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Veg in grow out- RadaRada first grow


I am growing my plants in a 23"x6"x18" box with 2 75w CFL's and 1 60w CFL.

they are about two weeks old and have been transplanted numerous times because i have been making careless/newb mistakes.

they are currently in Scotts Premium Mixture soil with perlite and sphagnum peat, and are on a light cycle of 14/10 because that's what it is outdoors in may when i am transplanting them.

I have had a few casualties so far, and due to the recent transplant i may lose two more soon because i ripped the roots :( i used GreenLight Root Hormone on the little guys but who knows if it will help. its been a long struggle so far lol but i have 5 more seeds germinating so i will put those guys into the box in a few days under the same setup and hopefully these guys will do much better because they wont have to be transplanted 3 different times.

there are three plants that i dont really expect tho make it: the one in the back is obviously dead already lol i dont know why i still have him in there, and the two in the front on the right, and the one all the way in the back left. kinda sucks because i started with 100% germination rate with 12 seeds and only 4 are left now :( well everyones gotta learn somewhere, dont be like me and over water...

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i moved the plants into a new box 18"x18" and instead of 2 75w and 1 60w CFL's i have 3 100w CFL's and into bigger containers, some into 2L bottles and the others into 1L bottles.

Also i germinated 3 more seeds and they are now growing and in the soil (as of 4/20) so hopefully these will come out great because they will only be transplanted 1 time: when they are moved to their permanent outdoor location.

:wallbash: The other guys have all been transplanted 4 times, started out with some soil i just grabbed outside, and were just watered with spring water that i left sitting out at night.:wallbash:

Now one of the new plants will start out in Scotts Premium Soil Mixture, One in Hyponex soil, and one in half and half. I figured i would do this to see which ones grow best, i know its not exactly the most reliable experiment but at this time i dont have the room to experiment as much as i would like.

they are going to get a much much better veg while inside than the other plants that were started on april 7. i have definately learned alot since then lol so i have much better expectations for the new ones.:woohoo:

Updated Pics



SUPERthrive arrived today in the mail so im going to water my plants again but only very very slightly, dont want to make the same noobish mistake a made in the first two weeks, i fiigure that even tho theyl get a little extra water, the super thrive will give them a nice boost.

Particularly these two



Update 4/27

Update 4/27

The only thing changed since the last update isthe plants are now watered 3 times a week, instead of everyday. All of a sudden everything seems to be going right. here are some updated pics of the babies:

Lets hope everything keeps running smoothly :laughing:


Moved Outdoors

Moved Outdoors

My babies were getting really big and healthy, so the roots began touching the bottom of the container. I was forced to move them to their outdoor sight a little bit earlier than expected yesterday afternoon.

I will post updated pics when i go visit the site later this weekend. Lets hope they survive :)


They Survived the first week

They Survived the first week

Here are pics of them 1 week after i put them outside :)




5/13 check up

5/13 check up

i went to the plants yesterday for a checkup and to spray some pesticide on them after i found out that some bugs had been munching on my plants. I used an organic pesticide called Organocide to prevent things like this: from happening again. look at the middle of the plant and to the left a bit to see where those bugs ate lunch

The plants are overall doing great with the exception of the the one in the middle, not that he is not doing great, but it got blown over and when i got to the spot it was leaning against the wall of the pot, so i just packed some soil around the base and he should recover in no time.

here are the pics for this week i will post new ones again in a week or two enjoy :) (note: the shiny coat on the leaves is the pesticide)

p.s. im going to use these thumbnails from now on so this page will load faster and my posts will be more reader friendly
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5/21 update

5/21 update

here are the new pics. i started one plant on LST. it'll probs be the only one that i LST, because I'm not going to put much work into these outdoor plants anymore.

:mad:I'm just starting to get real paranoid about helicopter fly overs and what not. Maybe next summer ill pick a better more secluded growspot and try again, because i realize that since these plants are in pots im going to have to water them like every 3 days in this hot summer heat and im just not going to be able to do that so i guess we will just c what happens with them.:mad:

ill keep posting updated pics everyweek but im not making any guarantees that these guys will be seeing a harvest in sep/oct.

enjoy the pics :wink:





Today i went back and watered with some of the water from the stream right next to my growspot. the plants look perfectly content except for my two tallest plants which were a little droopy because it hasnt rained in a week.

I LST'd two more plants so now i have 3 LST and 2 natural growing ones. i know in my last post i said that i probably wont be putting much more work into them... but im still gonna see what i can do.

I was gender checking and i found what seems to be a hair:woohoo: i didnt bring my camera so all i had was the one on my cell phone... ill post the pic later tonight if it seems worth it.


are you going to keep them in those buckets till harvest.?
white is a little noticable isnt it.?.its like having a marker saying heres my plants.!
looking good tho


That spot looks good as long as it doesn't flood- looks very low lying and moist, good until it rains a bunch. I would DEFINITELY put those directly in the ground as those pots are too small to make it all the way through, and as MtnKush said, those white pots stick out like a sore thumb out there. Plus, in the summer those will be bone dry within a day..... Get them into the ground and out of those pots and you will be in business
Good luck, spy




i realized that these pots were too small :( but how big of a pot should i use

see this spot is good but i cant plant into the ground here because its totally soaked and muddy about 9 inches deep is this something that i dont have to worry about???

should i just transplant into bigger pots.... they still have all of july august sept and some of november to go..

ill see if i can find a spot nearby to put em in the ground but in this area, where ever there is good soil, there is already natural vegetation because everywhere else is very swampy, ill have to try and make a clearing or something

if i cant find a spot, what size pots would i have to use to allow these plants to make it all the way to harvest in mid october??


I'd recommend getting 5-gallon growbags. You can get like 10 of them for 8 bucks from HTG supply or a hydro store. 5-gallons is big enough to support a fairly large outdoor plant. Make sure you get black though. I've also seen they sell camo bags, but that is a little unnecessary IMO.
Personally I would put the plants in the growbags, then dig a hole a little less shallow than the bags height. This way it can maybe get some moisture from the ground if you weren't able to water them for a while, but not as much as if they were striclty in the ground, and also this would anchor them if there was a windstorm, not to mention hide the bag.


I'd recommend getting 5-gallon growbags. You can get like 10 of them for 8 bucks from HTG supply or a hydro store. 5-gallons is big enough to support a fairly large outdoor plant. Make sure you get black though. I've also seen they sell camo bags, but that is a little unnecessary IMO.
Personally I would put the plants in the growbags, then dig a hole a little less shallow than the bags height. This way it can maybe get some moisture from the ground if you weren't able to water them for a while, but not as much as if they were striclty in the ground, and also this would anchor them if there was a windstorm, not to mention hide the bag.

i just orderd 5 gallon growbags offline...i am going to look for a nice sunny place that i cant bury the bag as much as i can to keep my plants from being noticed because of the black bag i will transplant as soon as i get them in the mail i will also update with pics then


the 5 gallon growbags came in so when i get a chance (should be within a week or two) to transplant i will post updated pics


i will be doing the transplant into the 5 gal growbags on the 13th there will be updated pics and whatnot then


i did the transplant into the5 gallon bags today, but i forgot my camera and the superthrive so i am going back in a few hours and i will post updated pics tonight or tommorow


Updated pics

Updated pics

heres a pic of all of the plants looks like they all survived the transplant... i got kind of worried because of how big the pots were and what not and it was kind of a difficult transplant

i gave them all three drops of superthive because its supposed to rain for about 10 days straight here, so i dont want all the nutes to get washed away, hopefully once they recover from transplant shock they will start growing like crazy with all the new room that i gave them!!!

enjoy and please post some comments :joint::
this is a pic of the four that i have lined up in a row

this is a pic of the other one a few feet away

and here is a pretty picture i took of my tallest plant:canabis:

PS btw the reason some of the stems are bent is because i started these guys on LST but since i couldnt tend to the enought to do LST properly i aborted, and also because its complicated to LST with bags anyway


bump...looking for some comments on those pictures above, the plants are about 2 months old at this point jw if they r lookin good

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