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Growing Kandy Kush X OG/Fluence SPYDR2i VS Dimlux Dual Full Spectrum//High PPFD grow

And here are the plants under the Dimlux lights, first thing you notice is that they are differences in temperature and humidity, aprox 1,5ºC and 10/15% this is not letting me go as far as I wanted pushing PPFD and CO2, well i am, but obviously can´t follow propper VPD practices.


As you can see plants are bigger, no doubt, but the general health of the plant aint as good as the ones under the fluence LED´s. leafs are thinner,even when touching them the feel is so different, also structurally nodes are not as close.Still a beautiful plant


** FEEDING SCHEDULE DAY 36 (from seed/ 4th day Flower) **

Grotek Pro Silicate: 0,3ml X liter(always mix it with the water 4 H before mixing main fertilizers)
Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B: 1,5ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy: 0,5ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients Piraña: 2ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients Bud Ignitor: 2ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients BudFactor X: 0,5ml X Liter
Canna Rhyzotonic: 2ml X liter
Canna Cannazym: 2ml X liter
Growcentia Mammot P: 0,16ml X liter (always mix it after other Fertz/additives and once the mix is PH Balanced)
Day 36 (from seed / 6th day Flowering)

Fluence SPYDR2i LED(16 cm from top of canopy)
EC: 1,4
PH: 6/6,2
RH: 65/70%
Temp: 25/26ºC
CO2: 850 ppm
PPF: 750 umol/s

Dimlux Dual Full Spectrum CMH(50 cm from top of canopy)

EC: 1,4
PH: 6/6,2
RH: 55/60%
Temp: 26/27ºC
CO2: 850ppm
PPF: 854 umol/s

Between last update and this post what happened is that I started to look for help from the dimmer makers and from Fluence.I should have done it before,no matter how many years you are growing, changing to LED, introducing CO2 etc you have to re program ,and for that,you obviously need info and help.

Anyway, that first contact allowed me to realise I was way down on the light intensity due to try calculating it, without a PAR meter thats stoopid, and I got a simple advise from the dimmer maker,from 0 to 60% is for Veg, 60 to 80% for flowering and 80 to 100% for boost.

I should have probably incresed light intensity in steps, but didnt. Also as I increased light intensity, also increased CO2 and Temp, and dialed RH.Results were noticeable overnight.

Here are the ladies under the Fluence SPYDR´s


Lets see if I can get this ones to grow bigger now that I have corrected light intensity

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And here the ladies under the Dimlux CMH lights

Due to my set up it is impossible to have same Temp and RH conditions, am always between 1 to 1,5ºC higher on temp and around 10% lower on RH. Also since the Dimlux comes with a step dimmer, whatever I increase or decrease is tied to those steps. I have these Dimlux for over a year, I do love them and I believe Dimlux has created a whole ecosystem of tools that takes growing to a different level, to me dimlux = gavita+trolmaster at a much better price, and with advantages. But, when I bought them, there was no info around and for what i discovered later their EU page was lacking of a lot of good info. All of that info is on the US Dimlux page that kicks the ass of the EU one at all levels. One of the things they offer is an app (windows and osx) that helps you configurating lights placement in your room and tells you the PPFD values of each one of the dimmers steps.


Bigger plants under the Dimlux but not near the beauty and health the ones under the Fluence show


** FEEDING SCHEDULE DAY 36 (from seed / 6th day flower )**

Grotek Pro Silicate: 0,3ml X liter(always mix it with the water 4 H before mixing main fertilizers)
Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B: 1,2ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy: 0,5ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients Piraña: 2ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients Bud Ignitor: 2ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients BudFactor X: 0,5ml X liter
Canna Rhyzotonic: 2ml X liter
Canna Cannazym: 2ml X liter
Growcentia Mammot P: 0,16ml X liter (always mix it after other Fertz/additives and once the mix is PH Balanced)
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Day 40: Issues solved, new knowledge acquired

Day 40: Issues solved, new knowledge acquired

Day 40 from seed / 10th day Flower

Fluence SPYDR 2i LED(16 cm from top of canopy)
EC: 1,5
PH: 6/6,2
RH: 65/70%
Temp: 25/26ºC
CO2: 900 ppm
PPF: 800 umol/s

Dimlux Dual Full Spectrum CMH(50 cm from top of canopy)
EC: 1,5
PH: 6/6,2
RH: 55/60%
Temp: 26/27ºC
CO2: 900 ppm
PPF: 854 umol/s

Plants are doing great after the boost in PPFD/CO2/Temp/RH i´ ve being giving the plants this past few days. I am in mid second week flower still have another two weeks of growth before the end of the sctrech period.
I do believe also there must be genetic that I am seing some plants smaller in size, since I started from seed I have a feeling I am getting two different phenos of this strain.

here are the plants under the Fluence SPYDR 2i


Pushing very nicely overnight, this ladies are eating at 1.5EC + 900ppm CO2, Temps and RH go from 20/21ºC / 55/60% when off, to 26/27ºC / 70/75% when lights on,still 16 to 20 cm between top of canopy and light, intensity at 800umol/s and increasing daily all parameters. Temps and RH go from 20/21ºC / 55/60% when off, to 26/27ºC / 70/75% when lights on


Last one before moving to the plants under the Dimlux lights

This ladies have also improved with the boost, much better color and general health. One of the things i did while a PAR meter arrives is to download a app that measures LUX, used it to see where light was reaching best, as a result I changed the placement of the Dimlux units.What i discovered with that simple app was that I was giving light away for free to the floor and walls, this new set up improves it a lot


I got used to the fact that no matter what I do the plants under the dimlux light will be 1/1,5ºC hotter and 10/15% less humid.


That´s all, all of this things that have happened in the past week or so, would have never happened having a PAR meter.

Now, PAR meters you can find for all sorts of prices, but very quicly in the search for one you realise the Apogee one is the reference and the one almost of light makers use to calibrate their lights, at 500€ a unit it is an expense not many people can afford.
But, there is a 30$ hack on internet buying a cheap PAR meter and using a calculation depending on the type of light you are using, basicly the guy took the time calibrating this cheap PAR meter against the Apogee one and found the differences, am not leaving a link just in case it gets deleted for infringing a norm, since the guy owns a shop am not sure if I can, but look for the migro hack on youtube, I hope it helps

** FEEDING SCHEDULE DAY 36 (from seed / 6th day flower )**

Grotek Pro Silicate: 0,3ml X liter(always mix it with the water 4 H before mixing main fertilizers)
Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B: 1,5ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy: 0,5ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients Piraña: 2ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients Bud Ignitor: 2ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients BudFactor X: 0,5ml X liter

Canna Rhyzotonic: 2ml X liter
Canna Cannazym: 2ml X liter
Growcentia Mammot P: 0,16ml X liter (always mix it after other Fertz/additives and once the mix is PH Balanced)
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PAR meter a needed new toy(cheap hack)

PAR meter a needed new toy(cheap hack)

I wrote in my last post about the convenience of using a PAR meter when growing, that convenience becomes a necessity when you move to use LED lights, especially if you are trying to push the plants using high intensity, high Temp and RH and CO2.

I would say a PAR meter and start collecting and storing data daily to see what works since there ain't a written rule on how one should increase all parameters at once, you can only try and measure.

Anyway, I followed the MIGRO hack on youtube, If Shane MIGRO owner ever reads this, here I send my respect for taking the task of comparing side by side a 30$ amazon PAR Meter with probably the best PAR meter around the 500$ Apogee Quantum Sensor. He took a pile of measurements under a few light spectrums and noted the equivalents on the cheap one, he ended coming up with a factor that multiplied by the Lux the cheap PAR meter reads gives you the PPFD.

I just tested it at home and I have to say the results are very close


The first image is the measure I took right at the center, hottest spot, at 50cm distance from the light, and with the dimmer selected at 630W, that reads 45.800 LUX and if multiplied by 0,023 gives you a PPFD of 1053,4 umol/s. The makers specify at that setting and distance you should be getting 1113 umol/s, since I have used those lamps for two full grows I think numbers are pretty tight.

The second one is the measure i took under the Fluence SPYDR2i, at 16 cm from the light and the PAR meter placed at the center, dimmer at 80% setting and it reads 43.900 LUX, converted to PPFD it gives us 1009,7 umol/s. Also a very close result.

For a home grower, this solution is a great one, even if you don't have a 100% accurate reading, for you to know how much more intensity you apply each time, and to find leaks in your set up due to lights misplacement, etc, all thanks to a guy with a lot of patience. I hope it helps :tiphat:
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Day 45: Flower build up

Day 45: Flower build up

Day 45 from seed / 15th Day Flowering

Fluence SPYDR 2i LED(16 cm from top of canopy)
EC: 1,6
PH: 6/6,3
RH: 70/75%
Temp: 27/28ºC
CO2: 1000 ppm
PPF: 1010 umol/s

Dimlux Dual Full Spectrum CMH(50 cm from top of canopy)

EC: 1,6
PH: 6/6,3
RH: 65/70%
Temp: 28/29ºC
CO2: 1000 ppm
PPF: 1053 umol/s

Start of the 3rd week in flower, I filled a new tank with all the nutes needed for this stage. Very happy with my new toy, the PAR Meter, is really allowing me to understand better the process towards a High light intensity cultivation system and on where to place the plants for maximum use of that energy.

These are the ladies under the Fluence lights.


After the problem I had understanding the use of the dimmer I thought the advantage the plants under the Dimlux lights had was enough to think the results were going to be conditioned by that fact. Well I was wrong, the plants under the Dimlux lights are bigger, no doubt, but the flowers in the plants under the Fluence lights are bigger, I would say more than bigger is that they are developing faster.


Since I fill my tank to last for a week I dial it so my target EC is met when full at 180 liters, but also knowing that as I use it the EC will increase by 0,1 or 0,2 EC points by the end of that week. Depending on the stage you are, you can either add some water to dial it again to the target EC or allow it to increase to the next target EC.

These are the ladies under the Dimlux lights, looking pretty. Obviously, there is something in the Fluence light spectrum that cuts the stretchiness of the plants by a good amount.


These girls are taller, but bud production seam to be either slower or not as productive as the ones under the Fluence lights.


Happy I left the exhaust system in place since am pushing Temp and RH to allow for better uptake of nutrients, the danger is when the light comes off, you can very easily reach 80/85% even with a dehumidifier on, so what I do is to exhaust the air of the room around half-hour after going dark until is back to around 60%, it will take much of the CO2 out also, but don't worry, as soon as you switch the exhaust off CO2 levels will be back to much higher levels again in no time.


** FEEDING SCHEDULE DAY 45 from seed / 15th day from Flower **

Grotek Pro Silicate: 0,4ml X liter (always mix it with the water 4 H before mixing main fertilizers)
Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B: 1,6ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy: 1ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud: 1ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients B52: 0,5ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients Nirvana: 0,5ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients BudFactor X: 0,5ml X liter
Canna Cannazym: 2ml X liter
Growcentia Mammot P: 0,16ml X liter (always mix it after other Fertz/additives and once the mix is PH Balanced)

That´s all for today guys, stay safe
HST (Super Cropping) and a Slurry test

HST (Super Cropping) and a Slurry test

One of the problems dealing with seeds is to find strains that are stable enough so heights and plant characteristics are as similar as possible. I can´t complain about this one, it has behaved quite evenly but a few plants were standing over the rest and thanks to my new toy(PAR Meter) I could see the bigger ones were beginning to get a considerably lesser amount of light intensity.
What I decided is to use the HST technique I love most, super cropping, to even the canopy to a point where there ain't much height difference between them. I tested it first yesterday on a few of the ones under the Fluence lights, and you can see how quickly they have recovered overnight.


My emotional attachment with this technique comes from the fact it was the first HST one I learned and the one that showed me how strong Cannabis as a plant is. The technique is about being gentle while you bend the plant


The result is a much more even canopy, allowing me to get the lights closer

Super Cropping Sequence

Super Cropping Sequence

I took a few images of the process, did the technique on two plants that were in the best spot but where too tall, what I did is to measure with the PAR meter where was the hottest spots towards I could direct the top of the plants.



I also did a few slurry tests around took notes and will be comparing weekly now as I am pushing EC and all other values CO2, PPFD, RH, and Temp quite considerably and I am not used to it, I rather play safe.

Til next one guys! Stay safe!!
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Some unfinished business and a beautifull recovery

Some unfinished business and a beautifull recovery

The problem with Super Cropping is that you always start thinking I am going to do it to just those 3 or 4 plants, and you end up leaving your canopy straight as a soccer pitch, everything leveled. Anyway, last night I finished the last patch I had left to Super Crop


And these are the ones I did the night before, just 24H after causing them some serious stress standing strong, happy, putting all her energy into healing and flowering, what a beautiful gift from nature this plant is


The last watering in 3rd week was already at 2.0EC, I am walking into uncharted territories here, I never fed a plant this much at this stage of the cycle. CO2 and proper VPD seem to be helping for this to happen, still, 4 more weeks of feeding left, let's see how far they can go.

Stay safe :tiphat:
Day 52: Flowers stacking nicely

Day 52: Flowers stacking nicely

Day 52 from Seed / 22 days Flower

Fluence SPYDR 2i LED(16 cm from top of canopy)
EC: 2.0
PH: 6,2/6,3
RH: 70/75%
Temp: 27/28ºC
CO2: 1100 ppm
PPF: 1106 umol/s (hottest spot at center of canopy)

Dimlux Dual Full Spectrum CMH(50 cm from top of canopy)
EC: 2.0
PH: 6,2/6,3
RH: 70/75%
Temp: 27/28ºC
CO2: 1100 ppm
PPF: 1035 umol/s (hottest spot at center of canopy)

Beginning of the 4th-week flowering, the girls under the dimlux still stretching and the ones under the SPYDRs 2i are almost done. I must say they look like two different plants, one is the classic HPS plant, big, building nice and with big center colas, but not much else, also they seem to have less leaf. The ones under the fluence LEDs are not so tall, but you can see buds all over them, the main stem is short but very chunky and the opposite for the ones under the Dimlux lights, tall and thin.

Here are the ones under the Fluence SPYDR´s


So much easier to keep an even canopy with the SPYDR´s, did need a bit of Super Croping to help with that, but cant complaint since they are all coming from seed


I am going to have to tie these tops, or they will go back to a straight position in less than a week

And these are the ones under the Dimlux CMH ones


You have to love these big long colas, lets see how they fill up


** FEEDING SCHEDULE DAY 52 from seed / 22th day from Flower **

Grotek Pro Silicate: 0,4ml X liter(always mix it with the water 4 H before mixing main fertilizers)
Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B: 2ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy: 2ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud: 2ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients B52: 1ml X liter
Advanced Nutrients Nirvana: 1 X liter
Advanced Nutrients BudFactor X: 1 X liter
Canna Cannazym: 2ml X liter
Growcentia Mammot P: 0,16ml X liter (always mix it after other Fertz/additives and once the mix is PH Balanced)

Stay safe, stay stoned:tiphat:
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