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Growing with CoCo


Color me gone
Hello IC,

I feel like it's been a while since I've done anything constructive for the site so I decided to start a thread for people who want to start using coco but feel dumb to ask simple questions. I hope this thread will give enough confidence to people wanting to try growing in coco for the first time once the thread is all said and done. I plan on documenting a current grow I have going on and trying to show all the steps I take from the small ones to the large ones. Now remember everyone is different which means we all have different styles and preferences in how we do things so coco growers please no arguments or dick measuring contest, but feel free to add in other methods/suggestions during the process if you do something different and feel it's easier or more efficient, I want to keep it as educational as possible. Here is a simple example of why I like to use coco coir when I grow. Here are two trays of wheat grass seeds sprouts, each where planted on the same exact day same conditions and all. After about 3 days the tray on the right plain coco coir was loaded up with roots, the tray on the left was soil mix with a little coco coir that was being using in the veg table garden, and don't get me wrong it's still effective but I was able to do this on the coco side tray and not on the soil mixed tray.


Lets start with the actual coco, now if you a first timer or just someone having issues with coco I must highly recommend you first start off by buying higher quality coco with lots of positive reviews, personally I like to use botanicare 5kg bricks I've never had an issue with them ever. Now other products will work I've never heard a bad thing about Canna and the GH coco tek bricks seems almost identical to the botanicare, important thing is to make sure your not buying the cheapest stuff out their, it will make a difference IMO. there are two ways I go about breaking up the coco bricks.

In the picture you can see large rubbermaid totes, 3 mil contractor bags, and a shovel. One way is to place a brick in a 3mil contractor bag and fill it with 3.5- gallons of water and tie a knot. leave it for 12 hour or longer and now your ready for a work out, just pick up the bag and drop it a few times the brick will crumble apart but you'll get your swell on, just dump the contractor bag into a tote and run threw it with your hands. The other way I usually do is just open up the brick laying it in the tote, go to the bath tub or or whatever water source you use and get 3.5-4 gallons of water that is at room temp, not hot but not cold. dump about 1.5 gallons into the bottom of the tote so that the bottom of the brick is absorbing the water while it's doing that slowly pour the rest of the water on the top of the brick so that the water can easily penetrate the brick on both sides. You can also just dump all the water in the tote and just flip the brick over a couple mins into the soaking as well just a little messier. Now just cover your tote and leave it alone for 24+ hours the longer to leave it the easier it will be to break apart. Now I don't charge my coco with anything and I don't use RO water, I will say that water will be an important issue and if your getting close to 300 ppms out the tap your gonna want to really consider getting cleaner water for your plants. I am lucky and mine comes out at about 130ppms and after 24 hours bubbling it comes down to 110 ppms. Now after 24 hours or so your brick should look like this.

Now your gonna want to take your shovel and poke and play around with the brick as it crumble just start flipping it until it looks loose. Now please make sure once you think its ready go back through and run your hands through to get the little clumps that will be most likely be left, they can easily be crumbled in between your hands,
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Color me gone
Once your have gone through the coco and broken up all the little dry pieces it should look nice and loose just like this and your ready to go no need to flush it out, quality coco will be aged and have little to no salts.

Now we're ready to transplant some of our girls into 10 gal smart pots. The plants I have pictured are obviously way too big for these solo cups and should have been transplanted much earlier than what I am about to do, I really don't recommend this unless your a little more experienced around the garden and can see any on coming symptoms. I would recommend getting roots on your cut then transplanted to a solo cup to a 3 gal pot then to a 10 gal the plant will be much happier with you. Now I will explain what I am going to do just in case your in the same boat and have to go this route but like I mentioned try not to.


Pictured from left to right is Green Crack, chem 4, and blueberry, for the grow I will have 2 of each and will be doing a side by side comparison of different nutrients, figured it will add a little more to the thread. Anyways fill your smart pot up with coco dig out a small hole in the middle and get a plant ready, now I like to take the plant out and before I transplant anytime I like to break the bottoms apart....

Make sure when you transplant that you dig your root ball deep enough so that no roots are exposed but not all the way at the bottom of the pot. Now after you've done this your plants should be looking a little something like this...

Now your gonna want to put your plants under some good light, they'll all be put under a 400W MH, fed, and left alone until you start to see some real growth on your plants. Now when feeding plants in coco or probably any medium for that matter when you have such a small root ball in a big pot you don't want to feed as if the plant is ready to be fed as 10 gallon plant. I can't stress this enough. It's a good idea to feed your plant small amounts right on top of where you transplanted so that your roots can absorb the food and reach out and slowly as the root ball develops you'll feed more and more. If you don't do this you'll be left with a plant that is water logged cause the roots can't reach their food which will develop into nutrient lock-out and salt build ups. I fed a quater gallon of feed to each plant before they hit the lights. The feeding consisted of FloraNova grow at 4 ml per gallon, 1ml per gal of roots excelurator, and .5 ml per gal of Sea green, at about 500ppms. I will get more into nutes once flowering comes closer. For now I highly recommend FloraNova for Veg it's one that is already loaded up with Cal-Mag which the coco will love and you can seriously feed nothing but this and your plants will be healthy and happy.
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The Mad Monk
Nice thread, Otto. I'm tagged up. Definitely a fan of coco, root development compared to soil is significant. Like you, I've had some pretty beefy cuts in beer cups. In soil that'd be asking for trouble but in coco they just keep chugging along.

Think I'm gonna violate code 711b section 3a of the Organic Nazi Grower's Handbook and buy some FloraNova and run it with coco. I've had great results feeding coco with teas but I got an itch to start experimenting. I'm starting to lean towards a blended feed program of organics and synthetics.


Color me gone
OK after about 7-14 days depending on how your plants respond to the transplant and smaller feedings you'll notice the plants new healthy grow and at this point your roots are strong enough to bend over and start training your plants, start off by using some bamboo sticks (or anything similar) and stick it in near the stem of the plant than tie it up with some twist ties or string snug. This will give the plant a nice foundation and won't stress it that much shaking the base around and all...

Now we're ready to start bushing out the plants so we can have lots of tops come flower time, now I am currently gonna veg these out for 3 weeks until my current grow is done and cleaned up so I got plenty of time to mess around. I like to use smart pots the roots can really breath much easier and i've notice better growth and yield using them but any pots will do, I am gonna show how i bend over using the fabric pots cause its simple and easy without worrying if the duct tape will hold up. Just go around your smart pot with a pair of scissors and poke small holes near the top like so....

You can see the indent, so that you can slide through string or ties, simple enough right? anyways I like to grab a branch and tie it up near the top with that green twist tie roll stuff and make sure you grab more than enough because as the plant grows you can adjust the tie and just keep pulling back that same branch as it want to grow upwards.

Now your plants should be looking a little something weird like this, doesn't look pretty but trust me this is what your gonna wanna do it you want some yield on your plants. I didn't do it to the green cracks because after topping them they seems to just want to bush out anyways so remember methods can be due to genetics, not all plants may like this....

Now I am ready to just leave the plants alone and feed them as they need. This is where I am currently am with the grow and I will be sure to keep this thing updated til the very end with just about everything I do, if this thread just seems stupid and dumb to you well your kind of right I am trying to keep this simple so that everyone can understand not just the experts so please feel free to ask any questions along the way I don't care how stupid or lame you think it is, I'll do my best to help and hopefully other will join and do the same....

happy growing....
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Color me gone
Rasp, unfortuanlety coco loves to eat up the food and FloraNova really IMO some of the best bang for your buck nutrient when it comes to a base nute in coco, it's a one part and reasonably priced, and it also contains things other then cal and mag, like iron, and boron. I feel its good for people make that jump too man, it won't give you that many headaches when using a new product, good luck!


Thanks Ottoman,
I'm just transitioning to coco and airpots and bought the expensive pre-mixed stuff because I didn't get the initial part of rinse, pH troubles, salt build up, etc. Looking forward to learning more so I don't have to spend the cash on the premix

Green lung

Active member
If you use 5.5 gallons of water to hydrate your block there is no need for a shovel it will fall apart in your hands.

Just dump all 5.5 gallons into the rubbermaid with the block and come back later and it breaks apart by hand.

Not to nitpick ya but I have found its alot easier.



Color me gone
green lung, Thank you very much, this is exactly what I am talking about keeping the thread helpful and informational your not nitpicking whatsoever your letting us know how to do something easier. I've never gone more than 4 gallons only because it says to use about 3 gallons on the directions. Next brick I hydrate you bet your ass I am going to be using 5.5 gallons.


Color me gone
OK, so basically I haven't touched my plants at all and have just fed three times since I last posted.


from left to right: Green Crack, Blueberry, and Chem4

On 6-7-12 I fed them floranova grow at 4ml/per gal, Roots excelurator at 1ml/per gal, and Sea Green at .5ml/per gal...PPM's were at about 575. each plant was fed slowly just a quater gallon of feed at 5.9 ph

On 6-10-12 I fed them the same exact thing as I did on 6-7-12

Today I fed again and bumped it up a bit, I used floranova grow at 5ml per gal, roots excelurator at 1ml per gal, sea green at .5ml per gal, and 3 scoops of great white. PPM's were at about 625 PPM's and the ph was at 5.9.

Now as far as ph in coco I find that if your within the 5.7-6.1 range you'll be ok but if you can stay with in 5.8-6.0 that will be ideal, usually I am within that range but sometime especially during veg I don't go nuts and will let it slip to 5.7 or 6.1 ish if it breaking my balls or something.


Color me gone
6-18-12 feed 1 gal to each plant

floranova 7ml per gal, roots excelurator 1ml per gal, and sea green .5ml per gal...PPM 750 ph 6.0....will post pics next feed as of right now I am just letting them do their thing.

Ganja Maker

Hey Otto, I was wondering When I first hydrate my bale in the tote is it ok to store the rest in there if I don't need to use it all? or should I just try to break some off and only hydrate what I think I might need?

Green lung

Active member
Hey Otto, I was wondering When I first hydrate my bale in the tote is it ok to store the rest in there if I don't need to use it all? or should I just try to break some off and only hydrate what I think I might need?

Hydrate the whole thing and than you can scoop out whats needed whenever you want.

Ground Up

With nutes and cal mag

Here we call it charging the coco.. 1.5 tsp veg,and 1.0 cal mag. this works for me and my municipal water.. But when i transplant i still flush the shit out of new clone and media.. I have givin up on the bails. i bought a pallet about two years ago and used it up. No issues.. Went to hydro store bought a few bails, did the usual routine and burnt the chit out of 60 clones.... tested the media out of block and it was 700 ppm or so.. not sure what agent was in it but I felt pain....Heres what they looked like after two days. Nothing i did allowed recovery.. it got worse and worse... so now i went to sunshine mix has goodies in it and no issues!


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Color me gone
GanjaMaker, greenlung is on point, just hydrate your coco and use it as you need it. Also I don't like to charge my coco with nutes or cal-mag, this comes down to preference but in my experiences I never liked charging my coco cause it seemed to give me issues, so I don't even bother.

Ground up, thanks for posting up your experiences with us, I've never had any issue ever with a bail sorry to ya lost 60 clones, which brand of coco were you using so that people know which to avoid.


Color me gone
*6-21-12---- fed 1 gal each same exact schedule as last feeding---- I will post a pic of the progress next feeding as of right now I've just been letting the plants just do their thing.

Ground Up

GanjaMaker, greenlung is on point, just hydrate your coco and use it as you need it. Also I don't like to charge my coco with nutes or cal-mag, this comes down to preference but in my experiences I never liked charging my coco cause it seemed to give me issues, so I don't even bother.

Ground up, thanks for posting up your experiences with us, I've never had any issue ever with a bail sorry to ya lost 60 clones, which brand of coco were you using so that people know which to avoid.[/QUOTE

It was botanicare bail,like in your pic..I ran a whole pallet ,no issues.. Then whamm epic fail...lessoned learn.I will look on my new bag,it had a certification on it that helps you know its been tested....but now I use the sunshine mix, has mykos,worm casting,fungi ...for the win...


Color me gone
Sounds like some good stuff that sunshine mix, really shocked to hear about the bricks...I guess I am a lucky dude cause I have heard of others thats happened to but I've never in 3-4 years of using the stuff. I will look for that sunshine mix next time I hit up the hydrostore.

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