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~Grow'n Aint Easy!


New member
It’s been said that “Pimp’n Ain’t Easy”, however I’d like to now proclaim that… “Grow’n Ain’t Easy”.

Since this is the NEW GROWERS section I “think” I’m well within my newbie-claim that the learning curve is large, very round and frickin’ long.

I’d like to think that the “seasoned veteran’s of growing” are chuckling as they read this and are saying “I’ve been there brother, preach on”!

So why am I complaining? Well I’ve done a lot of research and I’ve read a lot of posts and articles and I’ve even seen a “Growing Marijuana for Dummies” book (which I WAS looking for), however there was ALWAYS way, way TOO much info to weed through. (pun intended)

I’m 34 days into my first grow. I have one nice plant and another ok plant. Yet they “stretch” and are skinny. So I lower the light, lay off the water and hit it 24 hrs on veg/state light. I have them in decent soil, although I think I over watered in my first 2 weeks. I grow a couple more seeds and sprout a couple nice seedlings to join my leaders and I’m not satisfied with my progress.

What I’m learning is that there has GOT to be an easy-to-follow:
1. Germination stage
2. Seedling stage
3. Veg stage
4. Flowering stage
And so on, and so forth…

I understand that there are literally hundred’s of variables in growing concerning light, water, germination, nutrients, temperature, humidity, etc…


Where is a Cliff Notes version of Marijuana Growing from seeds for the Indoor Virgin?

I want EASY to read steps.
I want EASY to see pictures.
I want EASY to follow directions.
I want it Dick & Jane easy.

Am I asking too much?

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
It’s been said that “Pimp’n Ain’t Easy”, however I’d like to now proclaim that… “Grow’n Ain’t Easy”.

Since this is the NEW GROWERS section I “think” I’m well within my newbie-claim that the learning curve is large, very round and frickin’ long.

I’d like to think that the “seasoned veteran’s of growing” are chuckling as they read this and are saying “I’ve been there brother, preach on”!

So why am I complaining? Well I’ve done a lot of research and I’ve read a lot of posts and articles and I’ve even seen a “Growing Marijuana for Dummies” book (which I WAS looking for), however there was ALWAYS way, way TOO much info to weed through. (pun intended)

I’m 34 days into my first grow. I have one nice plant and another ok plant. Yet they “stretch” and are skinny. So I lower the light, lay off the water and hit it 24 hrs on veg/state light. I have them in decent soil, although I think I over watered in my first 2 weeks. I grow a couple more seeds and sprout a couple nice seedlings to join my leaders and I’m not satisfied with my progress.

What I’m learning is that there has GOT to be an easy-to-follow:
1. Germination stage
2. Seedling stage
3. Veg stage
4. Flowering stage
And so on, and so forth…

I understand that there are literally hundred’s of variables in growing concerning light, water, germination, nutrients, temperature, humidity, etc…


Where is a Cliff Notes version of Marijuana Growing from seeds for the Indoor Virgin?

I want EASY to read steps.
I want EASY to see pictures.
I want EASY to follow directions.
I want it Dick & Jane easy.

Am I asking too much?

Try this link for a start

Just germ them under adequate light, in a soil that is not to hot, with basic nutrients that you can water them with when they are older.

It's as simple as that


breathe deep
well i am on my third year of growing and think i have made most of the mistakes possible. Now i just try not to repeat them!
You will learn best with trial and ERROR


sounds like somebody has a case of the Mondays. :(
No. No, man. Shit, no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin' something like that, man.

I think a good lazy resource is Jorge Cervantes 3 part dvd. It covers all the basics, from seeds to clones to indoor to outdoor. They don't talk much about nutrients, so I guess it falls a little short there, but it gives you the basic idea anyway.

Also, I find that the Cannabis Growers Bible is a pretty good resource. Growers Underground has a kind of cliff notes version of it you can download from their site for free.

The problem isn't so much getting information quick and easy, it's about getting GOOD information. And not just good, but current. Ed Rosenthal has an award winning growing book from almost 20 years ago they still sell that just hasn't stood the test of time.

Ultimately, I think the best tool for any grower is to get several opinions on a topic and formulate their own personal preference. For the most part though, growing something isn't all that hard. Just don't over water it and make sure it has plenty of light and air and it'll make it. It's growing the massive trees, the super-dense nugs that takes skill and knowledge. Unfortunately these skills have to be developed with experience and it doesn't matter if you got the short version or the long version, a new grower is a new grower. If they have the money to spend then they'll pull off a good grow first time around. But if you don't have the cash, the knowledge, or the experience... Just take it slow and absorb what you can.


My suggestion is to read as many pictorials as possible. Pictorials are a lot easier to understand than tutorials. Search growing tips on youtube too. Reading all the stickies in the growing section with some experience overtime will make you a seasoned grower.
My suggestion is to read as many pictorials as possible. Pictorials are a lot easier to understand than tutorials. Search growing tips on youtube too. Reading all the stickies in the growing section with some experience overtime will make you a seasoned grower.

you hit it right on point bagseed, and there is tons of useful information on this site also...I learn something new everyday
If you wanna be a competent grower....read. Then read some more. When you think you're ready and you get some seeds, put them down and read some more. Most newbie questions/problems are already answered/solved in a thousand different places. The whole "I'll cross that bridge when I get to it" attitude will cost you alot of time and money on mistakes that could've been easily avoided with a lil research. I've been gardening for many years and I still learn new stuff daily. The best growers learn from other people's mistakes. HH


Overkill is under-rated.
Jorge Cervantes Marijuana growers bible is a good place to start, read it cover to cover (not just the parts you think apply!) and then re-read it a few more times.

Once you know it by heart come back here to fill in the blanks.


New member
I am also a noobie grower and have made a lot of mistakes along the way. Am now into the third month of my grow and have not lost any plants, yet! I have 5 feminsed Northern Lights and 4 super skunk. It's mostly thanks to articles written on this site and sound advice from more experienced growers that has gotten me this far. Try Kodiaks "everything I have learned in my 5 years of growing" in the growers forum under indoor grows soil (if your growing in soil that is) I have found it so useful, has lot's of pics and is really easy to follow, has become my bible. I have overwatered, overfed, underfed, pot bound and still haven't managed to kill any. As everyone says here read it all, and then read it again and when you notice something is wrong come back and starting reading again. Try to do the reading before, I didn't and am now trying to get round things that could have been solved from the beginning. Below is the link to kodiak's post. Hope it helps


High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
It's just a plant, it needs light, water and food. Try not to over complicate it. Weather it be hydro, soil or whatever medium. A little bit of patience helps too.

Guest 16149

Am I asking too much?

Why yes you are, you want it easy, no real learning comes easy

What the hell is with cliff notes, you can bullshit your way thru school, but you cannot bullshit your way thru a grow :)

Read, read, and read some more. The only dumb question is one that has been answered lots of times, but is still yet asked again because people cannot be bothered to use the search function, they want all the answers handed on a silver platter and spoon fed to them :moon:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Growing is very easy

You do not do anything..The plants do all the growing

what you are doing is making much more into it than needs to be. The most common problem for new growers is......overlove

Leave the plants alone, give them what they need, and let them do their thing

Just like my dad used to say to me..."get your hands out of your pants and let it grow"


Active member
yes you are asking too much. all the answers are on this website and there are guides as well, which you think is too much to take in. now i could make it sooo easy and soo simple for you to understand, but its too much effort for me to go through writing it all out and having to explain the variables and how some strains like such and such and other strains dont like that at all. best way would be for me to come and babysit you throughout your grow and just show you what i do, when i feed and wether i need to feed high N when leaves go lighter or give them a flowering fert. but yeah, thats too much effort,no one wants to babysit a noobie, its all on this website, so go read........ if you get stuck, search.. if your still stuck then start a thread asking for some help.
Read, read, and read some more. That and hands-on experience and learning from your mistakes.

Many years ago my step father paid a friend $4000 to learn his style and technique (this guy did spend a lot of time and hooked him up with starins and equiptment). Thankfully we have this wonderful thing called the internet now all you need is to be willing to sit down and research...its all at your fingertips. When I feel overwhelmed I just put it back in my head how lucky I am to have everything I need to know is just a click away.

When I found OG in 2002 and started my first growing attempts, I read and read some more. Well I`ll be honest, I think I played the damsel in distress pretty well cause I got damn lucky to have some great guys who were there for me every step of the way at Overgrow...and I drove them nutty sometimes! But I still read everything I could take in. And I`m doing it all over agian now...and dont mind one bit.

I admit the last few years I forgot so much, I didnt even remember what FIM meant lol So here I am reading it all over again. There are tons of ways to grow weed, and it really can be overwhelming. The more you educate yourself the happier your plants will be. You arent going to learn it all and know everything in a week, or even after a couple grows.

Lots of luck to you. Now get to reading all this wonderful information we are blessed with!!

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