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Sexing 2 plants (imgs included)


New member
Hello, and thanks for your time in advance. I have two Urban Poison plants that I started indoor from seed, moved outdoor for most of veg, and then moved back indoor to flower. One of them has been larger the entire time (germinated in worm compost vs. in a wet paper towel) and I had a chance to top her. Now, however, I'm afraid she's a he.

This is (Wini)Fred, the taller plant. I have pics of his top and the balls. The balls seem a LOT larger than other pics I've seen of balls. Disregard the messed-up leaves, please, I had some trouble with heat as well as nutrients (I was a bit aggressive).


This is Cleo's top. She smells already.

My question is: Is Fred a dude? If so, are those huge balls a phenotype that I should clone? Cleo's too small to clone (didn't grow any branches before I forced flowering), and because she isn't showing any pistils I have nothing to compare with Fred. I have 8 more seeds, so if Fred isn't that special I'll just let him go and get another female large enough to clone.

Thank you again, I really appreciate this.



Active member
100% MALE.
(Trash it. Better luck next time).
(good luck).
If you clone the plant its only going to produce more male plants.



New member
Thanks, Luda. I appreciate it. Fred's been pulled up and discarded. I'll share more on Cleo when she gets a bit larger :)


New member
Ack. Checked Cleo today when the light came on and she was also a HE, so that's another plant pulled. My first crop, 2/2 males. Grrrr.


sucks dude, unlucky.. maybe try feminised seeds next time for a better chance of a successful grow

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