph dose issue from a while back? Are you using the GT losers for that?



New member
Hey, Montana!

Amazing the information at a glance about a grow just by looking at the policy list. I (very quickly) figured you run a hybrid sealed room, for example.

Looked at your posts, you have been using GT a long time, too. How did things work out with your Ph dose issue from a while back? Are you using the GT losers for that?

Hi I still have somewhere in my ex computer the plans for a doser but to be honest I don’t need it, maybe for pH control. As far as my room they are hybrid. sealed with a passive Intake from my house, exhaust to the outside with zone dampers. Everything is controlled by the growtronix Software except my mini split AC.

Happy growing

Ps I’m going through a divorce and thanks to the Covid 19 I can keep the my house. Also my main language is spanish.


New member
Hi I still have somewhere in my ex computer the plans for a doser but to be honest I don’t need it, maybe for pH control. As far as my room they are hybrid. sealed with a passive Intake from my house, exhaust to the outside with zone dampers. Everything is controlled by the growtronix Software except my mini split AC.

Happy growing

Ps I’m going through a divorce and thanks to the Covid 19 I can keep the my house. Also my main language is spanish.

Forgot the pics lol


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